(Represented by [YOUR NAME])

Hereinafter referred to as “Miss Manners”



(Represented by [REPRESENTATIVE])

Hereinafter referred to as “the School”

It is Agreed That:

  1. Miss Manners, or her duly appointed agent, is given access to present Manners4Minors lessons on the School’s premises.
  1. Manners4Minorslessons will be presented to all the children of the relevant age groups who attend the school and, in return, a reduced fixed rate (less than if marketed as an extra-mural) was negotiated and agreed upon.

Terms of Agreement:

  1. The lessons will be presented to[Grade RRR (ages 2-4), Grade RR (ages 4-5) and Grade R (ages 5-6)].
  1. Lessons are presented in accordance the school term calendar and not during school holidays.
  1. Should School Holiday lessons be required a separate contact will be agreed upon and signed by both parties.
  1. There are currently [60] children in the applicable age groups which will be registered with Manners4Minors.
  1. Lessons are on a weekly basis and lasts approximately 30 minutes. The agreed days and times are as follows:

[Grade RRR – Wednesdays from 11:00 am – 11:30 am(30 Minutes)

Grade RR – Thursdays from 11:00 am – 11:30 am (30 Minutes)

Grade R – Fridays from 11:00 am – 11:30 am (30 Minutes)]

  1. Lessons will commence and end on the following dates:

[Grade RRR – Starting on Wednesday 24 January 2018 and ending on 28 November 2018

Grade RR – Starting on Thursday 25 January 2018 and ending 29 November 2018

Grade R – Starting on Friday 26 January 2018 and ending 30 November 2018]

Should a Public Holiday fall on the day of the lessons, prior arrangements will be made to re-schedule the lesson and agreed to by both parties.

  1. Manners4Minors Services offered are as follows, but not limited to:

oPlanned Fun Interactive 30-minute lessons inclusive of activities, songs, etc.

oEstablishing structures to ensure quality outcomes to the school’s curriculum

oClassroom Merit Chart per classroom

oCheck Classroom Merit Chart and allocate MIA’s

  • Weekly e-mail report to the principal
  • Ongoing communication with the principal and/or parents
  • Yearly Certificates handed out at school year end function
  • Representation if required at school events on prior agreement
  • Marketing by promoting the school jointly with the Manners4Minors brand (website listing)

8.This agreement is also to confirm that all intellectual property of the Manners4Minors programme will remain confidential for the duration of this contract and thereafter.

Financial Agreement:

  1. The negotiated cost per child per month is agreed at[R50.00] (Rand) per month.
  1. It is agreed that payment will be over [10 months] and to pay in advanceby no later than the 7th of the month for services rendered:

Total Monthly Payment –[10] Month Option based on [0] Children @ [R0.00]/child
R 0,000.00 / / / [10]
= / R ,000.00 / Monthly Payments
  1. This amount is payable by the school commencing [1 February 2018] and the last payment being due for the month of [1 November 2018].

DATED at______on this ______day of ______201.



On behalf of the school Miss Manners

For Manners4Minors

PRINT NAME: ______