DATE: 07.08.2017
Project Name and Project ID / MDS ProjectProject Head / Dr. Rehana Begum
Project Start Date/
Ongoing Project /
Project Duration / One year and fulltime
Brief Description about the Project
(< 100 words) / The aim of the Million Death Study (MDS) Fellowship is to strengthen scientific research capacity among St. John’s faculty in public health in areas relevant to India. The Fellowship provides support for junior researchers to gain research experience using the vast amount of data available within the Million Death Study and to encourage our junior faculty in careers in public health.
The Million Death Study (MDS) is one of the largest studies of premature mortality in the world. The MDS is an ongoing study that is conducted in India, where the majority of deaths occur at home and without medical attention. In collaboration with the Registrar General of India, the MDS monitors nearly 14 million people in 2.4 million nationally representative households in India between 2001-2014. Any deaths that occur in these households during this period will be assigned a probable cause, as determined by a method called verbal autopsy.
Resource Requirement: / New Resource (s): No. required: 01
Existing Resource (s)* No. required: ______
(Please mention minimum qualification required) / Postgraduate MD/MS or Junior doctor (M.B., B.S.).
Please mention minimum experience required in terms of years.
If a Fresher is acceptable, please indicate. / Minimum Experience : No. required: 01
Maximum Experience * No. required: ______
Key Skills / • Proposal writing
• Data analysis
• Manuscript writing
Please note: *Existing Resource: Resource who is currently working in SJNAHS or was earlier employed in SJNAHS. No Objection Certificate from respective PI or Organization will be required for all Existing resources.
*Job Description
Job Title / MDS FellowshipLocation
(Mention City and State) / St. John’s Research Institute, Bangalore-34
Department/Division (optional) / Infectious Diseases
Employment status / Contract Trainee Faculty (SJRI)
Reporting to / Dr. Rehana Begum
Tentative Date of Joining /
Proposed Salary
Rs. per month. Please indicate any HRA or incentives to be added / INR 40,000 per month
Language / English Kannada Hindi Tamil Telugu Other______
Core Responsibilities
(< 10 points) / • Develop research objectives and proposals
• Develop data collection tools, validate tools and implement
• Quality Assurance on data collection & analyze the data
• Make the final reports and manuscripts
• Write or contribute to publications
• Make presentations at appropriate events
Specific Activities
(< 10 points) / Categories of proposal:
- Cardiovascular mortality
- Chronic respiratory diseases
- Stroke and neurovascular mortality
- Tobacco cessation
- Proportional mortality
- Cancer mortality
- Tuberculosis mortality
- Infectious diseases and mortality
- Vaccine-preventable conditions and mortality
- Maternal mortality
- Child mortality
*Note: PRR Sheet to be shared by the Head of Division/PI’s addressed to Dean 20 days in advance (so that there will be a time interval between the advertisement and the interview date).
St. John's Research Institute, Bangalore - 560 034; INDIA, Tel: +91 80 25532037,Fax: +91 80 25501088, Web:
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