Term Priority Final
Fall Semester Jun 1 Aug 1
Spring Semester Nov 1 Dec 1
Summer Semester Mar 1 May 1
Waivers filed after the final deadline will be considered for the subsequent semester.
Waivers are not applied retroactively to prior semesters.
This waiver is valid as long as the student remains continuously enrolled. / Mail or Deliver In-person to:
The Office of the Registrar,
224 Sparks Hall,
P.O. Box 4017, Atlanta, Georgia
Or Email
Waiver and supporting documentation in PDF format to
Military personnel, their spouse and their dependent children who meet one of the following:
- The military sponsor is currently stationed in or assigned to Georgia; or,
- The military sponsor previously stationed in or assigned to Georgia is reassigned outside of Georgia, and the student remains continuously enrolled in a Georgia high school, Technical College System of Georgia institution, and/or a University of Georgia institution; or,
- The military sponsor is reassigned outside of Georgia and the spouse and/or dependent children remain in Georgia; or,
- The military sponsoris stationed in a state contiguous to the Georgia border and lives with their spouse or dependent child in Georgia; or,
- Dependent children of a military sponsor, previously stationed in or assigned to Georgia within the previous five years, and/or the child completed at least one year of high school in Georgia; or,
- Any student utilizing VA educational benefits transferred from a currently serving military member is also eligible.
Please complete the following section:
Student’s Name: / . / Panther # / . /Address: / . / . / . / . /
Phone: / (. ) / . / - / . / GSU Email: / . /Term Applying for: / ☐ / Fall / ☐ / Spring / ☐ / Summer / 20.
Military Member Information:
Military Member Name / . /Relationship to Student / . /
Current Duty Station / . /
Date of Assignment to Georgia / . /
Submission of the following documentation does not guarantee eligibility for a Waiver of Non-Resident Fees. ALL supporting documents must be included with the application for Waiver. Failure to submit all documents may result in an unfavorable decision.
Documentation to submit with this applicationAll Applicants must submit the following documents
- Copy of lease or warranty deed.
- Copy of Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) or Officer Record Brief (ORB) for the military member.
- If the Active Military member is a noncitizen, documentation of current legal immigration status is required.
For the spouse of military personnel
- Documentation verifying citizenship or current legal immigration status for spouse is required
In addition to the documents above, one of the following documents must be submitted to establish dependency:
- Certified copy of current year Federal Income Tax form 1040 for the military personnel.
- Copy of marriage certificate.
- Copy of DD1172 (DEERS – Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System form).
For dependent children of military personnel
- Documentation verifying citizenship or current legal immigration status for parent or guardian is required
In addition to the documents above, one of the following documents must be submitted to establish dependency:
- Certified copy of current year Federal Income Tax form 1040 for the military personnel.
- Copy of birth certificate (child only).
- Copy of U.S. court documentation of guardianship.
- Copy of DD1172 (DEERS – Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System form).
I understand that any material false statement made knowingly and willingly by me on this application, or any documents attached hereto may, in accordance with O.C.G.A. 16-10-71, which provides that upon conviction, a person who knowingly commits the offense of false swearing shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years, or both, subject me to prosecution in a court of law. Additionally, I further understand that any such false statement may subject me to immediate dismissal from the institution. Furthermore, I authorize Georgia State University to review or examine any documents and records, including my confidential loan forms and related data, which may assist in clarifying my eligibility for a Waiver of Non-resident Fees. I understand that all supporting documents submitted for evaluation become the property of Georgia State University and are not returnable.
Further, I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information submitted on this application is true and complete.
- / - /Student’s Signature / Date