6:00pm | Wednesday 27th January 2016| Furness TV Room| Week 3 Lent

Chair: Adam Butler

Treasurer: Esther Potter

Apologies: Sarah Wheeler


-noted, no complains-


Media; Met with Ellie and Bar sports

Socials and Sports; Set up a chat with Cartmel social secs, and sports officers

Media; Calling it Trevor’s den and in the process of filming a promo

Qas and Ellie; Tried looking into it. It’s still a bit murky.


Tom; Note on phrasing

  1. I’S & Q’S

Socials; 15 hour bar crawl has been approved, working on route. 24 tickets to sell for Chinese new year. Open to everyone, costs £8 for the coaches to Manchester.

Media; can you send us all the information for promotion?

Qas; Bowlands already made all the posters

Grace; great! Can we get it so we can post it up?

Sports; issues with football and netball not claiming money from last term, football captain says subs are going to be a lot more, giving them £50 from the budget for emergency stuff. Contacting Cartmel about what sports, they haven’t created the poll yet. Have created the sports page but bev hasn’t been in contact about it so not making it official yet till we know.

Grace; you know the £50’s, what about bar sports and have we thought about widening the funds so. Potentially. Save some money for other sports things that aren’t team based.

Nicola; at least we know the teams are going to spend it wisely, and its mainly for subs, I’ve heard bar sports don’t need anything apart from the £14 spent on a new set of dominos.

Savni; week 5 is Lancaster week, we would like a stall. We’ll AOB that. We’d hope for a mandarin, Greek and Cantonese calligrapher for a stall. It would be a great valentines gift. I believe Hindi as well. We’re going to be speaking to Bev about that, I would like to put in Bev’s hills about encouraging international students to go for fresher reps.

Ellie; I’m making a page tonight, for education opportunities. Met with Bev. And a woman. This is all on the agenda later.

Welfare; the main thing is Fridays fresher rep intro talk. We’ve been spreading it, handing stuff out. Other than that, um met with media. That’s about it

Media; updated pub quiz, made designs, finalised fifteen hour tops, uploaded all photos. Furness education page sorted and completed Bev’s hills. Also spoke to sports people to try to open communication so we can advertise it. Nicks offered to send me a table of all the matches. Mike attended a cross campus meeting, will bring up in AOB. Grace is going to get photos of every sport we do, so for the sports page we want to add photos up.

Qas; football one got loads of like.

Treasurer; haven’t got any good news, no replies from the shirt company and we owe bar sports £20


Tom; We’re ridiculously low on attendance, only 200 people invited! Only got 50 or so attending we need about 80.

Qas; if you upload the rep sheet so those on years abroad can get it

Beth; we’re putting some up with the porters for people to pick up as well.

Grace; have you decided on the budget for this? I’d rather it didn’t come out of ours

Tom; yes we’re messaging Bev tomorrow.

-Note from Treasurer; at this point discussion became fast paced and I changed to a first letter of their namesystem for identifying speakers; key at bottom of document-


Tom; same time as consent week, its 10k costs £5 and you get a tee shirt.

B; we’d also need stewards

T; we’dlike people to do posters etc. and for people to make an effort for advertising.

B; we’d like it to be university wide

Qas; aren’t LUGRAD doing one at this time? About week 7

B; ah I didn’t know that I thought it was later

Q; I did it last year and it was around Patriots time

T; I was just looking for a consensus on whether we should

G; I think it soundslike a good idea, a sports push even if underlooked is still good.


Sav; Just what I said earlier really.

G; recruiting people?

Sav; I have a flatmate who can do Chinese and mandarin so I’ve got most of that sorted, I have cancelled food because it’s a bit too much

E; are you advertising it as furness or just as..

Sav; just advertising as a mix of furness stall yes

B; are you selling things?

Sav; its free

B; could do it for charity? Maybe a donation box

-disagreed, opted to keep it free-

M; when is this going to be?

