《Nisbet’s ChurchPulpit Commentary –Mark》(James Nisbet)


With nearly 5,000 pages and 20 megabytes of text, this 12 volume set contains concise comments and sermon outlines, perfect for preaching, teaching, or just another perspective on a passage for any lay person.

James Nisbet compiled and edited the Church Pulpit Commentary. Over 100 authors wrote short essays, sermon outlines, and sermon illustrations for selected verses of the Bible. The authors include Handley Carr Glyn (H.C.G) Moule, F.D. Maurice, and many other bishops and pastors.

As with many commentaries of this nature, the New Testament contains substantially more comments than the Old Testament. This is not the famouse Pulpit Commentary. This is a different commentary. Not every verse includes a comment.

00 Introduction

Mark 1:1 What is the Gospel?

Mark 1:1 The Genesis of the Gospel

Mark 1:3 The Voice in the Wilderness

Mark 1:4 The Baptism of Repentance

Mark 1:9-11 Christ’s Baptism and its Results

Mark 1:12-13 Lenten Lessons

Mark 1:12-13 Christ and the Christian

Mark 1:13 The Ministry of Angels

Mark 1:14-15 The Coming of the Kingdom

Mark 1:15 The Old, Old Sermon

Mark 1:17 Conditions of Successful Service

Mark 1:21-22 The Voice of Authority

Mark 1:23 An Act of Power

Mark 1:30-31 A Domestic Drama

Mark 1:35 In a Solitary Place

Mark 1:41 Strength and Sympathy

Mark 1:43-45 Reserve in Religion

Mark 2:1 Christ in Us

Mark 2:3 Vicarious Faith

Mark 2:5 Forgiveness and a New Life

Mark 2:13 A Walk by the Sea

Mark 2:14 Christ’s Call

Mark 2:16 Consorting with Sinners

Mark 2:21-22 Things which Differ

Mark 2:27-28 A National Treasure

Mark 2:27-28 From the Days of Creation until Now

Mark 3:1 Faith and Unbelief Contrasted

Mark 3:5 The Anger of Christ

Mark 3:5 Judgment and Mercy

Mark 3:5 The Human Side of a Miracle

Mark 3:13 Calling and Election

Mark 3:13-15 The Christian Ministry

Mark 3:14 The Ministry of Preaching

Mark 3:17 ‘Boanerges’

Mark 3:27 The Conflict between Good and Evil

Mark 3:27 The Strong Man Armed

Mark 3:28-29 Sin against the Holy Ghost

Mark 3:34-35 Divine Relationships

Mark 3:34-35 Doing the Will of God

Mark 4:3-4 Wasted Seed

Mark 4:5 Lacking Depth

Mark 4:7 The Thorns of Prosperity

Mark 4:8 Good Soil yields Good Fruit

Mark 4:24-25 The Responsibility of the Pew

Mark 4:26-29 Natural Law in the Spiritual World

Mark 4:26-29 Attributes and Uses of the Divine Seed

Mark 4:26-29 What is your Growth?

Mark 4:30-31 Marks of the Church

Mark 4:30-31 The Kingdom of God

Mark 4:34 Alone with Christ

Mark 4:35-41 Christ in the Tempest

Mark 4:39 The Secret of a Quiet Mind

Mark 4:40-41 The Two Fears

Mark 5:2 From the Power of Satan unto God’

Mark 5:9 Satan’s Legions

Mark 5:19 The Christian in the Home

Mark 5:25-27 The Believing One and the Unbelieving Many

Mark 5:25-27 Imperfect Faith

Mark 5:34 Faith-Healing

Mark 5:36 Faith and Life

Mark 5:41 The Emancipation of Woman

Mark 5:43 Feeding upon Christ

Mark 6:2-3 The Supremacy of Christ

Mark 6:5 The Power of Unbelief

Mark 6:6 Jesus Marvelled

Mark 6:7-12 The Mission of the Twelve

Mark 6:16 The Power of a Good Life

Mark 6:18 The Witness of the Baptist

Mark 6:20 Where Herod Failed

Mark 6:26-27 One Sin

Mark 6:31 The Rest by the Way

Mark 6:39 Fed of God

Mark 6:48 Mysterious Passages of Life

Mark 6:56 Healed by a Touch

Mark 7:13 The Influence of Tradition

Mark 7:20; Mark 7:23 Evil from Within

Mark 7:24 The Epiphanies of the Ministry

Mark 7:28-29 Perseverance in Prayer

Mark 7:32-35 Hearing and Speech restored by Christ

Mark 7:32 The Use and Misuse of Speech

Mark 7:33 Aside from the Multitude

Mark 7:33 Taken Aside by Sickness

Mark 7:34 Why did Christ Sigh?

