Augusta Health Care for Women
39 Beam Lane Fishersville, VA 22939
(540) 213-7769 fax (540) 213-7753
Authorization for Release of Medical Information
(Print patients full name) Birthdate (Mo/Day/Yr)
(Street Address) Social Security Number
(City, State, Zip code) Phone
Do hereby authorize AHCFW
I understand that my health information may include general information related to my psychiatric health,
Drug/alcohol abuse, communicable diseases, abortion, or other information I may consider sensitive.
Information Release To: ______
Name of Company/Agency/Facility/Person
Street Address
City, State, Zip code
Reason for Leave ______Pregnancy ______Surgery ______Other ______
Please circle which Provider: Daniel B. McMillan, MD Lisa A. Bukovac, DO Betsy Cox, CNM
Cindy Almarode, FNP Christina E. Dubay, CNM Wendy Wimer, FNP-C
Please check one: ______FMLA ($5) ______Disability Forms ($10) ______Other ($10)
Patient picking up form ______Fax form Attention to ______Fax ______
I hereby authorize disclosure of the health information for the above named patient. This authorization is valid for 12 months from the date of signature. I understand that I may cancel this request with written notification and that it will not affect any information released prior to notification of cancellation. I understand that the information used or disclosed may be subject to re-disclosure by the person or class of persons or facility receiving it, and would then no longer be protected by federal regulations. I need not sign this form to ensure healthcare treatment. Upon request, I will be given a copy of this authorization.
Signature of individual or guardian Date
Signature of Witness Date
*Note: $5.00 fee for completion of FMLA forms. $10.00 fee for completion of Disability forms.
$15.00 fee for completion of both FMLA and Disability forms.
Fees must be paid prior to the release of completed forms.
For office use only
Fee paid $______on ______.
Provider has given this amount of time off ______