Dear colleagues!
We have a pleasure to invite you to take part in the XVIII Russian National Congress “Man and Medicine” which will be held on 11–15 April, 2011 in Moscow at the Russian Academy of State Services under the President of the Russian Federation. This representative theoretical and practical forum is a unique inter-disciplinary event which gathers leading scientists, healthcare specialists, medicine practice doctors, heads of profiled agencies, members of professional societies and associations – all those who are responsible for the health of the country’s population.
The priority course of the scientific programme of the upcoming Congress is prophylaxis, treatment and monitoring of chronic non-communicable human diseases, strategy to decrease risk factors of their development which arises from the main tasks of the Global WHO Programme.
In the frame of a continuous medical education an intention is made to discuss following actual and meaningful healthcare issues: medical ethics, deontology and morals of the modern doctorate society; improvement of the primary healthcare; efficacy and safety of remedies’ use; strategy and tactics of the treatment of main human diseases from the evidence-based medicine point of view; contemporary state of diagnosis and treatment of infections; innovative technologies for prophylaxis and management of diseases in children; pressing questions of neurology and psychiatry, endocrinology pathology in obstetrics and gynecology; new information technologies.
The rich official programme will allow to get acquainted with world novelties in medical technologies, share job experience with national and foreign colleagues, discuss legal questions of medical organizations’ function.
Within the framework of the Congress in order to extend audience for professional development of medical professionals, wide informational technologies will be employed: television space bridges, teleconferences, interactive videos, etc.
A considerable attention traditionally will be paid to the Schools for healthcare professionals and Contests of publications of young scientists and students. Educational programme is aimed at the enhancement of professional development of healthcare employees: their knowledge determines decrease in morbidity and mortality, increase in the quality of life and life expectancy of in Russia.
The exhibition of the newest developments of domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies, modern informational technologies, medical equipment and professional literature will allow participants of the Congress obtain additional information about efficacy and safety of contemporary medicines and peculiarities of their use.
I hope that each participant – from worldwide recognized scientist to practicing medical doctors and students will find a variety of useful topics for discussion.
I’m convinced that in your clinical practice you will highly demand knowledge obtained during the Congress.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
President of the Congress
Academician, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.G. Chuchalin
XVIII Russian National Congress “Man and Medicine”
Moscow, 11-15 April, 2011
VenueRussian Academy of State Services
Under the President of the Russian Federation (RAGS)
prospect Vernadskogo, 84
(“Yugo-Zapadnaya” metro station, exit from the last cabin)
Some scientific sessions will be held in institutions, departments, and clinics
official opening ceremony of the congress
April, 11, at 9.00 am
Main Hall of the 1st academic building of the RAGS
scientific programme
Main scientifc and practical topics of the congress:
1. Chronic non-communicable human diseases: prophylaxis, treatment, monitoring, strategy for reduction of risk factors
2. Primary medical and social care: ways for improvement
3. Medical ethics, deontology, moral of the modern medical society
4. Strategy and tactics for the treatment of major human diseases from the evidence-based medicine grounds
5. Innovative technologies of prevention and medical treatment in pediatrics
6. New technologies for diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases
7. Actual questions of neurology and psychiatry
8. Endocrinology diseases in obstetrics and gynecology
9. Safety of medicines
10. Informational technologies in medicine
organization forms:
Plenary sessions and lectures, plenums, conferences, teleconferences, symposia, discussions, meetings, business meetings, clinical cases’ discussions, lectures for practicing doctors, educational seminars, Schools fro medical doctors, Contests of publications of young scientists and students.
Time of the meetings: April 11 – from 9.00 am to 07.00 pm; April 12, 13, 14 – from 8.00 am to 07.00 pm; April 15 – from 8.00 am to 03.30 pm.