Mark 7:34 The Sigh of Sympathy

Mark 7:34 The Sigh Interpreted

Mark 7:34 The Sympathies of Christ

Mark 7:34 ‘Ephphatha!’

Mark 7:34 Dumb because Deaf

Mark 7:34 The Two Ephphathas

Mark 7:37 The Testimony of the Multitude

Mark 7:37 Spiritual Service

Mark 8:2 Fullness of Grace and Goodness

Mark 8:2 ‘Man’s Extremity is God’s Opportunity’

Mark 8:2 The Compassionate Saviour

Mark 8:4 Bread in the Wilderness

Mark 8:4 The Bread of Life

Mark 8:5 Human Agency and God’s Work

Mark 8:6 The Divine Economy

Mark 8:9 ‘All Things come of Thee’

Mark 8:24 The Gradual Miracle

Mark 8:29 The Great Confession

Mark 8:29 Who is This?

Mark 8:33 The Great Rebuke

Mark 8:34 Christ’s Followers

Mark 8:34 Two Antagonists

Mark 8:36 Profit and Loss

Mark 8:36 The Importance of Life

Mark 8:37 The Value of a Soul

Mark 8:37 The Discipline of the Soul

Mark 9:2 Transfigured!

Mark 9:2 The Heavenly Vision

Mark 9:2 The Way to the Mount

Mark 9:5 An Impetuous Answer

Mark 9:7 Hear Him

Mark 9:8 Christ All in All

Mark 9:10 The Rising of the Dead

Mark 9:23 The Possibilities of Faith

Mark 9:24 Faith and Doubt

Mark 9:24 Modern Unbelief

Mark 9:29 The Lenten Fast

Mark 9:36-37 Christ in the Child

Mark 9:36-37 The Child in the Midst

Mark 9:41 ‘Whose I am’

Mark 9:41 Not your Own

Mark 9:50 Purity and Peace

Mark 10:13-16 Christ and the Children

Mark 10:13-16 Responsibility for Children

Mark 10:14 The Friend for Little Children

Mark 10:14 Child-Rescue

Mark 10:15 Modern Culture

Mark 10:21-22 The Lost Opportunity

Mark 10:22 Civilisation and Worship

Mark 10:23-26, r.v. The Church and Wealth

Mark 10:23-26, r.v. Christianity and Riches

Mark 10:23-26, r.v. The Love of Money

Mark 10:29Multum in Parvo

Mark 10:31 Bargaining in Religion

Mark 10:32 Fearers yet Followers

Mark 10:32-33 Christ’s Foreknowledge of Suffering

Mark 10:37 Excelsior!

Mark 10:38 The Fellowship of Christ’s Sufferings

Mark 10:40 Position in Heaven

Mark 10:43-45, r.v. Christian Service

Mark 10:45 Divine Meekness

Mark 10:45 The Atonement

Mark 10:46-52 A Parable of Life

Mark 10:49 The Higher Life

Mark 10:50 Garments to be Cast Away

Mark 10:52 Opened Eyes

Mark 11:1-6 The Social Influence of Christ

Mark 11:3 ‘The Needs of God’

Mark 11:3 An Individual Appeal

Mark 11:9 Christ the Subject of Song

Mark 11:13-14 The Barren Fig Tree

Mark 11:15-16 In the Court of the Gentiles

Mark 11:22 Faith and Spiritual Life

Mark 11:24, r.v. Private Prayer

Mark 11:24, r.v. Faith and Prayer

Mark 11:24, r.v. Limit, Range, Warrant

Mark 11:33 In the Dark at Noontide

Mark 12:9 The Lost Vineyard

Mark 12:16-17 God and Cæsar

Mark 12:16-17 The World and Christ

Mark 12:24 The Sadducees Confuted

Mark 12:28 A Great Question Answered

Mark 12:28-31 The Double Commandment

Mark 12:29-31 The Link between the Two Commandments

Mark 12:30 The Discipline of the Soul

Mark 12:34 Not far from the Kingdom

Mark 12:34 Why was He Near?

Mark 12:44 A Great Gift

Mark 13:1-2, r.v. The Conventional and the Moral

Mark 13:4 When?

Mark 13:10 The Gospel and the Nations

Mark 13:34, r.v. The Absentee Householder

Mark 13:34, r.v. Work and its Privileges

Mark 13:34, r.v. The Call to Work

Mark 13:34, r.v. The Law of the House

Mark 13:35-36 The Master’s Coming

Mark 13:35-36 That Blessed Hope

Mark 13:37 Watching

Mark 14:3 Mary of Bethany’s Offering

Mark 14:4; Mark 14:6 Mary’s Act Judged

Mark 14:4 A Captious Question

Mark 14:6 An Opportune Work

Mark 14:8 Nothing too Small

Mark 14:8 The Gift and its Motive

Mark 14:10-11 Betrayed for Money

Mark 14:19 ‘Is it I?’

