2014/2015 Hockey Registration
Registration process for the 2014-15 hockey season will be structured a little differently, starting with 3 scheduled registration dates this spring … Our teams need to be declared and submitted to OMAHA by early September!
- There will be a Registration date in April – May and June. We are working out the details and will be announcing the dates, times and locations soon.
- Registration checks can be post-dated for October 01, 2014
- Volunteer checks can be post-dated for March 01, 2015
TCMHA Year End Banquet
Tuesday, Feb. 25th @6pm in the Ashcroft Seconday School Gym
- Team are assigned courses of the meal:
- Bantams & Girls: Main Course
- Atoms & Novice: Side Dish
- Initiation & Preschool: Desserts
Extended family is always welcome; please take that into account when bringing food to share.
The Year End Banquet is a great way to get all the players and parents together for an evening of Fun, Food, Pictures, Trophies and Awards! There will be a 50-50 draw and a raffle for a Signed Blazer's Hockey Stick!
AGM: Thursday, March 13th @ 6:00pmAshcroft Elementary School Library(Babysitting will be provided) This AGM is as important as it is every year, which is why we felt that it should be held separately from the hockey banquet so we could focus more on the needs of the association and most importantly the need for more volunteers. There are many positions that will need to be filled again this year. The more people we have, the better we can ensure the children in our communities will benefit from a successful hockey program. Please be sure to put your hand up during thenomination and voting process. You can’t make a difference if you don’t volunteer!
Respect in Sport
TCMHA will be phasing in the “Parent” version of Respect in Sport.
Over the next 18 months we are asking all parents with children enrolled in Thompson Cariboo Minor Hockey to go online and register and complete the Respect in Sport (RIS) Parent Program. As of October 1st, 2015 any player registered with TCMHA must have proof that the parents have completed this program. If at that time the course has not been completed, the child will not be registered to the association.
Go to BC Hockey’s website …
- Approx. fee is $12
- It takes one hour
- Once completed the course is good for 4 years
Ashcroft Ninjas
We are so proud of all of the hard work the Novice players have been putting in at practice. The improvements they've shown in their skills and skating has been exceptional!! It's been so good to see the confidence level build in each player and the team as a whole. Great job Ninjas!!
Anyone with a fundraising balance less than the original amount can give Shannon Brown a new cheque for the balance rather than cashing their big cheque. This can be done at the banquet.
The Beer Belly Tournament is fast approaching and we need volunteers in the Concession, Beer Garden and for Clean up February 28th - March 2nd!! It’s a great way to finish off any volunteer hours you have left for TCMHA. Please talk to your Team Managers for more info or see
Kris Woodworth and/ or Sherri Ouellette.
The schedule is also posted on the TCMHA FaceBook page.
Thank you everyone!!