Closing ceremony of the Congress: April 15, at 04.00 pm
in the Minor Hall of the 2nd academic building of the RAGS.
educational programmes
schools for practicing doctors for the following specialties:
§ Cardiology (arterial hypertension)
§ Gastroenterology
§ Pulmonology
§ Neurology
§ Rheumatology
§ Endocrinology (diabetes mellitus)
§ Oncology
§ Hematology (clinical hemostasiology))
§ Neonatology
§ Pediatrics (pre-hospital medical care)
§ Pediatrics (cardiology)
Length of educational course is 16 academic hours. After completion of the School the participants will receive a Certificate with the license of Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. Participants of the Congress who paid registration fee may take part in one of the selected Schools. Registration is done on a preliminary basis based on the participant’s registration map (Appendix 4) or at the Congress during registration but not later than the first working day of a School.
young scientists’ contests
on the following areas:
§ Cardiology
§ Internal diseases
§ Gastroenterology
§ Dentistry
§ Clinical pharmacology
students’ contest
on the topic:
«Treatment of common human diseases»
In the young scientists’ scientific works’ contest those younger 35 years without scientific degree may take part, in the Students’ contest – students of the 4-6 years of medical or pharmaceutical institutions.
The author (in students’ works only one co-author student is allowed) sends in the address of the Organizing Committee the following materials in a paper or electronic format before January 18, 2011:
· Scientific work (up to 10 printed pages, 1.5 interval without list of literature);
· Letter of submission of work to the Contest (with obligatory notification of a Contest’s specification in therapeutic area), signed by a head and confirmed with a organization’s stamp;
· Personal information (Family, middle, given names, place of work/study, scientific interests sphere, number of publications, participation in scientific congresses, foreign languages’ knowledge);
· Registration form of a congress participant (appendix 4). In the graph “Information of a registration fee payment” a sign “Contestant” should be stated..
Registration fee payment for the authors whose publications were put at the Contest is covered by the Organizing Committee.
The work is allowed for the Contest based on the results of a preliminary review which results will be placed on the Congress’ website after March 1st, 2011 г.
The Contest is held in two parts. First part is a poster session to pick those works which will proceed to the final tour. A poster (size 840×595 mm in a free layout) has to contain a Title (title of the work, name of the author, name of the organization/institution, city) and short description of the scientific work (objective, material, methods, results illustrated with tables and pictures, conclusion). Second part – is a participation with an oral presentation of main results of the work (time for presentation is 7–10 min).
Winners and participants of the Contests are awarded with Diplomas.
Attention!Applications for holding Schools for healthcare professional and Scientific works’ Contests within the framework of the XIX Russian National Congress “Man & Medicine”
(April 2012) are accepted until May 30, 2011
publication of abstracts
Abstract for publication in the Abstract Book of the XVIII Russian National Congress «Man and Medicine» are accepted until December 15, 2010 inclusive.
The price of one publication is 500 rubles, including VAT and does not include the price of an Abstract Book inteself.
One 1st author may submit 2 publications saved in the MS Word format not higher than 2003 version.
Full recommendations for formatting and the abstract model are placed on the website
Abstracts formatted without otherwise than in the abstract template
will not be considered!
Abstracts should be submitted electronically to the e-mail: .
The list of submitted and accepted to publication abstract will be available on the website from February 10, 2011. Possible comments, amendments, and changes can be made not later than 7 days from publications of abstracts on the website.
· Authors who pay only for the abstract publication don’t have to fill out the registration form
· Abstract submission for publication does not mean following oral presentation at the Congress
· Poster session for the accepted abstracts will not be held
List of documents / DeadlinesApplications for holding a conference, symposium, educational seminar, discussion, etc. (Appendix 1), teleconference (Appendix 2), oral presentation, lecture, clinical case discussion (Appendix 3) / before 30. 12. 10
Abstracts with confirmation of payment for publication / before 15. 12. 10
Contest works with a package of additional documents / before 18. 01. 11
Registration forms (Appendix 4) / before 05. 04. 11
Applications for participation in the exhibition (Appendix 6) / before 11. 03. 11
Applications for holding scientific sessions are accepted in electronic format only (in a text format MS Word not higher 2003 issue) and are necessarily accompanied by completed registration forms: Appendixes 1 and 2 – for the chairmen (heads) of a meeting, Appendix 3 – for lecturer/major speaker.
Registration forms must contain confirmation of payment of the registration fee and payer (individual or legal person).
Application forms are available from the Congress website Receipt of the information by e-mail will be confirmed by a message to an original sender.
