I. Basic Information

Date prepared/updated: 05/27/2009 / Report No.: AC4410
1. Basic Project Data
Country: Senegal / Project ID: P116783
Project Name: Senegal EFA-FTI Catalytic Fund
Task Team Leader: Meskerem Mulatu
Estimated Appraisal Date: May 22, 2009 / Estimated Board Date: June 29, 2009
Managing Unit: AFTH2 / Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan
Sector: Primary education (90%);General education sector (10%)
Theme: Education for all (67%);Gender (33%)
SPF Amount (US$m): 0.00
GEF Amount (US$m.): 0.00
PCF Amount (US$m.): 0.00
Other financing amounts by source:
Borrower 0.00
EFA-FTI Education Program Development Fund 81.50
Environmental Category: B - Partial Assessment
Simplified Processing / Simple [] / Repeater []
Is this project processed under OP 8.50 (Emergency Recovery) or OP 8.00 (Rapid Response to Crises and Emergencies) / Yes [ ] / No [X]

2. Project Objectives

This CF grant aims to contribute to the Government's goal of attaining universal primary education by 2015, though construction, extension and equipment of classrooms.

3. Project Description

The CF program has three components, each of which is discussed in detail in Annex 1. They complement the activities financed with other sources by building additional education facilities that have not been funded; none of the CF classes will be built on sites or on buildings also financed by other donors..

Component 1: Construction and equipment of classrooms

The FTI CF would finance the construction and equipping of 4,360 classrooms, including:

(a) 2,010 additional classrooms (46 percent of the total construction under the CF) would be built to extend existing schools in those areas where schools are over capacity;

(b) 1,900 classrooms (44 percent) would replace temporary structures put up by communities to accommodate growing demand.

(c) 450 new classrooms (10 percent) would be built as part of 150 new schools, each containing a 3-classroom block, a water point, an administrative building, a toilet block and a wall fence. Of these new schools, 100 schools (300 classrooms, constituting 7 percent of all classrooms) would be for Franco-Arabic schools in the regions of Diourbel, Louga and Kaolack that offer the official curriculum.

These classrooms will be built in areas where there is a problem of access due either to the unavailability of adequate classrooms or to the disconnect between community demand and the type of school currently offered. The CF would complement funding for school/classroom construction under the Government budget, and from other donors including AFD, AfDB, IsDB, JICA and KfW, among others; none of the CF classes will be built on sites or on buildings also financed by other donors. Classrooms would be built in those areas where enrollments are low; the various regions and sites are selected based on the demand expressed by the regional and district education offices (IA/IDEN) relative to the objectives set for each region and taking into account the planned activities under other donor programs. A micro-planning exercise that brought together central and regional education officers as well as local government authorities and parents was carried out to specifically identify the school sites where these classrooms would be built. The selection criteria and the allocations by region are provided in Annex 1A.

Component 2: Construction of auxiliary facilities in existing schools

This component would use the same criteria as Component 1 above to select the sites where these facilities would be built in order to bring the schools up to a minimum standard:

In order to bring existing schools up to standard, the CF would finance:

(a) 814 water points in elementary schools,

(b) 814 toilet blocks of 4 cabins each (2 each for girls and boys); and

(c) 500 administrative buildings each with a headmaster's office and a storeroom;

Component 3: Coordination and monitoring/evaluation.

Under this component, the CF would finance the activities necessary to coordinate the construction under Components 1 and 2, and the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms consistent with the Government's overall ten-year sector program, the Programme Décennal de l'Education et de la Formation (PDEF). It will also provide capacity development assistance to the directorate charged with school construction (Direction des Constructions Scolaires - DCS). Activities would include:

(a) Coordination meetings for the diverse set of actors involved in construction, including the Ministry of Education at central, regional and district levels, the Ministry of Urbanism (within which is housed the Directorate for the Construction of Schools or DCS), the local government authorities, the delegated management agency, and parents, teachers and students.

(b) Technical monitoring and supervision visits by the DCS as well as the activities and missions of the entity charged with environmental and safeguard issues, the Direction de l'Environnement et des Etablissements classés (DEEC) within the Ministry of the Environment.

(d) Communications, especially with local partners and actors;

(e) Capacity development activities for the DCS, and

(f) Technical and financial audits.

4. Project Location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis

The project will operate country-wide; no other physical characteristics are salient to the safeguard analysis, to the best of the IDA team's knowledge.

5. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists

Ms Yvette Laure Djachechi (AFTCS)

Mr Amadou Konare (AFTEN)

6. Safeguard Policies Triggered / Yes / No /
Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) / X
Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04) / X
Forests (OP/BP 4.36) / X
Pest Management (OP 4.09) / X
Physical Cultural Resources (OP/BP 4.11) / X
Indigenous Peoples (OP/BP 4.10) / X
Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) / X
Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37) / X
Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP 7.50) / X
Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP 7.60) / X

II. Key Safeguard Policy Issues and Their Management

A. Summary of Key Safeguard Issues

1. Describe any safeguard issues and impacts associated with the proposed project. Identify and describe any potential large scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts:

The project has triggered OP 4.01 (Environmental Assessment) and OP 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement) due to potential negative environmental and social impacts related to the construction of schools. The safeguard screening category is S2, and the environmental screening category is B. To address potential negative impacts consistent with the requirements of these safeguard policies, the project has prepared the relevant framework documents (the Environment and Social Management Framework and the Resettlement Policy Framework). In addition to describing the environmental and social screening process, the ESMF makes recommendations regarding capacity building needs to ensure its effective implementation, and consultations with potentially affected persons as part of the screening process that will take place at the time construction plans are prepared. The two documents were re-disclosed in-country, as noted above, prior to negotiations. There are no potential large scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts expected.