Mark 14:22-24 The Holy Communion

Mark 14:32; Mark 14:34 In Gethsemane

Mark 14:36 Harmony of Will

Mark 14:37 Spiritual Sleep

Mark 14:37 Sleepest Thou

Mark 14:37 Wakefulness

Mark 14:37 Under the Olives

Mark 14:38 Christ’s Exhortation

Mark 14:38 Words from Gethsemane

Mark 14:46 Betrayed and Forsaken

Mark 14:63-64 ‘I Am’

Mark 14:72 St. Peter’s Fall

Mark 15:15 Pilate’s Sin

Mark 15:15-19 Christ’s Humiliation

Mark 15:22-23 The Mortification of Bodily Desires

Mark 15:31 The Lessons of Failure

Mark 15:31 The Mistake of those that Passed by

Mark 15:34 The Word from the Cross

Mark 15:39 A Confession of Faith

Mark 15:39 The Union of the Divine with the Human

Mark 15:37-38 The Rent Veil

Mark 16:3 The Stone at the Door

Mark 16:3 Imaginary Difficulties

Mark 16:6 The Invisibility of the Resurrection

Mark 16:6 Easter Lessons

Mark 16:7 Why ‘Into Galilee’?

Mark 16:9 The First Appearance of the Risen Lord

Mark 16:15 ‘Into all the World’

Mark 16:19 Ascended into Heaven

Mark 16:19 Rejoice!

Mark 16:19 The Purposes of the Ascension

Mark 16:19 The Significance of the Ascension

Mark 16:19 The Blessings of the Ascension

Mark 16:19 Results of the Ascension

Mark 16:20 Christ in the World

Mark 16:20 Christ’s Co-operation

Mark 16:20 Preparation and Effect

01 Chapter 1

Verse 1


‘The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.’

Mark 1:1

As God the Father gave His Son to be the Saviour of the world, so He also appointed faithful witnesses to teach men the salvation procured for them by Christ. Mark here gives a summary of what he intends to write. He says, in effect, that he is going to expound the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, which was begun in the manner the ancient prophets had predicted, and the progress of which corresponded in all points with what they foretold concerning it.

I. Define the term ‘Gospel.’—The word signifies glad tidings. The subject-matter of these tidings must be sought for in the writings of the Apostles. St. Paul (Romans 1:16) calls this Gospel ‘the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.’ Perhaps the fullest and clearest definition of the Gospel is contained in 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 : ‘All things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ,’ etc. John in like manner describes the Gospel as being the testimony concerning Jesus Christ of those who had seen, handled Him, etc. (1 John 1:1). The Gospel announces that God has fulfilled all the promises made to the Fathers by His Son Jesus Christ, Who became a man, undertook our cause, atoned for our sins by His death, conquered death by His resurrection, reconciles us to God, and consecrates us to His service by the obedience of faith. The Gospel, indeed, includes everything bearing upon our salvation.

II. Wherein does the preaching of the Gospel consist?—Look at the express teaching of Christ Himself, Who before His ascension said (Luke 24:46-47) ‘Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer.’ This definition of Gospel preaching contains—

(a) A record of facts, including both the Passion, and the Resurrection. It was with a view to these that the whole mystery of the Incarnation took place.

(b) The practical bearing of these facts, including Repentance and Remission of sins. He was exalted that He might give repentance and remission of sins (Acts 5:31). These are preached in His name.

III. What is the end or design of Gospel preaching?—The obedience of faith (Romans 1:16; 2 Corinthians 10:5). By faith we acknowledge Christ as our only Saviour, and such a confession of Him produces obedience to Him. In this are comprehended all the duties which He requires of us, and indeed all true religion; our whole life is to be framed according to the rule prescribed by Christ in the Gospel. Mark calls Christ expressly the Son of God. He is speaking of Him as the source of salvation, and by calling Him the Son of God shows that He is so not as a man simply, but as co-eternal and co-essential with the Father. He places this at the very beginning of his Gospel, in order to show that Christ is able to save us, inasmuch as all things were made by Him.

