MINUTES MEETING DATEWednesday, 27 May 2015

PRESENTLucy MacGinley (Chairperson), Joanne Harland, Sarah Allen, Frances Pavlovich, Nicola Strawbridge, Kate Trewheellar, Emily Drake, Lara Hrstic (Communications), Jodelle Bridgman, Tania Restall, Jo Woodward, Sharon Robertson, Zoe Hoult (Board of Trustees), Laren Adams, Rebecca Dobson (Team Leader-Middle School), Gillian Doyle (Secretary), KirstyRadcliffe

APOLOGIESDelanee Dale (Principal), Carmina Jacobsen, Mel Grace

GUEST SPEAKERLee Chisholm – Netsafe regarding Internet Safety

Putting things on the internet is like aDigital tattoo – no longer a footprint, it lasts forever.

Anyone can be hacked, even USA defence force

“Internet is a magnifying mirror on society” – great things are available, along with antisocial behaviours, internet makes it so accessible.

The internet is a big part of our world so we need to be keeping ourselves, our children and the community safe whilst using the internet...... and as our guest speaker put it last night, teaching everyone to be a "GOOD DIGITAL CITIZEN!"

Set up computers safely for our children.

  • Use your parental controls on tablets, iPhones, computers to stop children accessing things they shouldn't but remember tokeep your administrator password safe from children.
  • Controls can be set up at modem level – “openDNS”, “watchdog” are worth looking into, google “filtering at modem level” and check it out.
  • Turn on “safesearch” for you tube.
  • We need to teach our children how to deal with the challenges and choices the internet offer them, rather than just enforce restrictions – just as we teach our children about appropriate behaviours in our community, same is relevant for our digital community.
  • If you monitor your children’s usage, let them know you are and why – be transparent, to keep your trust intact.
  • Teach, guide and be a role model of the behaviours we would like in our digital community. Be the guide.
  • Don’t be a bystander if you see something inappropriate online and don’t pass it on
  • Focus on the behavior, rather than that it’s happening online.
  • Stay connected to what youth are interested in online - stay informed, be aware, join, look at terms and conditions relating to behaviours
  • Keep the communication open so you are aware what is happening for our youth. “Come and see me if you see something you’re not sure about”. Don’t overreact if they tell you something or they may stop telling you.Tell the kids to come and tell you if they see something online that makes them feel uncomfortable.
  • Guide the emotional support required and how to deal with situations. Open ended questions help start the conversations, check out
  • If you are purchasing anything on a new website, google the company name with the word "scam or review" to check that there is no funny business!
  • Talk to the kids about how important it is to be kind and thoughtful when using social media

We need to educate our children on water safety, road safety, and now also digital safety

Thinkuknow - home

Hector\'s World Information Island Hector’s World Information Island

Jigsaw: for 8 -10 year olds

Rebecca Dobson, Maungawhau School IT representative – our school limits access to only approved sites when using the school wifi.

Teachers are aware what children are accessing on their computers in class, from teachers' computers.

In Term 1 students are taught a unit on internet safety and it is also reinforced as part of teaching practice.

ACTION: Can the school provide a policy regarding screen time (in class)and access for students?

Concerns about wifi exposure in the school also raised. (Lucy to follow up with Rebecca Dobson and Delanee).

FOMS Update

Superheroes Disco -end of Term 1

Thank you to Sam Cranston for all her work on theming the disco. Also thank you to Lucy for co-ordinating the disco and a big thanks to the parents and teachers who helped with this event.

School Community Business Directory

Now launched – a few submissions to date

ACTION: Frances to re-advertise Monday

School Quiz Night – 5 June

Not long now, still need a couple of markers at this stage.

Midwinter Afternoon Tea – 12 June

Another afternoon tea will be run. Again a few more helpers required. Jo Woodward to help.

Matariki – 18 June Thursday

Robyn Bull running, star gazing.

ACTION:Required- telescopes and deep fryers for cooking Maori bread

School Fair – Saturday 17 October, Jo Woodward

Zero Waste suggested by Nicola Strawbridge, will look into further, Joanne Harland also happy to help with this.

No silent auction items at the fair this year (all auction items on Auction night).

Auction – Lara, Tara, Chris and Aaron

200 people max - less items, more social.

Suggestion for a school pool key as an auction item

Frances Pavlovich happy to help with auction

School Photos

Professional photographer has taken photos on Monday. The school controls the prints and digital copies–half price compared to last year, your get more for your money and the money raised goes to the school.

Fundraising Wish List – Lucy MacGinley

Summary -There's a lot going on!

  • The survey generated a wider wish-list from the parent community and teachers
  • The following responses highlight what the School and Board of Trustees is currently doing and planning to do in these areas
  • A definitive spend on the wish-list is difficult to nail down when there are strategic considerations to occur first (e.g. ICT strategy)
  • However, the intention is to communicate where fundraising monies have been spent throughout the year and to continue to refine this process

The Board of Trustees is looking at long term planning for school – how the school can look much further down the track, and how that relates back to what is best to happen today…

ACTION: Updated responses to wish-list to be sent with out with Minutes.

Board will update parent community at next FOMS meeting.

Meeting closed 9.40pm

Next meeting Wednesday 24 June, 7.30pm