Council Minutes 21st June 2010

30.3Strathalbyn Community Swimming Pool Wall Artwork (Confidential)

Moved Cr Oliver, seconded Cr Potter that in accordance with the 1999 Local Government Act, Section 90 subsection (2) and (3) (k) :

(2)A Council or Council Committee may order that the public be excluded from attendance at so much of a meeting as is necessary to receive, discuss, consider in confidence any information or matter listed in subsection (3)

(3)The following information and matters are listed for the purposes of subsection (2):

(k)tenders for the supply of goods, the provision of services or the carrying out of works;

With the Chief Executive, Governance Officer and other relevant officers remaining in the Chambers.

File Ref:9.24.1

Officer (full name):Leah Grace

From:Kim Vivian, Jenn Cole

Budget Allocation:$15,000Budget Spent to Date: Nil

Chart of Account:Job Number: 573705

ESD Impact/Benefit:-

* Environmental:Nil.

* Social:Positive, adds value to the social and cultural fabric of the community.

* Economic:Positive, augments Strathalbyn’s reputation as a desirable cultural destination.


At its meeting held on March 9 2010, Council resolved that in the interests of transparency of process and equity across Alexandrina’s artistic community, an expression of interest was to be called for a public artwork for the western wall of the Strathalbyn Community Swimming Pool, after an initial submission was received from a local artist . It was further resolved that Council’s Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee would review the submissions and make a recommendation with the final decision to be made by Council. Expressions of interest were called for via the local newspapers as well as the Council’s website.


30.3Strathalbyn Community Swimming Pool Wall Artwork (Confidential)


Five expressions of interest were received however, of the five submissions received only two provided a conceptual drawing of their proposed artwork, in spite of it being clearly highlighted in the original brief.

After consideration and discussion by the Section 41 Committee, the recommendation was that the submission from designer Barrie Tucker be recommended for the project.

The committee felt that the Tucker design was sensitive and complimentary to its surrounds without intruding on the existing design of the Strathalbyn Community Swimming Pool wall which is located in a heritage precinct, in addition its "fit" on that particular wall as well as the practicality of maintaining the work and the wall, long term were also considered.

It should also be noted that a Development Application will be required to be lodged and approved for any artwork on that wall in a State Heritage precinct.

ACS10138Moved Cr Woolford seconded Cr Featherston:

1. That the submissions on the Strathalbyn Community Swimming Pool wall be noted withthe proposals by Barrie Tucker and Gaynor Hartvigsen being placed out for public consultation.

2. That the report remain Confidential for a period of three (3) months under Section 90(2) & (3)(k) of the Local Government Act 1999.

3. That the Minute remain Confidential for a period of three (3) months under Section 90(2) & (3)(k) of the Local Government Act 1999.

4. That Kim Vivian be the responsible officer to review this item at the end of the Confidential period.