·  9/11 (or any national tragedy)
·  Abuse
o  (physical, mental, spousal, child)
·  Addiction
o  specific drug, alcohol
o  food, porn, gambling…
·  Adult Illiteracy
·  Adult suicide
·  Affirmative action
·  Alopecia
·  Alzheimer’s disease
·  Apartheid (or End of Apartheid)
·  Arthritis
·  Asperger’s
·  Autism, Spectrum Disorder
·  Bad press
·  Cancer (specific-Throat)
·  Cell Phones
·  Cheating (relationships, school)
·  Child sex abuse
·  Childhood obesity
·  Claustrophobia
·  College
o  going to, flunking out
o  athlete, education, stress
·  Concussions (specific sport)
·  “Cramming” for Exams
·  Cyber Bullying
·  Decline in DVD sales
·  Deforestation
·  Diabetes (childhood, type)
·  Diets
·  Discrimination
o  religious, sexual, racial, age…
·  Disease
o  Fibromyalgia
o  Depression
o  Cancer, AIDS
·  Divorce (rising divorce rate)
·  Domestic violence
·  Down syndrome
·  Dropping Out
·  Eating Disorder
o  (specific eating disorder)
o  Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa
·  Economic Crash (1929, 1987, 2008)
·  El Nino
·  Fad (“craze” or hysteria)
·  Fall Egyptian Empire / ·  Fast Food (popularity)
·  Flunking out
·  Gambling addiction
·  Gangs
·  Gas Prices (to rise, to be lowered)
·  Genetically modified food
·  Global Warming
·  Goods grades
·  Government program or reform
·  Gun Control
·  Having Pets
·  Health Care Reform
·  Heart defects
·  High aggression levels
·  Historical Movement
o  Capitalism, Communism, Info. Age
·  Hospice
·  Illegal Music Downloading
·  Injury (sports-specific)
o  ACL, Rotator cuff
o  NFL & concussions
·  Insomnia
·  Low Self-Esteem
·  Lower Legal Drinking Age
·  Lung cancer
·  Lupus
·  Medical needs children
·  Migraines
·  Natural disaster
o  (Agnes, Katrina, Gulf Oil)
·  Negligence
·  Obesity (childhood, e.g.)
·  Online Courses
·  Outsourcing, Global Economy, Globalism
·  Over-Eating
·  Peace (“Grant & Lee” article)
·  PEDs
·  Peer Pressure
·  Phobia (any irrational fear)
·  Plagiarism
·  Pollution (noise, air, …)
·  Poor Time Management
·  Pop music on teens
·  Poverty
·  Procrastination
·  Rape / ·  Religion
o  conversion to specific religion
o  late in life conversion
·  Revolution
·  American, French, Sexual, other
·  Riots (in general, specific)
·  Road Rage
·  Running Away
·  School Shootings (Columbine, Virginia Tech)
·  School stress
·  Second-Hand Smoke
·  Smoking
·  Social phobia
·  Social programs (Head Start, CHIPs)
·  Sports & teens
·  STDs
·  Steroid abuse/sports
·  Suicide
·  Tattoos
·  Technology Boom (1990s)
o  Alcohol abuse
o  Alcohol/heroin/cocaine addiction
o  Bullying
o  Depression
o  Bi-polar
o  Driving accidents
o  Marriage
o  Pregnancy
o  Reckless driving
o  Smoking
o  Suicide
·  Terrorism
·  Texting, Texting while driving
·  Underage Drinking
·  Veganism
·  War (in general, specific war)
o  WWI, WWII, Iraq

Spring 2014

·  Drug addiction

·  Bullying

·  Dropping out of school

·  Flood

·  Alcohol addiction

·  School shootings

·  Child abuse

·  Beauty pageants

·  Anorexia nervosa

·  Suicide

·  Depression

·  Grandparents parents – unconventional families

·  Heroin addiction

·  Music education cuts

·  Obesity

·  Poverty

·  Serial killer

·  Spree shootings

·  Youth sports

·  Steroids

·  Energy drinks

·  Road rage

·  Cell phones

·  Teen, adult smoking

·  General anxiety disorder

·  Alzheimer’s disease

·  Cyber bullying

·  Bulimia

·  Obesity, childhood

·  Student-athlete stress

·  Divorce

·  Adult suicide

·  Child beauty pageants

·  Teen suicide

·  Over-Exercise

·  Diets

·  Gangs

·  Teen adoption

·  Illegally downloading music

·  Tech & childhood

·  Down Syndrome

·  Women smoking

·  Bullying

·  Cheating in relationships

·  Heroin addiction

·  Single-motherhood

·  Borderline Personality Disorder

·  General Anxiety Disorder

·  Female weight training

·  Birth control

·  Tattoos

·  Insecurity

·  Childhood Neglect

·  Emotional abuse

·  Fast food popularity

·  Lung cancer

·  Moving, transfer

·  FB, Social Media

·  Child beauty pageants

·  Poverty

·  Bulimia

·  Migraines

·  Adolescent self-injuring

·  Legalizing marijuana federally

·  Video game addiction

·  Teen suicide

·  Stress in college students

·  Divorce

·  9/11

·  Lupus

·  Steroids in sports

·  PEDs

·  Adult suicide

·  Gambling addiction


Spring 2015

·  ACL

·  Arthritis (rh)

·  fall Egyptian empire

·  alopecia

·  bullying

·  alcohol addiction

·  FF

·  Steroids in sports

·  Cell phones

·  NFL concussions

·  Non-ell. Seizures

·  Procrastination

·  PEDs

·  Divorce

·  Cysts

·  Hyperactive thyroid

·  Heart defects

·  Shark attacks

·  Autism

·  Heroin addiction

·  Civil War

·  Gall Bladder Disease

·  Poverty

·  Welfare/Government Assistance

·  School shootings

·  Mass shootings

·  Media

·  Body image

·  Advertising & women

·  Adult illiteracy

·  Teen depression

·  Procrastination/college

·  Conspiracy theories (specific event’s)

·  Scapegoating, Magical Thinking

·  Cyber bullying

·  Alzheimer’s disease

·  Pain killer addiction

·  Type I diabetes

·  Mental abuse

·  In-patients in ER

·  Prenatal genetic testing

·  Running away

·  reckless driving teens

·  WW II

·  Steroids in BB

·  Winning in sports

·  W2F, $ ball

·  Stressors in sports

·  Bad coaches, head injuries

·  ACL, Tommy John, rotator cuff

·  ------