Before completing this form, please notify your Department Chair of the intent to develop a new course and discuss any possible implications (faculty resources, workload, enrollment) within and across departments.

New Course Proposal for Academic and Curriculum Committee Approval

1. Department:

2. Course Number:

3. Course Title:

4. Semester Hours/Credits & Schedule Type (Lecture, Seminar, Individual, Practicum, or Lab):

5. Course Description: (catalog copy)

6. Prerequisites/Enrollment Limits:

7. Target participants:

8. Needs Assessment/Rationale for the Course: (The need for the course is validated.)

9. Potential duplication with existing courses: (Identify courses with which this course might overlap and document communication with appropriate department to verify non-duplication.)

10. Course Objectives: (The objectives are stated in terms of learning outcomes at the conclusion of the course.) Does this course require alignment with accreditation mandates (Program accreditation, PDE, LTP Domains)? If yes, please include a matrix demonstrating the alignment for all that apply. If no, please indicate that the course is not part of any accreditation mandates.

Please include any accrediting bodies that assess your particular program of study.

Student Outcome/Objective / CACREP-SC Program Area / PDE / Possible Assessments
1. Knows history, philosophy, & trends in school counseling & related educational systems / A.1 / I.A, I.G / exam, reading presentations
2. Understands ethical & legal considerations specifically related to the practice of school counseling / A.2 / III.B / exam, reading presentations
3. Knows roles, functions, settings, & professional identity of the school counselor in relation to the roles of other professional & support personnel in the schools / A.3 / I.G / Exam, reading presentations

11. Subject Matter Content: (Major topics)

12. Illustrative Course Activities:

13. Minimal Student Requirements / Evaluation of Students:

14. Explain how course meets School of Education credit hour policy.

15. Proposed Text/Selected Bibliography:

Chair notification date:

Department approval date:

Submitted by:

Date submitted to ACC:

ACC approval date:

Rev. 04/20/18