Sav; 6th – 13th and we need to pick a day


E; so I had a meeting with Bev and enterprise lady, and it’s basically 4 alumni come in and talk to people about how they started their business, but they want this to be a furnessian specific event, with ex furnessians on Thursday 17th march, which is St.Patricks day and they really want us to promote this. It’ll be in here in the tv room at about 6:30pm

A; ah but we’ve got treveoke and other events

M;is that replacing open mike night?

Q; yes it will

E; it’s also at the endof term so it’s a really inconvenient date. Its already all been allocated so we can’t really change it. So we just need to promote it, it’s a live illustration of the business person’s life.

G; is it going to be like draw my life that’s on YouTube?

E; yes, but maybe more boring? Haha I don’t know how long it will take, they might want to start it late about 8

Q; that would be rubbish as it would be late and loud with the bar events.


E; there’s anevent on the Thursday for anyone who wants to sign up, you can’t if you’re a third year unless you’re doing a masters. Its 10-11 in lecture theatre 3.


E; Um. Yeah not really much we can say about this yet


E; um,what was this? Not really sure what to mention

T; there was a lack of communication with welfare but we have a weekly meeting now


M; can we do this after this?

N&Sav&socials team; not us, we have things to attend sorry!


Q; socials have now all communicated

So; hustle Thursday,

A; can’t really do that Thursday night, they’ll all be too hungover for the sport Friday?

E; what about Tuesday? Hustles still good then

So; so Tuesday we could try...? for a prepatriots

Q; bit toomuch of a gap?

So; we need to talk to Cartmel

A; bar sports then so that would be good to get people in Trev

Q; Cartmel is so big we usually do a post party there whereas we would like a FurnessTrev one where we all go to hustle together, would be good for the college

M; on the Monday we’re having a bingo night then Dalton? Might be too much with pub quiz Wednesday

-heavy discussion-

M; what about. Combining pre patriots with bingo night? Already got the bar deals and we’ve got free entry to Dalton afterward! Hustles free Mondays too.

So; also sugar lady wanted to talk about a banner for the photo booth on the Saturday

Q; so let’s have a big Monday! With everything, bar sorts, bingo, patriots, Trev to hustle to Dalton!! We need to make sure Cartmel come to us. Cause we always go to them; we need to get them down. NOW sports side.

N; we just need to sort out what sports we want to get in, we wanted to do a poll but really it hasn’t gone anywhere. We’ll be setting uptimes etc. now. We need to do this quickly for the booking. Hopefully tomorrow.

Q; last year there was something about the way the sports were weighted, bar sports, football and netball at the highest. This was a good system, let’s keep it?

T; how many sports are there?

N; 7/8 indoors, quite a few more outdoors, and lots of cross overs! So lots of them bombed a bit with a lack of attendance to the silly ones.

Q; if all that gets done and sorted we could incorporate the healthy living campaign. Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy life...?

Welfare; we scrapped that actually sorry

Mike; tee shirts!

N; once you guys design them we can order?

M; you need them for week 7? For participants. Not sure if we’ll align them with Cartmel’s. Everyone except football and netball wears them I think. I would also like to film a promo? Week 6 we’d like to film sporting events, just tagging along

A; matches would be harder but in training we can set some stuff up for you guys

M; thatwould be great, people are more likely to watch videos

G; we’d need to make sure they’re during the day as it doesn’t look very good at night

N;’ netball trainings during the day?

Q; okay guys have a chat about that ACTION.

N; we do need the shirts to get into sugar?

Q; no actually, they do get smelly, last year Cartmelsubsidised free sugar wristbands, we use our free ones for the 15 hour, so we had to charge £2 for ours. Unfortunately.

N; seems a bit off, maybe for those who participate get free ones? Just to encourage

T; we could be plugging rep talk with free t shirts?

Q; if we kind of phrase it as £2 for a shirt and free entry to sugar? But if people have to pay for shirts they won’t want to compete in them.

E; and the non-sport player’sjust get the shirt for the entry

Adam; needs more discussion ACTION


So; Yesterday we discussed week 5 socials, we already have the 15 hr, could we have on the Friday something like speed dating.

T; there’s is a Thursday welfare filmnight

G; bowland do a take me out

E; the plough is doing first dates

A; So a decision? no or another time?

G; maybe the week after?

