Green Eggs and Prayer
Green Eggs & Prayer
based on Matthew 6:5-13
Sam: Chandler
George: Joe
Mouse: Caleb
Dragon: Adam
Tree 1: Michaela
Tree 2: Paighton
Tree 3: Audrey
Girl 1: Tori
Girl 2: Amy
Batman: Johannes
Superman: Sam R.
Oompa Loompa 1: Lydia G.
Oompa Loompa 2: Sawyer
Oompa Loompa 3: Lydia L.
Sam: I am Sam. Sam I am.
George: That Sam-I-am That Sam-I-am! I do not like that Sam-I-am!
Sam: Do you like to pray to God?
George: Sam I am, I do not pray, I do not pray now go away.
Sam: Would you like to pray here or there?
George: I will not pray here or there, I will not pray anywhere. Sam I am I do not pray, I do not pray now go away.
Sam: Would you like to pray in a house? Would you like to pray with a mouse?
George: I will not pray in a house, I will not pray with a mouse. I will not pray here or there, I will not pray anywhere. Sam I am I do not pray, I do not pray now go away.
Mouse: Would you like to pray in a wagon? Would you like to pray with a dragon?
George: Not in a wagon. Not with a dragon. Not in a house. Not with a mouse. Sam I am I do not pray, I do not pray now go away.
Dragon: I know! Would you pray in a bus? Come on, come on, its no big fuss!
George: I would not, could not in a bus.
Sam: You may like to, you will see! Would you pray in a tree?
George: I would not, could not in a tree! Not on a bus, you’re driving me nuts! I would not pray in a wagon. I would not pray with a dragon. I would not pray in a house. I would not pray with a mouse. I would not pray here or there. I will not pray anywhere!
Sam: Would you pray with a couple of girls??
George: No! I would not pray with a couple of girls!
Girls: Hey!
Sam: Geez! Just thought I’d ask! Would you pray over your Cheerios? Would you pray with a couple of heroes?
George: I do not pray over my Cheerios. I will not pray with a couple of heroes. Not with a girl! Not in a tree! Not on a bus, I’m sick of this fuss! Not in a wagon. Not with a dragon. Not in a house. Not with a mouse. Sam I am I do not pray, I do not pray now go away.
Sam: Would you pray with Oompa Loompas?
George: With what? Ah! What are those??
OompaS: Oompa, Loompa, doopity doo, we have a special prayer for you
Sam: Wait, wait, wrong rhyming!
George: I am not praying with little orange people. That’s just weird.
Sam: What about at a cross? Would you, could you pray at a cross?
George: I would not, could not, at a cross.
All: Would you pray with all of us?!
George: NO!
Sam: Why won’t you pray?
George: I will not pray. I will not pray because I don’t know what to say.
All: Ooooh!
Mouse: He will not pray because he does not know what to say!
Dragon: We can teach him, we pray everyday!
George: How do you start? How do you pray?
Tree 1: Luke says this: Ask and you will receive
Tree 2: See, it’s not that hard, aren’t you relieved?
Girl: Seek and you will find, God is always by your side!
Batman: If you knock, the door will open
Superman: It’s so easy, prayers can be shouted, whispered or spoken.
Sam: So would you pray here or there?
George: I will pray here before the cross.
Sam: Will you pray with all of us?
George: I will pray with all of you, if you show me what to do.
(Take hands and recite the Lord’s prayer)
Mouse: You did great!
Dragon: Way to go mate!
George: Say! I like to pray! I think I’ll do it everyday! And I would pray in a house and I would pray with a mouse. I would pray in a wagon and I would pray with a dragon. I will pray here and there, I will pray everywhere!
August 18, 2013 Page 3