AS Level Geography; AQA Specification B Core Human Geography: Population Change, Scheme of Work
Lesson / Key Question / Objectives / Process / Resources / Homework1 / What are the factors that effect population? / To revisit key population terms and understand how different factors affect the population of an area / Outline AS Course
Jelly Babies Game
2 / What is the pattern of world population growth? / To understand how the population of different countries has changed overtime / Looking at world population growth – constructing and describing graphs
Investigating world population data – Top Trumps activity?
Key terms:
· Birth Rate
· Death Rate
· Life Expectancy
· Longevity
· Natural Change
3 / What causes a change in population? / To investigate the interrelationship between the factors that cause population change / Causes of population change
Interrelationship of factors incl; health, education, social provision, cultural factors, political factors, environmental factors.
Discussion of each – how does each relate to population growth
Creation of a mind map to show the interrelationship between each factor
4 / How and why do we measure and monitor population change? / To use the National Statistics website to understand the benefits and problems with a Census / The measurement of population characteristics
What is a census?
Problems and benefits of a census
How a census works
Use of National Statistics Website
5 / How and why do we measure and monitor population change? / To use the National Statistics website to understand the benefits and problems with a Census / Continuation of task…
6 / How does fertility cause a change in population characteristics? / To understand the factors that effect fertility rates
To investigate the reasons for differences in fertility in MEDC’s & LEDC’s / What is Fertility Rate?
What is Infant Mortality Rate?
What are the factors that affect fertility?
Tradition, education, young age structure, social class, religion, economic influence, political influence.
What causes a high growth rate in LEDC’s?
What is happening to populations in MEDC’s?
7 / How does fertility cause a change in population characteristics? / To understand the factors that effect fertility rates
To investigate the reasons for differences in fertility in MEDC’s & LEDC’s / Look at mortality across this lesson too
8 / What is the DTM and what can it tell us about population change? / To understand the characteristics of the stages of the DTM / Living Graph Activity
Characteristics of each stage in the model / Application of knowledge of DTM to describe and explain demographic change in the UK
9 / What are the problems and benefits of the DTM? / To investigate the validity and application of the DTM / Check understanding of UK Change h/w
Investigate the validity and application of the DTM
Case Study: Demographic Change in Thailand
10 / What is migration?
What causes migration, and how has it changed overtime? / To define and recognise the causes, types and changing nature of international migration / What is migration?
What are the different types and examples of migration
Causes of migration – use photos to begin discussion – how does the photo prompt migratory movement?
Eg. Volcanic eruption, aid workers, refugees, war etc
The changing nature of international migration / Refugees and asylum seekers
11 / How do we show the composition of a country’s population? / To understand how to construct a population pyramid and recognise the links between the DTM and age-sex structure
To understand the changing age-sex structure of the UK / Constructing population pyramids
Key terms:
· Dependency ration
· Juvenility index
· Old-age index
Matching up shapes exercise to stages in the DTM – explanation of the patterns shown
12 / What is Demographic Ageing? / To understand the causes and effects of an ageing population structure / Investigate causes and effects of demographic ageing – card sort?
‘Ageing Population’ movie to introduce factors? / The impact of migration on population structure
13 / How is the UK responding to demographic ageing? / To understand the balance between population and resources in a country experiencing demographic ageing / Application of UK case study
14 / What are the Social, Economic and Political Effects of Migration? / To investigate the impact of economic migration on Source and Destination Countries / Teacher input to set up task – background info.
Student group presentations on USA, Germany & Dubai / LEDC’s with youthful populations; Iran Case Study
15 / What are the Social, Economic and Political Effects of Migration? / To investigate the impact of economic migration on Source and Destination Countries
16 / What are the Social, Economic and Political Effects of Migration? / To investigate the impact of economic migration on Source and Destination Countries / Presentation of Student Group Powerpoints
17 / What are the implications of Population Change? / To understand the causes and effects of overpopulation, underpopulation and optimum population.
To investigate optimistic and pessimistic approaches to Population Change;
Boserup v’s Malthus / Definition of key terms
Boserup v’s Malthus argument – debate?
18 / How can approaches to population change become more sustainable? / To understand the concept of sustainable development.
To investigate pro- natalist and anti-natalist population policies / Begin with definition of sustainability – how did the concept of sustainability arise?
China one Child Policy – mystery task?
19 / What are the problems of anti-natalist population policies? / To evaluate the effectiveness if China’s One Child Policy / Different view points on the One Child Policy
20 / What are the problems and benefits of a pro-natalist population policy? / To investigate the population policies of European Countries / Group Presentation Task – investigation of European policies?
21 / How can migration be managed to influence population change? / To understand the benefits and problems of Transmigration in Indonesia / Thailand Case Study
22 / How are rural populations changing in the UK? / To understand the relationship between population change and service decline in rural UK areas / Population pyramids
Causes of rural pop. Change
Decline of services
Population characteristics
23 / What are the impacts of a changing population in rural areas? / Case Study: The Isle of Purbeck, Dorest
24 / What are the impacts of a changing population in rural areas? / Case Study: The Isle of Purbeck, Dorest
25 / What are the impacts of a changing population in an urban area? / Need UK inner city case study here
26 / What are the impacts of a changing population in an urban area? / Need UK inner city case study here
27 / Key Terms Revision - construction of Glossary
Chingford Foundation School 3.1 Unit 1 GEOG1 Physical and Human Geography
Geography Department Sarah Chadwick, August 2008