February 2011 MTL Training

Hot Topics Breakout Sessions

On the day of the meeting, MTLs will sign-up for one breakout session.Each session is capped at no more than _____ participants per session.

Let's Continue our Work on Differentiation in the HS Classroom Room 200F
Are you still thinking about the high school session presented on the previous Banking Day? Have you started differentiating your lessons? Join a conversation to continue and push our work in the math classroom through differentiation practices. Let's consider more ways to make learning accessible to all students. We would love to hear from teachers who have tried it, as well as teachers who would like to try it.
How Are You Monitoring Your SIP strategies? Room 200C
How do you connect modeling, observations and PD to move beyond implementation for compliance to effective use of your SIP strategies? How are you monitoring the use of these strategies in your building? Is it discussed with the entire learning team? Come have a discussion and share ideas around what you are doing around SIP strategies. Inquiring minds want to know!
Lesson Planning and Discourse Room 205B
Where does discourse happen in the lesson? Come with a Mathematical task that you plan to teach. Work on creating questions that will promote students discourse during the lesson. You will receive feedback from colleagues as you refine your lesson with questions that help students access background knowledge, that will push students reasoning, and that will help students to summarize the important mathematics in the lesson.
What do Learning Intentions and MKT Have in Common? Room 205C
The Learning Intentions Monitoring template was introduced during last months Hot Topics sessions. The question on the table was how do you help teachers understand the difference between the Learning Intention and the Math Activity? Come to participate in discussions on this topic and leave with a clear understanding of the difference between the two ideas
Fidelity of Implementation(mandatory for previously identified MTLs only) Computer Lab
The 2010-2011 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Corrective Action Requirements for Milwaukee Public Schools include fidelity of implementation (FOI) checks on minutes of instruction in grades K5-8 mathematics. A piloting of these FOI checks was conducted in MPS in November-December, and this work will now begin to go to scale.Previous identifiedMath Teacher Leaders will be trained on the FOI math checks at the February 8 and 10 MTL meetings and are expected to attend this training.

The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP), an initiative of the Milwaukee Partnership Academy (MPA), is supported with funding from the National Science Foundation.