MCAA General Membership Meeting
March 8, 2017
Middle School LGI Room
Board Members Present:
Chris Williams, Jim Gryck, Doug Sleva, Amber Torreance, April Crawford, Frank Sinatra, Stephanie Olenik, Jennifer Gryck, Scott Hiemstra
Byron Oesterling, Courtney Smith, Joel Matsco, Chris Lindsey
President, Chris Williams, called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.
In attendance who signed in (10):
Chris Williams, Jim Gryck, Doug Sleva, Amber Torreance, April Crawford, Frank Sinatra, Stephanie Olenik, Jennifer Gryck, Scott Hiemstra, David Lindsay
In attendance who did not sign in (2):
Shane Newhouse and Brendan Hathaway
President’s Report (Chris Williams)
- Parent meeting was on March 6th- 2 registered so far
- Discussed in person registration- laptops on hand and pass out lottery tickets
- Advised that we have a potential Communications Commissioner- Scott Hiemstra
Vice President’s Report (Chris Lindsey)
- Not present
Secretary’s Report (Jennifer Gryck)
- Nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report (Jim Gryck)
- Business Green Checking$ 9,716.31
- Business Money Market$ 19,445.22
- Business Savings$ 1,677.16
- Business Savings$ 10,287.60
- Total$ 41,126.29
Football (Doug Sleva)
- This is his last year- will need to find someone to take his place.
- Votes no to having 2 refs for the 7U games.
- Advised we need at least one scheduled exhibition game at the beginning of the season.
Cheer (Amber Torreance)
- Try-out for older divisions set for 20-22 April 2017
- Need to find coaches and replacement for Cheer Commissioner for next year. Currently looking for someone to shadow her this year.
Concessions (Courtney Smith)
- Not present
Dance (Vacant)
Programs (April Crawford)
- Nothing to report
Fields (Frank Sinatra)
- Golf carts need maintenance- will talk to Bob Parsons
- Once he has the schedule will fill out paper work for athletic director.
- Questioning lights- will talk to David Docchio
Communications (Reported by Dave Mauer)
- Will have the LGI room for the next three meetings, will need to find another location for May 31st.
Equipment (Byron Oesterling)
- Not present
- Discussed that equipment needs reconditioning and shoulder pads may need purchased.
Special Events (Stephanie Olenik)
- August 5th picnic at Moon Park- Clearview pavilion- Face painting- MCAA to provide drinks, hotdogs and hamburgers.
Safety (Joel Matsco)
- Not present
Old Business: Nothing was brought up.
New Business:
- High school coaches Shane Newhouse and Brendan Hathaway in attendance to discuss issue with 12U team. The coaches have numbers concerns- need 20 a class to have enough players. Discussed Sunday night games for 7th graders so they can still be part of MCAA. Discussed that they had spoken to the new Director for Moon Parks and Recreation about the possibility of a flag football team (West A, North Fayette and Finley have flag football teams). Concerns voiced regarding the weight issue of some of the 6th grades and the possibility of them not being able to play. In an effort to recruit more kids for football Brendan advised of free flex band class on Wednesdays after school for 6th and 7th graders. The flex band class takes place in the weight room and they have about 54 kids participating.
- Takes aways: Meet with Bob Brozovich –Director for Moon Parks and Recreation to discuss flag football. Would like stats of how many youth that play flag football as well as pad football. Need date for high school coaches to meet with MCAA coaches to give tips.
- Dates of upcoming events given by Brendan Hathaway:
May 6th- Cash Bash
Three Sundays in May- Offensive installs
June 3rd and 4th Joe Moore Camp- run by former NLF players
July 24th, 25th and 26 Youth Camp
Motion to adjourn at 8:33PM: April Crawford motioned and Amber Torreance gave second.
Next meeting is Wednesday, April 12th, 2017 @ 7:00 PM. Location is at Middle School LGI Room.