Lockport Sprint Invitational
Saturday December 6, 2014
Warm Up 9:30 AM
Meet 11:00 AM
Meet Entry Instructions:
- The Meet Committee realizes that this is an early season meet in which many non-standard events will be held. Please do your best to fairly represent each swimmer’s entry times as this will help to ensure the fairest possible seeding. Seed times will be on the honor system.
- Each swimmer will be allowed to participate in a maximum of four (4) events in any combination of individual and relay events..
- Each team will be allowed a maximum of two (2) relays per event.
- Each team will be allowed a maximum of four (4) entries per individual event.
Meet Scoring and Awards:
- All events will be timed finals
- Events will be scored through 16th place
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / 7th / 8th / 9th / 10th / 11th / 12th / 13th / 14th / 15th / 16th
I / 20 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 9 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
R / 40 / 34 / 32 / 30 / 28 / 26 / 24 / 22 / 18 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2
- Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers in each event
- Awards Ceremony will take place after Event #4, Event #8, and Event #10
- The winning team will be awarded a plaque at the conclusion of the meet
Your Entries:
- Please use the form below to record your entries and return them via email. Your entries can be typed in the enclosed chart.
Entry Deadline: Monday December 1, 2014 at 7:00 PM
Email Entries To:
Name / Event #1 200 Medley Relay / Event #2100
Freestyle / Event #3
Medley / Event #4
Freestyle / Event #5
Relay / Event #6
Butterfly / Event #7
50 Freestyle / Event #8
50 Backstroke / Event #9
50 Breaststroke / Event #10
Name / Event #1 200 Medley Relay / Event #2
Freestyle / Event #3
Medley / Event #4
Freestyle / Event #5
Relay / Event #6
Butterfly / Event #7
50 Freestyle / Event #8
50 Backstroke / Event #9
50 Breaststroke / Event #10
DIRECTIONS FOR HY-TEK:Use the following directions to enter your swimmers in the Lockport Sprint Invite. You may want to print this page first. (I am assuming your team and athletes are in your Team Manager already)
1.) Download the attachment onto a disk.
2.) Open your Team Manager program.
3.) Click on "File" --> then "Import" --> "Meet Events"
4.) Select the "a" drive using the drop down arrow on the top of the screen.
5.) The ZIP file name is “Meet Events- LockportSprintInvitational-06Dec2014-001.zip--> DOUBLE CLICK on the file.
6.) The next screen will say, “The files inside the selected zip…” – just click OK.
7.) The following screen will look like the previous menu but the file’s icon has changed and the name now has a “.HYV” at the end of it – just DOUBLE CLICK on it again.
8.) Click OK on the next screen entitled “Import Events.” It will then tell you that 10 events have been imported.
9.) Return to the main screen (with the 2 girls swimming).
10.) Click on "Meets" and be sure the "Lockport Sprint Invitational" meet is highlighted in blue – if it’s not, SINGLE CLICK on it.
11.) Click on “ENTRIES” at the top of that screen.
12.) You will probably want to do your entries by event. Therefore click on “Entry by Event.”
13.) On the next screen, be sure to select your team in two places:
a.) In the middle & top of the screen where it says, “Swim for Team:”
b.) In the middle/middle of the screen where it says, “Team.”
14.) The first event on the top of the screen will be highlighted – “200 Medley Relay.” We will do the relays LAST so click on the next event by either clicking on the actual name of the event or use the black right arrow.
15.) The first event we’ll do will be the 100 Freestyle. You will notice that all of your swimmers will be listed below in alpha order.
a.) Simply click on the 4 swimmers you want in the event either on their name or in the box that says, “Entered”. You will notice their names turn yellow once they’re entered. If you want to take them out, then click on the name again.
b.) If you have been using this program throughout the year, you will notice their best times are included with their names. If you haven’t been using this all year, then enter their best time in the area that says, “Custom Time.”
16.) Repeat Step 15 for the rest of the individual events. Once completed move on to the relays in Step 17.
17.) Relays - Go back to event (1) 200 Medley Relay. With relays, a different screen will pop up. First click on the tab in the middle that says, “New Relay.”
18.) Next, double click on the 4 swimmers you want in the relay AND type in a custom time. Then declare the 4 swimmers you want in there at finals.
19.) Once your entries are completed, you may want to print off a report of your meet entries:
a.) Go back to the main screen and click "Reports" --> “Performance” "Meet
b.) You’ll need to check the box that says, “Individual and Relays” in the Event Filters box on the next screen to get all of your entries together.
20.) Finally exporting your entries: Return to the main screen (2 swimmers).
21.) Click “File” "Export" "Meet Entries".
a.) Place a disk in the computer.
b.) Be sure to select the correct meet from the drop down arrow.
c.) Check the box that says, “Export Relays.”
d.) Place your entries on to a disk by clicking the "a" drive.
e.) Click OK.
22.) The next screen will pop up and say, “Entries Exported to “a:LOCK-Entries001.zip” (your school abbreviation will appear where the LOCK is in the file name) You’ll know if you’ve done it right by checking the name of the file you’re attaching to match the one I have here as an example.
23.) Attach the entries to your email and send them to - by 7:00 PM on MondayDecember 1, 2014!!