

Diabetes Tasmania ~ PolliePedal’15

Now in its tenth year, Diabetes Tasmania’s PolliePedal is a unique 3-day road cycling event designed for cyclists seeking a challenging ride through the beautiful Tasmanian landscape. More importantly, the event helps raise awareness of diabetes in local communities, raises funds to support people living with diabetes and helps Diabetes Tasmania to reduce the impact of diabetes.

10th Anniversary Ride

In 2015 we will be celebrating the 10th Anniversary of PolliePedal in Tasmania and to commemorate the occasion we are inviting all past riders and sponsors to return and help us celebrate this momentous achievement. In 2015 we hope to raise more than $50,000 to support our range of programs across the state.

PolliePedal’15 will start at the Hobart Airport Hotel and head to Richmond, one of Tasmania’s most popular destinations, for an official launch at St John’s Primary School. We will then head to New Norfolk, cycling around the beautiful Derwent River and heading back to the iconic Wrest Point Casino for our overnight stay, where we will enjoy the Anniversary Dinner. The following morning we will head out of the city to the base of Mt Wellington, through the picturesque rolling hills of the Huon Valley ending up with a Community Barbeque at Snug on the de’Entrecasteaux Channel. Day three will see riders tackling the Old Channel Highway through Taroona. We will visit the first licensed distillery in Tasmania, Lark Distillery which has been named 'Australian Distiller of the Year' & 'Best Australian Whisky' for a sample of their best whisky. We will then head over the Tasman Bridge, around the curved shoreline of Bellerive and Howrah Beaches finishing up with a swim at Seven Mile Beach and lunch at the Wyndham Vacation Resort.

Since the inaugural ride in February 2006, Diabetes Tasmania has worked in collaboration with Guy Barnett MP and his staff to stage PolliePedal. His support has been invaluable and has helped to make the event such a success, as well as attracting high profile personalities including : The Hon Tony Abbott; The Hon Greg Hall MLC (annually since 2006); The Hon Vanessa Goodwin MLC; and many local Mayors, Aldermen and Councillors from across Tasmania.

Several times throughout the event, the participants and support crew will make scheduled stops to address media, schools, aged care facilities, local communities and local attractions.

Many of the PolliePedal participants return year after year because of the quality experience both in relation to the staging of the event, and the camaraderie between the participants who undertake this adventure together.

Diabetes Tasmania

Diabetes Tasmania, a member of Diabetes Australia, is a not for profit organisation whose key focus is to reduce the impact of diabetes and to empower our community to better health.

Diabetes has become one of the most significant health issues facing our community. In Tasmania over 26,500 people diagnosed with diabetes and registered on the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS). In addition, there are:

  • 10,000 living with the disease but undiagnosed
  • 45,000 at high risk of developing diabetes
  • 175 new Tasmanian registrants on the NDSS every month
  • 6 Tasmanians per day developing diabetes

All types of diabetes are serious and can lead to complications if not well managed:

  • Diabetes is the leading cause of preventable blindness in adults
  • Diabetes retinopathy is found in 15% of people with diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in people with diabetes with heart attacks and strokes up to four times more likely in people with diabetes
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of non-traumatic leg amputation

Diabetes Tasmania is committed to reducing the impact of diabetes. We achieve this by facilitating effective diabetes management, providing prevention programmes and initiatives, supporting advocacy and funding important diabetes research. We represent the needs of all Tasmanians affected by diabetes – from those diagnosed, their health professionals, family members and colleagues, and wider community.

We warmly invite you to sponsor our 2015, 10th Anniversary of PolliePedal in Tasmania.

PolliePedal’15 Sponsorship Levels and Benefits

In 2015 Diabetes Tasmania is offering four key levels of sponsorship, as well as sponsorship rights for banquet and transport functions:

  1. Premier – one sponsor only at this level4. Bronze
  2. Gold5. Banquet Sponsorship
  3. Silver

Premier Sponsorship has the following features:

  • Naming rights – The ride will be presented as;

“Diabetes Tasmania presents the < Company Name > PolliePedal’15”.

  • A team of up to four cyclists representing your organisation to participate in the event. This may

include; board, staff, customers or Ambassadors to your organisation (each entry valued at $1,000).

