TEASE Browser Issues

Please note the information below related TEASEand browsers. The information is from Donna Holmes, TEA.

Donna: (TEA)

Good morning,

Districts will still need to follow the same guidelines for operating systems this year. The TEASESPP application will not save data using Chrome, Firefox, etc. If Internet Explorer v. 10 is used, it must be in compatibility view.

Carla: (Johnson, M.Ed., State Lead, Secondary Transition/Post-School Results)

Several districts are not able to save data, and certify because they are either using Firefox, Mozilla, or are not using an Internet Explorer Version in compatibility mode. The TEA TEASEaccess page actually reads:[This site is best viewed usingInternet Explorerversion 6.0 or higher, with a screen resolution of at least 800x600 pixels.] Here is how we can guide districts should this be an issue:

How do I check what Internet Explorer version I’m using?

·Click “Help” when you open your browser

·Click “About Internet Explorer” in the drop-down menu. The following window appears:

How can I ensure that I am in capability mode?

·Hover your mouse over the “broken square”. It should be blue and read: “Compatibility view: website designed for older browsers will often look better and problems… will be corrected”.

·If itis grey, “click” the “broken square” and it will turn blue