Sponsors of the Congress depending on the sponsorship details will be granted preferences the choice of a date, time, and place for holding the scientific meeting.
The Organizing Committee has the right to decline and application for participation in the scientific programme.
congress’ official documents Scientific programe, Abstract Book, Proceedings of the XVII Congress (lectures for healthcare professionals), Federal Guidelines for the Use of Medicines (XII Edition), Brochure «Internet resources on the common human diseases» (4th edition), Exhibition Catalogue, Certificate of attendance of the Congress.
Congress official language RUSSIAN
Simultaneous translation will be provided upon request.
technical assistance Standard equipment in the meeting room: multimedia projector, laptop, microphone, (in the halls over 50 seats). Used data carriers: - CD, DVD, USB flash drive.
Loudspeaker equipment, radiomicrophones, video and equipment for simultaneous translation and communication connections will be available upon preliminary request to the Organizing committee secretariat. These services are at additional payment.
creation of multimedia applets Creation of videos, training programmes, interactive courses based on the scientific programme of the Congress is provided with further copying of the product on electronic data capturing devices (CD, DVD). Applications for creation are accepted not later than 30 days before the meeting date.
Official partner of the Congress for these services is ООО «Академический Центр новых знаний и технологий» (, phone +7 (495) 980-45-46).
Registratoin To register as a participant of the Congress one should submit the registration form to the Organizing Committee secretariat (Appendix 4) and obligatory fill out information about registration fee payment and indicate payer – an individual of legal person. If a legal person pays registration fee for several participants it is mandatory to submit a list of all participants on the payer organization letterhead. Registration forms are sent by e-mail to the following address: .
Registration of participants will be held in the hall of the 1st academic building of the RAGS:
April 10 - from 12 to 18, 11–14 - from 8 to 18, April 15 - from 8 to 12.
Travel documents and financial confirmations of payments is scheduled:
April 12-14 – from 9 to 18, April 15 - from 9 to 12.
invitation to the congress Sending invitations by mail is foreseen only to the Congress participants who have provided registration forms with confirmation of payment of the registration fee before March 10, 2011 inclusive.
Invitations can be received in the OrgCom Secretariat. Information about their distribution will be placed on the website. During the Congress invitations will be distributed at the RAGS 1st academic building entrance.
Entrance to the RAGS during the Congress will be performed only upon Invitation tickets with participant’s name and personal identification documents. Invitation ticket is valid for one person during all days of the Congress.
Accomodation ООО «Moscow Business Center» is a general touristic provider of the XVIII Russian National Congress «Man and Medicine», which will book hotels RAGS and “Salut” for the participants under special rates. Booking of different hotel in Moscow is also possible. Application forms for booking are accepted by March 17, 2011 inclusive. Application forms are available from the site
Hotel booking is reserved only after registration fee payment and after 100% pre-payment for the hotel.
If paid before February, 1 a 7% discount for the booking will be provided, if before March, 1 - 5%.
The date of payment is the date when money are accepted at the touristic provided account.
If case of a group booking (more than 100 rooms) a special offer is applied.
Additional information by phone: +7 (495) 600-31-00 or e-mail .
Abstract publication*(does not include receipt of an Abstract book) / - / 500 RUR
Registration fee*
(does not include cost of abstract publication)
before 10.03.11
from 11.03.11 / -
- / 4000 RUR
4500 RUR
Lecture at the symposium (up to 15 min)
(registration fee not included) / - / 9500 RUR
Lecture of clinical case discussion (45 min)
(registration fee not incduded) / - / 14000 RUR
* Including VAT 18%
Payment for a lecture at symposium, stand-alone meeting or clinical case discussion
(Appendix 3) is made only after approval of application by the Organizing Committee and invoice submission.
For registration fee payment and abstracts’ publication
Payment receiver: ZAO RIZ «Man and Medicine»
INN 7721221312 КPP 772101001
Settlement account 407 028 100 004 3000 1585
Loro account 301 018 101 000 0000 0787
BIK 044525787
Bank ОАО «Uralsib» Moscow
Payment can be made in the office of the Secretariat of the Congress Organizing Committee: Nizhniy Susalniy per., 5, build. 10. See travel map from the metro station “Kurskaya”.