The Junction Neighbourhood Centre Parenting Courses 2012

“Stir It Up: Healthy Lunches for Kids”is a one-off information session that will teach you about children’s nutrition and

give you some ideas for tasty and nutritious school lunches you can prepare for your child.

When: Thursday 9 February at 10am – 12pm

Where:ChifleyPublic School, Mitchell St, Malabar

“Keeping the Peace: Family Communication Basics” is a six-week course which will give parents the skills to manage disagreements, work cooperatively, manage their emotions and keep the peace at home. Limited childminding available.

When: Tuesdays February 21, 28, March 6, 13, 27 and April 3 at 10am – 12pm

Where: Bowen Library, Level 3, 669-673 Anzac Parade, Maroubra

“First Aid and CPR for Parents” is a one-off information session that will involve a discussion and demonstration of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and handling choking, drowning, accidental ingestions, sunburn, burns, scalds, bites and stings. While this is not an accredited course, it will provide basic essential first aid and CPR information. This session is

part of the South Randwick Community Hub Partnership with The Deli Women and Children’s Centre and the South East Neighbourhood Centre.

When: Monday 27 February at 10am – 12pm

Where:ChifleyPublic School, Mitchell St, Malabar

“1,2,3 Magicand Emotion Coaching” is a three-week parenting program that aims to help parents understand the nature

of discipline and respond to and manage their children’s behaviour with effective skills. Limited childminding available.

When: Mondays March 12, 19 and 26 at 10am -12pm

Where:ChifleyPublic School, Mitchell St, Malabar

“The Importance of Play for 5-8 year olds” is a three-week course that will extend on play in the early years, its

importance and significance throughout the school years, and how to incorporate learning and play into

everyday life once your child has started school.This session is part of the South Randwick Community Hub Partnership

with The Deli Women and Children’s Centre and the South East Neighbourhood Centre.

When: Thursdays April 26, May 3 and 10 at 10:00am-12:00pm

Where:ChifleyPublic School, Mitchell St, Malabar

“Bringing Up Great Kids” is a six-week reflective parenting style group that helps parents examine the evolution of their parenting style and resources them to examine the messages they pass onto their children through their behaviour, interactions and emotional reactions. Parents learn about the brain development of their children and understand how to meet their children’s growing needs. Through this program, they are supported to build attentive communication skills

with their children. This course is part of the South Randwick Community Hub Partnership with The Deli Women and Children’s Centre and the South East Neighbourhood Centre. Limited childminding available.