Clear Lake High School
Agriculture Science
Small Animal Management
Fall Semester 2014
Instructor: Mr. Walker
Room: 621
School #: (281) 284-2093
Class Website:
Course Description:
Students shall be awarded half credit for successful completion of this course. This is a one-semester course. This course is recommended for students in the 9th - 12th grades.
Nature of the Course:
To be prepared for careers in the field of animal science, students need to enhance academic knowledge and skills, acquire knowledge and skills related to animal systems, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills in a variety of settings. Suggested small animals which may be included in the course of study include, but are not limited to, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, avian, dogs, and cats.
Course Fees:
This course requires each student to pay a course fee of $10.00. This fee will be applied to the purchase of supplies and materials. Due to the integration of FFA with this course the FFA dues are $20.
If paying by check please make out two checks both payable to Clear Lake High School. In addition, please have a contact phone number on the checks
Grading Policy:
Your nine weeks grade will be calculated by the following percentages
Exams: 45%
Daily Grades: 50%
Reading/Writing: 5%
*Extra credit will be awarded throughout the year.
*Late work must be completed based upon the policy of the student handbook
Course Outline:
Week 1: FFA and SAE
Week 2: Domestication and Use of Small Animals
Week 3: Influence of Small Animals on Society
Week 4: The Small Animal Industry
Week 5: Obligations and Benefits of Small Animal Ownership/Services provided by Small Animals
Week 6: Breeds of Small Animals
Week 7: Housing Small Animals
Week 8: Nutrition and Health Requirements
Week 9: Safe Handling procedures/Review
Week 10: Health Tests and Grooming
Week 11: Career Opportunities and Educational Requirements
Week 12: Career Development and Entrepreneurship
Week 13: Safety in the Workplace
Week 14: Ethics and Good Citizenship
Week 15: Hazards in the Small Animal Management
Week 16: Animal Rights vs. Animal Welfare
Week 17: History of Animal Welfare
Week 18: Current Events in Animal Welfare
*This schedule is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion without notice
Classroom Policy:
Classroom Expectations:
- Behave in a Professional Manner (ex: respect peers and teacher, demonstrate common courtesy, and avoidance of profanity and derogatory comments)
- Pay Attention and Participate
- Keep up with All Assignments
- Be in your seat when the bell rings, with all materials, and ready to work
Course Supply List:
- 1-2” 3-ring binder with pockets and notebook
- Black or blue ink pen
- Pencil
- Standard Calculator
Behavior Intervention Policy:
1st Offence - Student will receive a verbal warning
2nd Offence - Student will be moved to a different seat
3rd Offence- Student’s parent will be called
4th Offence- Student will receive a Teacher assigned Detention and parents/guardians will be contacted
5thOffence - Student will be referred to the office for discipline
Mr. Walker
Clear LakeAgriculture Science Teacher
Student Information Sheet
The following information is needed for my records. Please take a few minutes to complete this form. This is your first assignment! Due by Monday September. 1st.
Name: Grade:______
Father’s/Guardian’s Name:______
Mother’s/Guardian’s Name:______
Home Phone #: Work #:______
E-mail address:______
I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines and rules for this course.
Signature: Date:______
I have read and discussed the course guidelines and rules with my son/daughter.
Signature: Date:______
Parents please go to my class website listed at the top of the Syllabus and fill out the form on the “Contact Me” page to receive email updates about our classes.