Stakeholder Handbook
The leadership of the New Mexico Department of Health, Los Lunas Community Program (LLCP) welcomes you to our organization. We at the Los Lunas Community Program provide an array of services including those offered through the Developmental Disability Waiver Program (DD Waiver) and our Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID). Our services are included below.
DD Waiver Services
- Community Integrated Employment
- Customized Community Supports
- Living Supports
ICF/IID Services
- 24-hour supervision, coordination, integration for health and/or rehabilitative services, and active treatment.
You can find a detailed description of services on page 9 of this packet.
The LLCP is proud to be a service provider to those who choose our services. All of the people we serve choose our program and do so because of our great customer service and our dedication to providing quality services and supports developed for those we serve in order to better assist them to live the life they choose.
It is the intent of the LLCP to follow one simple formula for success. This formula is: Ask, Listen, and Empower.
We do this because the LLCP is committed to ensuring that we are a person-centered organization designed to assist people to live in the community and do the things they want to do. We at the Los Lunas Community Program are here to provide services to those who choose us to assist them in achieving their dreams. To do so, we will seek first to support the people we serve and encourage them to succeed in every way they desire.
The LLCP implements our intent and formula for success as follows:
1)Ask the people we serve for their preferences and to do so in whatever way they have chosen to communicate;
2)Listen to the people we serve to hear and understand what it is that they need, want, strive to accomplish, and wish would come true; and
3)Support the people we serve to obtain their needs and wants, achieve their goals, and to make their own wishes come true.
We will do this every single day, seeking to find ways to better the lives of the people we serve through our services and supports. We will help them become more independent and thrive in the community of their choosing. We will provide quality customer service believing that we work for those we serve.
Being committed to our intent and formula for success, assures that we as an organization adhere to our purpose, mission, vision, and values as every single day.
Our Purpose
It is the purpose of the Los Lunas Community Program to assure top-notch customer service by providing the supports needed, wanted, and preferred by the people we serve.
Our Mission
It is the mission of the Los Lunas Community Program to promote a person-centered philosophy and provide ethical, effective, and efficient services and supports that assist those we serve to live the life they choose, establish meaningful relationships, foster opportunities for personal growth, and maintain healthy lifestyles.
Our Future Direction and Vision
It is the vision of the LLCP to be the best services provider in New Mexico for persons who have developmental and intellectual disabilities, providing services and supports that support those we serve to achieve their dreams.
The LLCP has many organizational values that promote our intent, purpose, mission, and vision. These values guide us in our daily operations and support those we serve, employ, and are part of our community at large.
Our Values
Individual Worth: / The Los Lunas Community Program is one that supports the individual worth of all of its customers. The employees of the LLCP ensure that all who receive services and supports are treated with dignity and respect. LLCP is committed to supporting individuals’ choices and preferences and following the direction of those we serve.Advocacy: / The LLCP is committed to advocating for the people served to ensure that they are living meaningful lives in the community of their choosing.
Quality: / The LLCP is committed to assuring quality service delivery and to striving for excellence by exceeding service standards.
Dedication: / The LLCP takes pride in our commitment and privilege to be a provider to those we serve.
Integrity: / The LLCP promotes personal and professional integrity and ethical behavior is the basis of public trust.
Efficiency: / The LLCP employs efficient business practices to assure responsible use or recourses.
Safety: / The LLCP is dedicated to providing a safe environment for the people we serve and for those who work for the organization.
Innovation: / The LLCP is committed to providing services and supports consistent with evidence-based best practices that promote an a happy and healthy environment for the people we serve.
Teamwork: / The LLCP is committed to the team process (internal and external) fostering the multi- and inter-disciplinary teams to develop, enhance, and support the people we serve.
Cultural Competence / The LLCP is committed to assuring that all persons are treated equally, with dignity, and respect regardless of culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic status, language, disability, or level of education.
The Los Lunas Community Program has a leadership team committed to ensuring the daily implementation of our intent, purpose, mission, vision, and values. The LLCP is organized so that we are available to all (including those served, those employed by, or those who have an interest in the organization). The facility leadership along with their contact information is included below.
The Management Team
Title / Name / Contact InformationExecutive Director / Jon Hellebust / (505) 222-0993,
Deputy Director / Jill Marshall / (505) 288-6279,
Director of Nursing / Helen Walton / (505) 263-9493,
Business Operations Director / AnnaMarie Gurule-Duran / (505) 222-0996,
Human Resources Director / Kathy Lucero / (505) 222-0904,
The Extended Management Team
Community Living Manager / Annette McDaniel / (505) 264-2582,Services Coordination Manager / Rosalie Leyba / (505) 331-7259,
Quality Assurance Director / Jennifer Abers / (505) 908-1212,
Community Supports Manager / Kelly Scalf / (505) 841-5230,
In addition to being available by phone and email, the leadership of the LLCP is available as follows:
Open Door Policy
Each member of the leadership team promotes this and welcomes those who would like to come by the office or make an appointment. All of the LLCP leadership with the exception of the maintenance director office at the LLCP main office building located at 445 Camino Del Rey, Ste. A. Los Lunas, New Mexico, 87031. If looking for anyone whose office is located in this building, please stop by the front desk, and you will be directed to the office accordingly.
The LLCP is an organization that provides services and supports 24 hours a day, seven days per week. Given this, the LLCP has instituted an on-call policy and procedure. If it is after the hours of 4:30 pm Monday – Friday, it is a weekend or holiday, an administrator (i.e., the executive director or deputy director) can be reached. In addition to the administrator on-call, a manger and nurse on-call are also available. Contact information is provided on the following page.
