

Platelet Structure:

A)Bilipid membrane and membrane proteins(outer membrane has 2 layers of lipid):

1)Bilipid membrane:

On it glycoproteins that function as surface receptors.(2 types of glycopt.)

a)glycoprotein Ib(GPIb): Binding site for von Willebrand factor(vWf) → imp. in plat. adhesion.

b)glycoprotein IIb, IIIa(GPIIb-IIIa): Function as fibrinogen receptor → imp. in plat. aggregation.

2)Bilipid membrane is the site of some of the complexes:

Coagulation activities of platelets.

B)Microtubules and microfilaments(inside plat.):


cytoskeletal support of plat.


contain actin and participate in platelet pseudopod formation.

C)Dense tubular system:

*calcium reservoir(Ca imp. in plat. function).

*Is the site of plat cyclooxygenase and of prostaglandin synthesis.


●Dense granules → contain [ADP((Adenosine Tri Phosphate))]s and Ca, also serotonin (all) → enhance AGGREGATION.

●α granules → contain PF4(plat. Factor 4), β-thromboglobulin, PDGF(plat. derived growth factor), Fibrongen, Factor V, and vWf (all) → imp. for ADHESION.

E)Canaliculi: = vacules.

●↑surface area.

●site of releasing granules contents.

Platelet Kinetics:


CFU-Meg (stem cell in B.M.) →

↓ Meg-CSF(


↓ proliferation


Platelets TP

●Thrombopoietin (TP):

-stimulate CFU-Meg.

-Meg. Maturation.

-plat. production and shed from the most mature Meg.

*Meg. is most great largest cell in B.M. (20-50μm) in diameter.

*Defect of production → Thrombocytopenia(decrease no. of plat.).


1)peripheral blood and spleen:

⅔ of plat. are in P.B. ⅓ in splenic pool of plat.


also site pf plat. pooling, but to a much lesser extent.

*Life span:

NL = 8-14 days.

*Shortened life span → Thrombocytopenia.

Platelet Function:

●Sequence of events → formation of plat. plug and stable fibrin clot(to close injury) at site of vessel interruption(cut, injury, bleeding, etc.)


Normally plat. do not adhere to intact(not injured, not interrupted) vascular endothelium due to action of prostacyclin [(prostaglandin I2) (PI2)] which is produced by endothelial cell and is potent plat. function inhibitor.

*Constituents required for plat. Adhesion:

-Collagen: present in blood vessels, interstitium, and basement membrane. Also stimulate aggregation.


-vWf: bind GPIb.

-Other: fibronectin, thrombospondin, and calcium.


-aggregation is induced by exposure to a variety of stimuli such as ADP, thrombin, or epinephrine, and in vivo it appears to be stimulated by adhesion.

1ry curve


2ry curve

(in vitro to test plat.)with application of ADP, collagen and ristocetin.

*Absent 1ry agg.(curve) = Thrombasthenia.

*Absent 2ry agg.(curve) = ITP and storage pool diss.

C*Interaction with coagulation system:

1)Coagulation factors: included:



-Factor V.

-Factor XIII.

-HMWK(High Molecular Weight Kininogen).

2)Coagulation cascade:

*-ve charged surface → facilitate activation of F.XII by kallikrein and HMWK.

*Bind F.Xa → ↑prothrombin action(activation).

*vWf → associate with F.VIII complex.

*Test for plat. function → B.T.(bleeding time).

Disorders of platelets number :

N.B. NL count=150,000-450,000/μl


1)Decreased production:


1)TAR: ((Thrombocytopenia with Absent Radii))(radii=radius bones).

-↓or absent Meg.

-absent radii.

-serious bleeding.

treatment: plat. transfusion.


-Fanconi's anemia.

-May-Hegglin anomaly(defect in Meg. maturation but no. is normal): autosomal dominant with bizarre gaint plat. + basophilic inclusions in granulocytes(Döhle bodies).


-A plastic anemia.


-Vit B12.




2)Increased destruction:



Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia.

2)Structural disorders

e.g. Wiskott-Aldrish syndrome:



-Immunological disorders.


1)ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura).

2)TTP(Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura).


4)DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation).


1)Resulting from Myeloproliferation:

-CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia).

-Essential thrombocytosis.

-Polycythemia Vera.


-Iron deficiency (>million/μl).

-Postsplenctomy(as we said before that ⅓ of plat. inter splenic pool, so, after removing of spleen these plat. will present in blood cause increase no. of plat.)


●Chronic inflammatory conditions.

●Haemolytic anemia.



*Idiopathic (immune) thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP):

-Is the most common cause of isolated thrombocytopenia(U/M we see thrombocytopenia while other cells are normal = isolated thrombocytopenia).

-2 forms : ●Acute : self limited. Children.

●Chronic: seen in adults. Most common women(20-40 yrs).


-Autoimmune disorders thrombocytopenia result from action of antiplatelet antibodies shortened life span of platelets.

-In sever cases antibodies may also affect Meg. causing ineffective platelets production.

*Clinical features:

The pt usually presents with petechiae, mucous membrane bleeding, or menorrhagia.


-B.M. examination reveals normal or increased number of Meg.

-Antiplatelet antibodies demonstrated in serum.


-In children: acute form-self limited.

-In adults: corticosteroids.

*ITP-Like syndrome:

-Associated with HIV.


Disorders of platelets function:


a)Disorders of membrane receptors:

1)GPIB deficiency → Bernard-Soulier syndrome.

2)GPIIb-IIIa deficiency → Glanzmann's thromboasthenia.

b)Disorders of platelet secretion abnormal in plat. granules storage pool diss.:

-Dense granules(δ storage pool diss.).

-α granules (gray plat. syndrome) (α-storage pool diss.).


1)Myeloproliferative disorders:


-Essential thrombocytopenia.

-Polycythemia Vera.

-Myelodysplastic syndrome(MDS).

2)with immunologic mechanisms:


-Multiple Myeloma(Hyper viscosity syndrome).

3)With non hematologic conditions:


-Liver diss.





Dr. Ashwag B. ALshareif http://medicineunitedgroup.tripod.com