(516) 767-0363
Alan Dinn, Clerk of the Vestry
The regular monthly Vestry meeting of St. Stephen’s Church was held on March 23, 2015, in the St. Cecilia Room. The Priest-in-Charge opened the meeting at 8:05 PM with a prayer.
Attendance: Fr. Gary Parker, Priest-in-Charge, Donna Blankman and Einar Haukeland, Wardens; Alan Dinn, Clerk; Matt Bendix, Abby Chromy, Kathy Forman, Roopali Gupta, John Longmire, Larry Schwirzbin, Diana von Roeschlaub; youth member Colin Schroeder (regrets from John Day, Jessica Griffin and Justin Newby).
Approval of February Minutes: The minutes of the February meeting were approved on motion.
Correspondence – Fr. Gary reported that there have been four deaths since our last meeting; three were from parish families, and the fourth requested Fr. Gary to officiate. He has five days of comp time coming, and will try to take when feasible.
There was a good article in Port News about Fr. Gary; also ads have been placed for Holy Week and Easter.
Fr. Gary will be on vacation on Monday through Friday of Easter Week, and Sue Waiter will be out the following week.
In news from the Port Washington Clergy Association, the Community Synagogue and St. Peter’s host community dinners once a month and want more religious organizations to participate; Fr. Gary will look into what we can do to help out.
Treasurer’s Report – John Day reported electronically as follows:
Income: February offering income (pledge, unpledged and plate) was $37K, compared to $33K in February 2014 (YTD February, we are at $69K in 2015, and were at $80K in 2014). One or two larger pledgers have made good their pledges early in the year and so pledge income is off to a quick start, in common with other years.
Operating expenses were high in February, with quarterly real estate taxes paid in that month. These are running higher than budget as we work to get our taxes re-assessed; and because of the essential work that was carried out to ready 14 Carlton for the new tenants.
Cash position and investments
Our cash position, $68,000 as of February 28, is satisfactory, as befits the season (offerings are strongest November to June, and especially December through February). With a deficit budget it is likely that we will become cash strapped in the late summer and early fall months.
Our investments grew to $362K, up from $348K as of January 1.
The Treasurer’s Report was approved on motion.
Stewardship – Roopali Gupta reported that we have not received any new pledges, but have been getting responses from annual letters for tax purposes. Not all payments are being captured correctly, so Roopali plans to meet with Tish Davis, Rachel Golder, Fr. Gary and Don Cavanaugh to figure this out.
On April 23rd, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, St. Stephens’s will host a Deanery meeting in the St. Cecilia Room. Fr. Gerry Keucher, a noted expert, will make a presentation about stewardship.
Buildings and Grounds: Einar Haukeland reported that we spent a lot on snow removal. We have a new tenant in 14 Carlton, and that is working out well for now. The 6B tenant is leaving; and Einar will inspect before they go.
Facility Use Document – John Longmire reported that we are revising our facility use documents, specifically with respect to the Spanish AA group request. It will be a generic document that can be tailored for used for other possible tenants.
Finance Committee – Larry Schwirzbin reported that he has been holding discussions about our strategy. The diocese will apparently forbid us from making certain investments. Larry and Randy Forsyth still need to meet with Schwab to transfer accounts.
Safeguarding Training – Fr. Gary will let us know what we need to do as soon as possible.
Fair – Matt Bendix reported that he will pick a date for a kickoff meeting shortly after Easter.
Conflict of Interest Policy – Don Cavanaugh recommended that the Vestry have an official conflict of interest policy, which is now required by auditors. This would be a replacement for whatever is currently in our by-laws, and would have to be signed by all members.
Committee Updates from Vestry Retreat
- Communications – The committee met last Saturday (March 21). We are considering changing our web site provider, working with Bill Anderson). We need to improve content on the site, and will have to get volunteer input. The Banner has resumed publication on a weekly or biweekly basis; it will include Vestry minutes, links to other information, etc.; we also need volunteers there. We also need to plan a new directory. We are considering bookmarks in hymnals or pew cards to capture contact information.
- Increase Volunteer Base – Diana von Roeschlaub reported that the committee has not met yet, but will schedule a meeting soon. Plans are under way to hold a Mystery Dinner on May 9th.
- Outreach – Diana reported again that no meeting has been held yet. The Port Washington Association of Girl Scouts has let us know that they want to give back to us since we do not charge them. They are asking members to help us clean up and plant the property on May 2nd.
- Talent Skill Survey – no meeting has been held yet.
- Increase Membership by 15%, pledges to $250K, celebrate ministries, etc. – Roopali Gupta reported that the committee has met and set goals. Some of these are also reflected in the Communications report, such as improvements to the web site, ads and social media. In addition we are considering a return to children’s offering envelopes and developing a new member packet. We are asking one Vestry member to be a welcomer at each service on Sundays. There will be a Commissioning of Ministries in the fall, and we also plan to have bulletin boards in the parish highlighting the people in each team.
Colin Schroeder reported that he plans to meet with Rhonda and with Fr. Gary and the children, to ask why the children actually come to church.
Fr. Gary requested that the Vestry thank Marge Rogers for the red and green chasubles with stoles that she made for the parish. The Vestry approved; I will draft and sign a letter to her.
Fr. Gary reported on Bishop Walker’s interment at the Cathedral last Sunday.
The meeting was adjourned on motion 9:22 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Alan E. Dinn, Clerk
Future Meetings: Meetings will be held on Wednesday, April 15, and the third Wednesday of each month thereafter unless otherwise specified.
An Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Long Island /