IV. The method and scope of Christ’s life, teaching, and work.—Mark says it began and was carried on as the prophets had foretold. His purpose by this remark seems to have been to meet the objections of those who affirm that the doctrine of Christ was a novelty and an innovation. Novelties in religion have among all nations been strongly objected to, and Satan has taken advantage of this fact to prejudice men’s minds against the Gospel. Mark accordingly makes at once the announcement that the Gospel narrative agrees in all points with the ancient prophets. The way of salvation propounded in the Gospel is the most ancient of all doctrines, for it is contained in the first promise (Genesis 3:15), which is expanded and developed in all subsequent promises made by God to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


(1) ‘As long as the twelve were still at Jerusalem, they were in themselves abiding witnesses to the facts which they announced; and if we may believe the accordant traditions of the early Church, it was not till they were scattered, and their work of preaching well-nigh finished, that the first authoritative record of the Gospel was composed. Thus Mark is said to have written down the substance of St. Peter’s public preaching. “Luke,” in like manner, “committed to a book the Gospel which Paul used to proclaim”; and though this rests upon a later authority, Matthew, when he was about to go to a fresh field of labour, left his Gospel to supply the place of the oral teaching in Palestine. The Gospel of John belongs to a yet later period, and is wholly separated from the cycle of oral narratives.’

(2) ‘In Mark we have not so much as in Matthew, the point of convergence of the prophetic rays in the Messiah, the son of Abraham and David. Not so much as in Luke, the fairest of the children of men, Priest and Victim, the Teacher of grace and forgiveness. Not so much as in John, the Eternal Word made flesh, floating in a robe of heavenly light. It is the Gospel whose emblem is the Lion, whose Hero is full of Divine love and Divine strength. It is the Gospel which was addressed to the Romans, to free them from the misery of scepticism, from the grinding dominion of superhuman force unguided by a loving will. Here, brief as it is, we have, in its essential germs, all the theology of the Church. Had every other part of the New Testament perished, Christianity might have been developed from this.’

(3) ‘The words, “the Son of God,” conveyed far more to Jewish minds than they do to ours. They were nothing less than an assertion of our Lord’s divinity. They were a declaration that Jesus was Himself very God, and “equal with God” (John 5:18). There is a beautiful fitness in placing this truth in the very beginning of a Gospel. The divinity of Christ is the citadel and keep of Christianity. Here lies the infinite value of the satisfaction He made upon the cross.’

(4) ‘Mark has the special gift of terse brevity, and of graphic painting in wonderful combination. While on every occasion he compresses the discourses, works, and history into the simplest possible kernel, he on the other hand, unfolds the scenes more clearly than Matthew does, who excels in the discourses. Not only do single incidents become in his hands complete pictures, but even when he is very brief, he often gives, with one pencil stroke, something new and peculiarly his own.’



I. Christ’s incarnation was a great beginning for humanity.—What birth is to a man, our Lord’s Incarnation was to the human race. Humanity then commenced a fresh lease of life—passed from infancy into manhood. It was the birthday of immortal hope. This was a moral evolution, an epoch in human development. Jesus Christ Himself is our Gospel. ‘God was in Christ’; this is the marrow of the ‘good news.’ Had not the Son of God become a Son of man, the sons of men had ne’er become the sons of God.

II. This beginning had its hidden roots in the past.—To the narrow horizon of our vision, it seems an event altogether new. Yet it was the natural outcome of the past. It was but another step in the unfolding of God’s eternal purpose. All the history of the past was culminating in the birth of Jesus Christ. Sinai foreshadowed Calvary. We can begin a new chapter in life; nevertheless, we cannot suddenly break with the past. Some thread of continuity, perhaps concealed, will bind the two parts.

III. This new creation is both like and unlike the old.—It is like, in that it opens with a voice. Attention is challenged for the message, not for the man: it is a Voice. The man is a cipher; the doctrine everything. It is unlike in the fiat uttered. In creation it was, ‘Be done!’ Now it is, ‘Prepare!’ Still that voice resounds ‘Prepare!’ To enjoy larger discoveries of God, Prepare! To receive richer donations of blessing, Prepare! For life’s tremendous responsibility, Prepare! For the heavenly scene and service, Prepare!

IV. Beginnings are often attended with pain.—The desert-life of John, with its ascetic austerities, was painful. The beginning of the Gospel was struggle, battle, upheaval, overthrow. The birth of the new means the death of the old.

V. The Gospel of Christ is a beginning without an end.—In the kingdom of Messiah, the prophecy becomes fact. ‘Thy sun shall no more go down.’ Where shall the reign of this Gospel end? In man’s reconciliation with God? in regeneration of character? in sonship? in elevation to heavenly seats? These are but successive steps in exaltation. ‘We shall be like Him!’ The Gospel is power—infinite power. Is there no limit to man’s development? None. By virtue of Christ’s Gospel, we are always beginning.

Verse 3


‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness.’