On-call contact information
Administrator On-call / (505) 238-0296Medical Manager On-call / (505) 263-8658
Behavioral Manager On-call / (505) 803-8658
Nurse On-call / (505) 506-7614
Please review the On-call policy in your LLCP Policy and Procedure Manual for more detail about on-call.
Satisfaction Surveys
The LLCP is committed to excellence and actively seeks the opinions of those served (including guardians), those employed, and our community partners. Surveys will be sent out at least once per year and will be used for strategic planning, and making improvements to the organization.
Suggestion Box
The LLCP is committed to hearing ideas from those who are employed by, receive services from, or interact with the LLCP. Because of this, we encourage suggestions. If you would like to make a suggestion to the LLCP you may do so in one of the following ways. You can request a suggestion form from any LLCP administrative assistant or secretary, complete it and return. He or she will ensure it is submitted to LLCP leadership for review. Other ways to make suggestions include picking up a form from an LLCP administrative assistant or secretary, or from the forms section located in the copy room; once you have completed the form, you may place it in the white box located in the same copy room (also used for incident reports and complaints). Your suggestions will then be sorted and distributed to the LLCP management team.
Complaints and Grievances
The LLCP accepts complaints and grievances from those served, those employed, guardians, family members, and the community. The LLCP is committed to resolving any such complaints and grievances so that there is satisfaction on part of the person who filed the complaint or grievance. For more information regarding complaints and grievances, please see the complaints and grievances policies in your LLCP Policy and Procedure Manual.
To better know your leadership and have a complete picture of your organization. An organizational chart is included on the following page.
Cultural Competence
As mentioned in our values, the LLCP is committed to cultural competence and the treatment of all persons equally. To assure this, the LLCP promotes cultural competence.
Cultural Competence as it relates to the LLCP
LLCP believes and promotes that cultural competency is demonstrated thorough our attitudes, actions, and policies reflecting that we together are a congruent agency made up of professionals who work as a team, and treat all persons equally, with dignity, and respect regardless of culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic status, language, disability, or level of education. As an agency we also seek to educate ourselves, each other, and our community about our differences celebrating, embracing, and using them to better work together.
Cultural competence is important because those served by the LLCP deserve care, treatment, and services that safeguard their personal dignity, and respect their cultural, psychosocial, and spiritual values. Cultural competency is imperative for today’s workplace because the professionals who work for LLCP need to be culturally competent in order to provide effective and efficient services to diverse populations. It is also needed to ensure that the supports industry maintains a workforce that mirrors our population served.
As an effort to improve the cultural competence of the LLCP, the agency is committed to cultural competency in that LLCP will seek opportunities to learn, teach, understand, and celebrate the differences of all people. The LLCP will do this by implementing the following plan for the people served by the LLCP, those who work for the LLCP, and those who have an interest in the LLCP (i.e., internal and external stakeholders).
If you would like more information about cultural competence it can be found as part of our cultural competency training packet, or in the LLCP cultural competency plan.
Description of Services
Waiver Services:
Community Integrated Employment is the provision of supports to DD Waiver recipients that select the LLCP as their employment provider. As the employment provider, the LLCP assists those served to become employed in the community in jobs that increase economic independence, self-reliance, social connections and career development. Jobs are developed with the use of individualized career plans to assist those served to become employed in positions that are part of the general workforce (i.e. with non-disabled co-workers), or to assist those served to develop and become business owners. All served by the LLCP are supported to explore, seek, develop, and acquire opportunities for career advancement through a growth in wages, hours, experience, or promotion. The LLCP will do this thorough the use of informed choice on employment, meaning that all served by the LLCP will be assessed to determine individual vocational interests, abilities, and needs; have a review and discussion of the assessment results with their guardian (if applicable); receive information about employment options including self-employment and customized employment options and resources.
Customized Community Supports (CCS) is the supports provided by the LLCP to those who chose us as their CCS provider. As such the LLCP will design supports for adults that assist each individual to increase their independence strengthen their ability to decrease needed paid supports, establish or strengthen interpersonal relationships, joining social networks and participate in typical community life. Customized community supports are based upon the preferences and choices of each person and will relate directly to their achievement of individual service plan (ISP) outcomes. Activities may include adaptive skill development, educational supports, citizenship skills, communication, social skills, self-advocacy, informed choice, community integration, relationship building, etc.
Living Supports are offered by the LLCP for those who select us as their provider. Living supports include twenty-four hour, seven-day per week residential community living supports designed to increase and promote independence and to assist those served to live as independently as possible in the community of their choice. Living supports are designed to assist, encourage, and empower individuals to grow and develop, gain autonomy, become self-governing, and pursue their own interests and goals.
ICF/IID Services:
LLCP provides ICF/IID services for those who are committed to the program based on need. The ICF/IID provides a protected residential setting, ongoing evaluation, planning, twenty-four hour supervision, service coordination, and integration for health and rehabilitative services to help service recipients to increase independence and move to a living arrangement that is the least restrictive possible while maintaining their safety.
Policy and Procedure
A copy of the LLCP Policy and Procedure manual can be located in every single work location operated by the LLCP including each residence of the persons served by the organization. Each employee also receives a copy during New Employee Orientation (NEO). Additional copies are provided upon request. To request a copy please contact
Cheryl Mireles, Community Living Secretary by phone at (505) 222-0918 or by email at
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