WD Hartley Elementary

SAC Agenda11/03/2015

3:15 pm - Media Center

Meeting Started Time: 3:20 pm

Attendees: Sign in Sheet

Handouts: Agenda, SE Library Calendar, Parent information on MTSS and RtI process

Approved SAC Members and Minutes from 10/6 meeting

Motion:Hallie Bamford

Second:Hank Samuels

Discussion: none

Vote: Motion Passed

Approved SAC fund use towards ixl grades 3-5 for 2015-2016

Motion:Susie Cunha-Corpuz

Second:Amber Kerly

Discussion:useful tool for home and individualization of state standards practice; parents, teachers, and admin see student enjoyment and academic growth as positives

Vote: Motion Passed

Speaker: Michelle Curtin, District Intervention Services Coordinator

St. Johns County is a middle (nearly large) sized district with 3% of our population receiving resource (pull out) services and 9% in separate class settings.

The Multi-Tiered System of Services (MTSS) and Response to Intervention (RtI) handouts explain that our state requires school district evaluations for students who may be eligible for support services to increase academic growth. Exceptional Student Education (ESE) is separate from Gifted Education, but both require professional educational evaluation. The state of Florida only considers cognitive giftedness at this time. In the MTSS process all students are tier 1 (highly qualified educational placement), but as needs are not met a student can move to tier 2 or 3 (and back down again). This is the RtI committee’s purpose: to support the teacher, student, and parent as to a child’s educational or behavioral need. Tier 2 entails targeted intervention with child in one area per time period for 2-3 days per week with 6 or less students. Tier 3 is intervention in one area for 4-5 days per week with 3 or less students. If unsuccessful a student is referred for staffing in ESE. All interventions are school based applications. Prior to kindergarten Child Find assists families with identifying needs in one or more areas: school readiness, speech/language, social emotional, motor abilities, and cognitive level. St. Johns County also assists private schools with special services as determined by Intervention Services.

Next SAC meeting will be on Bullying Prevention and Awareness with Brigid Garbini on 12/1/15. February 2nd Dr. Joyner will share the State of the Schools Address

Motion:Cat Wilson

Second:Amber Kerly

Discussion: none

Vote: Motion Passed

Meeting Closed:3:50 pm


The Mission of Hartley Elementary School is to provide a safe and caring environment where every student’s academic, emotional and social needs are met. Parents, teachers, and staff work together to create a community in which children are empowered to attain their full potential.


The Vision of Hartley Elementary School is to grow a community of responsible, caring and educated citizens.