Booth College

Degree Title (e.g. Bachelor of Theology)

Subject Title (e.g. Introduction to Christian Doctrine)

Course Code (e.g. T7105T)

Name: Enter your name here

Lecturer: Enter lecturer’s name here

Essay Question: Enter the essay topic/question here

Essay Length: 0000 words (enter the exact word count, including only the body text)

Due Date: Enter the due date here

Student Declaration: I hereby certify that:

1. This assignment is my own work based on my personal study/research;
2. I have acknowledged all material and sources used in the preparation of this assignment;
3. I have not plagiarised the work of another student or any other person;
4. This assignment, or part thereof, has not previously been submitted for assessment or academic credit in this or any other institution.

(type name here)


[OPTIONAL – check with lecturer if required]

The synopsis is the general survey or summary of the essay. It should generally be about 150-200 words. The synopsis should states the argument of your essay, indicate the concepts you are presenting and a summary of your conclusions. The synopsis is not a repeat of the introduction but a statement involving the issue at hand (in broad terms).

Your introduction should provide an outline of what your essay is going to cover. It is suitable to provide some background information, define some key terms, state the purpose of the essay, indicate the boundaries of the essay, and what key points you will be arguing for or against.

Your introduction should constitute around 10% of the total word count. As a general rule, your introduction is a summary of what is coming and so there shouldn’t be any references in your introduction.


Enter the body of your essay here. Ensure you are answering the question or addressing the topic at hand in specific terms. Refer to “Footnotes, Bibliographies & Referencing” for guidance on referencing.[1]


Your conclusion must reflect and summarise the main points in the body of your essay. It should NOT include any new information and close with a sentence which rounds off your essay.


Stott, John R.W. I Believe in Preaching. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1998.

Davis, Ellen F. & Richard B. Hays, eds. The Art of Reading Scripture. Michigan: Eerdmans, 2003.

Provided as an example only.

[1] John R W Stott, I Believe in Preaching (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1982), 129.

Provided as an example only.