Socials; today it was mentioned the university challenge and a team.

m; yes!

B; my fresher was Durham uni team so get in contact with them

K;bingo night? When do we want to really do it, week five is 15 hour, do we still want to do it?


T; three things in one week is kind of heavy

M; but they are spaced apart,

A; and its none drinking so agreed.

K; really just need to talk to Cartmel about bingo social ACTION

E; what Disney film is being played?

T; we’re not 100% but the lion king is a potential

B; week four social still need to work out the charity

T; there’s a small possibility I may not be here next year. So Beth will be my understudy next term, there will be an election next term so we’ll need to let everyone know.

A; we’ll also need a new Beth.

Mike; so I went to the media and commssubcommittee with the CCO’s and student media etc. We now have access to LUSUeventsSHQ system so we can put events on the ilancaster app. We were talking as a group about how we need too plan refreshers ages in advance with the new officers otherwise we have no idea what’s going on. Katie who is FTO wants us to promote the ‘I won’t stand for it’pledge, the X’s one. To sign as a JCR.

G; to be fair we were the first to sign time to talk as a jcr. It could be good as a potential, as we are a leading college.

E; we need to look more into it. Before we make a decision.

T; I’m up for helping with the stalls? ACTION

M; we’re trying to get all JCR’s a coltrix account, that’s a survey making tool. It means wecan hold surveys for feedback, it’d be free for us.

M; Week 19 is LUSU gives by the way welfare?

Welfare; which we’ll discuss with you in our meeting.

M; Oh, Sports reps. About Roses, They want us to help promote roses with profiles of furnessians who participate in roses, I don’t know how many go; we should tell people how good we are!

N; They’ve wanted sports reps, if you know anyone who can help out with commentary I that could help

M; And snapchat geo filters do we want one? They’re great we want one guys! We now know how to create them, and Bowland were refused 7 times! Lonsdale have succeeded twice. We should doa 15 hour or patriots?The restrictions are we can’t use logos. Because we need to own them to use them, which we don’t. So we’ll apply for both, see what’s accepted, they go directly to snapchat. They need a designs and WHY. Will need discussions.

A; Maybe for the fifteen hour get it games of thronesy?

M; That’s me done.Oh Lonsdale have a drone! Can we have one?

Qas; I got a lovely message off Pendle pres about you guys. They weren’t too happy that we hold an open mike night at the same time as their Pendle live. I think it’s a good thing to give variety

G; not being funny, we did well because the bar crawl happened at the same time. In the photos it was good but I don’t see it as a good thing.

Q; so do we want to scrap it?

N; or do alternate week?

Q; Pendle are weekly actually.

M; ours shouldn’t be such a big deal then

Q; I spoke to Pendle about our chill night, and got a spreadsheet of their acts that they get, some have now left but we do have their resources! Pendle is the official pre bar for Dalton. So ah we’re stepping on a lot of toes at the time. They have a lot of drinks deals; we could match really.

A; actually their Dalton deals have been stopped

Q; we do now have free entrance actually

T; what was on attendance

G; it was about 10/15? Who attended our last open mike night?

-discussion continues-

A; Decision.

Q; We’ll do it once more, then if it doesn’t succeed we’ll scrap.

A; General meetings attendance discussion;

G; we did a sultan’s deal with pizzas to get people to go to general meetings

A; anything we can actually mix it with?

E; maybe combining with who gets rep?

T; could be cruel

Q; the talk on Friday would’ve been ideal. But too soon. You’ve done it three weeks early this year unfortunately

M; Extrav committee? Which needs to be in bevs hills btw.

A; I can bribe food if we have to but I would still rather not.

T; Week 6, fem soc are doing a consent week, so we can’t really bump back to week 8 but maybe week 7 so it follows on

K; Open mike night is week 6

A; So general meeting week 6?


Q; So Tuesday?During the 15 hour? Or the pub quiz?

-No decision finalised-


Q; Qas

T; Tom

B; Beth

J; James

K; Karl

So; Sophie

Sa; Savni

E; Ellie

G; Grace

M; Mike

A; Adam

N; Nicola

C; Claudia