Introduction to Business and Technology
BMA-IBT-1. Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.
BMA-IBT-2. Apply technology as a tool to increase productivity to create, edit, and publish industry-appropriate documents.
BMA-IBT-3. Master word processing software to create, edit, and publish professional-appearing business documents.
Lesson Title: Technology
Essential Question(s):
  • How has technology changed the work environment?
  • What is identity theft?
  • What is Plagiarism?
  • What is copyright?
  • What is a copyright license?
  • What is a public domain?
  • What is fair use?
  • What makes a website trustworthy?
  • Why is it important to be alert and check sources while exploring online?
Learning Objective(s)
Students will :
  • Understand that just because information is online doesn’t mean it true.
  • Learn guidelines on what information they can and cannot trust.
  • Evaluate and compare online information sources for accuracy, relevance and bias.
  • Apply their knowledge of reputable online sources to determine which sites are
credible and which are not.
October 24 - 26, 2016 / Assignment(s)
Ø  Step 1: Tech Project Topic Selection
Ø  Step 2: Conduct your researchonline or at the school library (with teacher permission) to cover the topic you selectedin Step 1adequately. Use credible and reputable sources only. Take notes as needed. Don't forget to give credit to your sources/references.
Ø  Step 3: Choose 1 of the following options to create: (5 minutes max of video or audio) in order to explain the topic you chose to research.
1.  Podcast
2.  Video
3.  Blog or website (devoted to the topic)
4.  Standalone Electronic Book or Magazine
5.  Any other idea must be approved by teacher
Ø  You can select free applications to use from the following website: APP for Education.
Ø  Be sure that you have selected a podcast, video, blog, etc. and understand their capabilities of the free application that you select.
Ø  Cell phones may be used as needed for instructional purposes only. Ten (10 points) will be deducted from your project grade if the phone is used improperly.
Ø  No PowerPoints, Google slides, or Prezi’s. If you select video make sure it is a video app not a presentation app.
October 27 - 28, 2016 / Ø  Step 4: Create a storyboard/draft/script of your final project.Must be submitted with your project. This can be drawn (a neat sketch with labels, notes, etc.)or typed.
Resource:Storyboard Template
Ø  Storyboardingis a sketch of how to organize a story and a list of its contents.
o  Storyboarding Resource
o  Storyboarding Example
Ø  Step 5:Your video, podcast, or blog should match the storyboard/draft/script that you created.
Ø  Step 6: Preview and edit as needed.
1.  Websites for Free Apps for Creating Videos, Blogs, etc
2.  How to Make a Podcast
3.  How to Start Your Own Podcast
4.  Note: Only use media files that have been licensed for use - You can search: Creative Commons SearchorFreesound.orgfor music that can be used.