  • Dominant logo placement on all promotional material prior to and during the event.
  • Dominant logo signage back and sides of support vehicles.
  • Exclusive logo on the front of all participant jerseys and inclusion on the back of all participant


  • Invitation to position your own portable banners at various stops and media opportunities during

the event.

  • Your organisation will be acknowledged in the Diabetes Tasmania newsletter to members, One80,

circulated to over 3,800 Tasmanians with diabetes by direct mail, with one half page advertisement in the following edition (12 page fold-out newsletter).

  • Dominant inclusion in all electronic media and print promotion of PolliePedal’15.
  • Dominant recognition on Diabetes Tasmania’s website with logo, link and descriptor of your organisation.
  • Dominant features of sponsor and team participants in social media during the event.

Single Premier Sponsorship is invited for $12,500 + GST

Gold Sponsorship has the following features:

  • A team of up to three cyclists representing your organisation to participate in the event. This may

include board, staff, customers or Ambassadors to your organisation (each entry valued at $1,000).

  • Prominent logo placement on promotional material prior to and during the event.
  • Prominent logo signage on support vehicles.
  • Prominent logo on the back of all riding jerseys.
  • Your organisation will be acknowledged in the Diabetes Tasmania newsletter to members, One80,

circulated to over 3,800 Tasmanians with diabetes by direct mail, with a quarter page advertisement in the edition of your choice (12 page fold-out newsletter).

  • Inclusion in all electronic media and print promotion of PolliePedal’15.
  • Acknowledgement on Diabetes Tasmania’s website with logo, link and descriptor of your


  • Inclusion of sponsor and team participants in social media during the event

Gold Sponsorship is invited for $8,000 + GST

The Silver Sponsorship has the following features:

  • A team of up to two cyclists representing your organisation to participate in the event. This may

include board, staff, customers or Ambassadors to your organisation (each entry valued at $1,000).

  • Logo placement on promotional material prior to and during the event.
  • Logo signage on the support vehicles.
  • Logo on the back of all riding jerseys.
  • Recognition on Diabetes Tasmania’s website with logo and link to your organisational website.

Silver Sponsorship is invited for $5,500 + GST

The Bronze Sponsorship has the following features:

  • One cyclist representing your organisation to participate in the event (entry valued at $1,000).
  • Logo signage on support vehicles.
  • Logo on the back of all riding jerseys.
  • Acknowledgement on Diabetes Tasmania’s website.

Bronze Sponsorship is invited for $3,000 + GST

Banquet Sponsorship has the following features:

  • One sponsor only for the traditional evening Dinner for all participants and guests
  • Naming rights for the Banquet, eg. “Briggs & Associates Banquet”
  • Acknowledgement on Diabetes Tasmania’s website

Banquet Sponsorship is invited for $2,000 + GST

Sponsorship Application

I wish to apply for Sponsorship of Diabetes Tasmania’s PolliePedal’15 at the following level (tick):

 Premier$12,500 + GST (one sponsor only at this level, apply early)

Gold $8,000 + GST Banquet $2,000 + GST

 Silver $5,500 + GST

 Bronze $3,000 + GST

Sponsor Company Name ......

Contact Name ......

Position within the Company......

Phone (BH)...... Mob ...... Fax ......

Email address ......

Postal address......

Contact person for invoice (if different)......

Position within the Company......

Phone (BH) ...... Email......

Postal address......

Payment Details (please tick)

 Please invoice as per the company details above

 I have enclosed a cheque

 Please charge my credit card:Visa or MasterCard

Card Number: ….…… …….…… ……....… .…… Expiry Date: ….….... / …..……

Name on Card: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Signed: …………………………………………………….……………….. Date: ………..……………

Comments or Questions: …………………………………………………………………………………..

For more information about sponsorship of PolliePedal’15 and inclusions, please contact Caroline Wells on 03 6215 9000 or 0419 381 745 or at .

Please return this completed form to: Ange Headlam

Diabetes Tasmania

GPO Box 827, Hobart TAS 7001

Fax: 03 6215 9099


Deadlines for sponsorship to ensure inclusion of all offered benefits:

  1. Premier:28 November 2014
  2. Gold: 12 December 2014
  3. Silver: 12 December 2014
  4. Bronze, Banquet12 December 2014

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