Chapter 9, “Presidential Leadership” Name ______
Date ______Per. ______
Section 1: Presidential Powers
1. Why did the Founders want a strong executive?
2. What are the formal powers that the Constitution grants to the president?
3. Use the information in your textbook to complete the concept web. In each medium oval, name one of the
president’s informal powers. In each large oval, give two examples of the power.
4. How may Congress limit the powers of the president?
5. How does the bureaucracy limit a president?
6. How can a president be restricted by public opinion?
Section 2: Roles of the President– covered in class notes.
Section 3: Styles of Leadership
1. Use the information in your textbook to complete the tree map. In the first box of each pair, write a quality or
skill. In the second box, explain why the quality or skill is needed to make a president effective.
2. Presidents receive very special treatment. This situation can cause them to be isolated from people and
issues because ______.
3. Presidential staffers find it difficult to tell their boss bad news. One presidential adviser revealed his strategy
for imparting good or bad news by saying that ______
4. Not only do top staffers have easy access to the president, they also use their closeness to control ______
Chapter 9: Vocabulary
1. The expressed will of the people is a ______.
2. A medium for the discussion of presidential messages is a ______.
3. The president’s refusal to release information to Congress is called ______.
The Supreme Court ruled that this power exists, but the power is not absolute in the case of
4. A rule issued by the president that has the force of law is an ______.
5. An action taken by the president to set aside or refuse to spend money Congress has appropriated for a certain
purpose is an ______.
6. An act that grants a postponement of legal punishment is a ______.
7. A group release from legal punishment for an offense against the government is called ______.
8. A release from legal punishment, usually following a conviction is a ______.
9. The ability to strike individual items from a bill without rejecting the entire is bill is a ______.
10. The appointment of political supporters to political office is called ______.
11. A pact between the president and the head of a foreign government that does not require Senate approval is
called an ______.
12. A formal agreement between the governments of two or more nations that in the United States that requires
the approval of the Senate is called a ______.
13. ______is exercising power without authority.
14. Acknowledging the legality of another nation’s government is the power of ______.
15. ______means to do something in secret.