
College Council (Planning and Budget Allocation)

MINUTES – February 12, 2008

Administrators: John Hernandez, Mary Halvorson (absent), Steve Kawa, Jose Vargas, Juan Vázquez

Faculty: Morrie Barembaum, Linda Cucovatz, Rosi Enriquez, Laura Wirtz , Connie Wilson, John Smith, vacant (alt)

Classified: Diane Durdella, Zina Edwards (absent), Sheryl Martin (absent), Janell McWilliam, Margaret Bennett (alt)

Student: Sean Dadashi Technology: Curt ChildressCommunication: AnnMarie Librescu Guest: Danielle Martino

Approved 2/26/08

1. Approval of Minutes, 1/12/08 / John Hernandez changed number nine to reflect that the next meeting of the Student Success Council will be in March. / Motion to approve with change (Cucovatz/Durdella) passed unanimously.
1. SCC Partners in Education Award Nomination, Chancellor’s Ball 2008 (Oct 24, 2008): Juan Vázquez
2. AlertU: Juan Vázquez
3. Reorganization: Student Services Coordinator, Office of Student Life and Leadership: John Hernandez / Juan outlined the nomination process and qualifications for the Partners in Education Awards presented at the Chancellor’s Ball. The College Council needs to submit nominations prior to April 30. Suggestion: Community Science Night supporters – Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, OUSD and Placentia-Yorba Linda USD.
AlertU is a mass-messaging system that could send alerts to students, faculty and staff during an emergency. The College Council needs to provide formal approval for district safety to move ahead with offering the program. The District Safety Director or the Chancellor’s Cabinet will determine what messages are appropriate through AlertU (no advertising).
First reading. From Student Activities Coordinator to Student Services Coordinator. The new job description has already been approved by the Board of Trustees. / Send suggestions to Juan Vazquez for consideration at the next College Council meeting.
College Council approved the use of AlertU as a messaging system for emergencies.
Motion to waive the second reading and move to support the reorganization (Vargas/Bennett) passed unanimously.
  1. Associated Student Government: Sean Dadashi
  1. Continuing Education: Jose Vargas
  1. Classified Advisory Group: Diane Durdella
  1. Communications: AnnMarie Librescu
  1. Technology: Curt Childress
  1. Budget/Facilities/Safety/Admin Services: Steve Kawa
  1. Curriculum and Instruction Committee: Linda Cucovatz
  1. Academic Affairs/Accreditation: Mary Halvorson
  1. Student Success Committee/Student Services: John Hernandez
  1. Educational Master Plan Committee/Academic Senate: Rosi Enriquez
  1. President: Juan Vázquez
/ Club Rush theme of “Expose Yourself” to encourage students to become involved in Student Life and Leadership.
-BBQ, 11am-1pm, 2/13,
-ASG Winter Retreat – February 2, E-203: developed calendar of activities for spring.
-Student survey – 278 responses (71% know about ASG; no preference of activity location on campus; classroom announcements encouraged; 71% want ASB newsletter)
High School Diploma program – latest criteria – rather than 15 credits, there will be a requirement of 20 in residency.
Non-credit data has been incorporated into ARCC; non-credit will not have to respond until 2009.
Holiday auction was a success, netting $1836 for classified scholarships. Decision by group to award $1500 in scholarships this year.
-Set to interview student that has been credited with stopping a crime spree, using the sketch he drew.
-Dr. John West will be a featured author in the Santa Ana Black Historical Society’s Black History Month event. Dr. West will read from and sign his book There are Always Blue Skies Over Dark Clouds at the Barnes & Noble store in Costa Mesa on Wednesday, February 20 at 7:00 p.m.
-AnnMarie and Josh Levy attended an all-day emergency training program in Long Beach.
-Science Building Groundbreaking is in the planning stage for March 25.
-Golf Tournament, April 25 at the Tustin Ranch Golf Club.
-Softball Field opening program is not yet on the calendar.
Classrooms and labs are good.
-Softball field is delayed because of DSA approval for netting. Artificial turf needs to be installed.
-Science building grading has begun. Today bids are due for glass and glazing.
-Maintenance and operations building bid walk completed today. Construction should begin in mid-April or May.
-Last week, LPA architect met with humanities faculty and reviewed plans; humanities faculty were pleased. Drawings should be ready by this summer.
-First meeting is set for February 25.
-Curriculum Handbook has been unveiled (SAC/SCC collaboration).
-2008-2009 catalog is in progress. Continuing Education will be completing their section of the catalog.
Abbreviated self-study process is going well. Site visit is scheduled this year for October 20-23.
-Scholarship Handbook is now available and workshops are scheduled.
-CTE is going very well – they are re-applying for an extension next year.
-Outreach is conducting application workshops at high schools for seniors, which will be followed by testing and Early Decision registration.
-Ann Catalan is the Interim Director for CAMP (currently have five cohorts).
AmeriCorps has 20 cohorts beginning this semester (and a waiting list).
The Academic Senate retreat was held during flex week. Juan Vazquez and Mary Halvorson were guest speakers. Stuart Davis provided an overview of Datatel.
GoGreen – sustainability was a topic.
Craig Nance is creating a scheduling matrix to accommodate the various unit classes and labs offered at SCC.
-Possible $9.5 million shortfall ($3.2 million this year and $3.1 million next year plus $3.2 of additional expenditures that the state will not provide funds for).
-Spring enrollment update indicates better efficiency (more students with fewer classes). / Contact Community Services Coordinator Karen Hohnstein with ideas for new class offerings.

SantiagoCanyonCollege - Mission Statement

Santiago Canyon College (SCC) is a diverse learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster a learning environment that helps students develop knowledge and understanding, critical thinking, sound decision making, cultural awareness, effective communication skills, and a commitment to local and global citizenship.

SantiagoCanyonCollege offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes university transfer, associate degree and certificate programs. In addition, we provide community services, career education, continuing education, high school diploma program, basic skills development, and a range of support services for full and part-time students, including those with family and career responsibilities. At SCC we encourage students to plan, implement, and evaluate their educational progress through meaningful reflection and interaction with both the college and community. (Approved by College Council 10/23/07)

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