2. Describe any potential indirect and/or long term impacts due to anticipated future activities in the project area:

Given the relative simplicity of the civil works planned under this operation (construction/extension classrooms, school latrines, administrative blocks and water points, all in elementary schools), there are no potential indirect and/or long term impacts identified that may be due to anticipated future activities in the project area.

3. Describe any project alternatives (if relevant) considered to help avoid or minimize adverse impacts.

The project design selected is the one best adapted to minimize adverse impacts, which are expected to be modest.

4. Describe measures taken by the borrower to address safeguard policy issues. Provide an assessment of borrower capacity to plan and implement the measures described.

The MEPEM conducted an environmental and social evaluation and prepared the relevant framework documents. An Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) were disclosed to the public when the QEFA 2 project was appraised in FY07. These documents were intended to find solution to identified safeguard problems and provide directives and guidelines to those enterprises involved in school construction. The planned construction in the CF program is the same as that under QEFA2. The framework documents are included in the Procedures Manual of the QEFA project and financing for the monitoring and evaluation have been included in the PAD, including the participation of key actors such as the Ministry of Environment's Direction de l'Environnement et des Etablissements Classés or DEEC. The delegated management agency will make the safeguard documents available on its website, and will include a chapter on environmental and social safeguard issues in its progress reports. All schools will be constructed using the technical specifications and quality norms already prepared by the MEPEM during the first phase of the IDA project, with the modifications discussed during preparation and appraisal.

5. Identify the key stakeholders and describe the mechanisms for consultation and disclosure on safeguard policies, with an emphasis on potentially affected people.

The key stakeholders are the communities (especially parents and students), teachers, local government authorities, regional and district education officers, and central ministries of education and environment, as well as the AGETIP. A micro-planning exercise has already been carried out to identify the communities within which the civil works will be built with the involvement of all the key local stakeholders noted above, and the same stakeholders will be consulted as the environment and social framework document procedures are applied in the context of the upcoming construction/extension activities.

B. Disclosure Requirements Date
Environmental Assessment/Audit/Management Plan/Other:
Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal? / Yes
Date of receipt by the Bank / 03/19/2009
Date of "in-country" disclosure / 03/19/2009
Date of submission to InfoShop / 05/22/2009
For category A projects, date of distributing the Executive Summary of the EA to the Executive Directors
Resettlement Action Plan/Framework/Policy Process:
Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal? / Yes
Date of receipt by the Bank / 03/19/2009
Date of "in-country" disclosure / 03/19/2009
Date of submission to InfoShop / 05/22/2009
Indigenous Peoples Plan/Planning Framework:
Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal?
Date of receipt by the Bank
Date of "in-country" disclosure
Date of submission to InfoShop
Pest Management Plan:
Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal?
Date of receipt by the Bank
Date of "in-country" disclosure
Date of submission to InfoShop
* If the project triggers the Pest Management and/or Physical Cultural Resources, the respective issues are to be addressed and disclosed as part of the Environmental Assessment/Audit/or EMP.
If in-country disclosure of any of the above documents is not expected, please explain why:
Not applicable

C. Compliance Monitoring Indicators at the Corporate Level (to be filled in when the ISDS is finalized by the project decision meeting)

OP/BP/GP 4.01 - Environment Assessment
Does the project require a stand-alone EA (including EMP) report? / No
If yes, then did the Regional Environment Unit or Sector Manager (SM) review and approve the EA report? / Yes
Are the cost and the accountabilities for the EMP incorporated in the credit/loan? / Yes
OP/BP 4.12 - Involuntary Resettlement
Has a resettlement plan/abbreviated plan/policy framework/process framework (as appropriate) been prepared? / Yes
If yes, then did the Regional unit responsible for safeguards or Sector Manager review the plan? / Yes
The World Bank Policy on Disclosure of Information
Have relevant safeguard policies documents been sent to the World Bank's Infoshop? / Yes
Have relevant documents been disclosed in-country in a public place in a form and language that are understandable and accessible to project-affected groups and local NGOs? / Yes
All Safeguard Policies
Have satisfactory calendar, budget and clear institutional responsibilities been prepared for the implementation of measures related to safeguard policies? / Yes
Have costs related to safeguard policy measures been included in the project cost? / Yes
Does the Monitoring and Evaluation system of the project include the monitoring of safeguard impacts and measures related to safeguard policies? / Yes
Have satisfactory implementation arrangements been agreed with the borrower and the same been adequately reflected in the project legal documents? / Yes

D. Approvals

Signed and submitted by: / Name / Date
Task Team Leader: / Ms Meskerem Mulatu / 05/21/2009
Environmental Specialist: / Mr Amadou Konare / 05/22/2009
Social Development Specialist / Ms Yvette Laure Djachechi / 05/22/2009
Additional Environmental and/or Social Development Specialist(s): / Mr Warren Waters / 05/22/2009
Approved by:
Sector Manager: / Ms Eva Jarawan / 05/22/2009
Comments: The safeguards responsibilities have been transferred to the Sector Management Unit.