Varsity Captain & Co-Captain Tryout Requirements
Congratulations on making the 2016-2017 Guyer High School Varsity Cheer Squad. I am excited about your decision to tryout for Varsity Captain or Co-Captain, taking on one of these roles brings on many responsibilities as well as opportunities. Please read through this packet thoroughly and thoughtfully as this is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
What should I be prepared to do for Tryouts?
1. Fill out the “Captain Application” and turn it in by April 4th at 4:10pm to declare your intent to tryout.
2. Create a Captain Portfolio consisting of the following (due April 18th at 4:10pm-NO EXCEPTIONS). The notebook should be bound in a plain ½ inch binder with these sections:
a. A cover page indicating your name, your squad for the 2016-17 school year.
b. Summary of your responses to the captain application (the bolded questions on Captain Application), can ONLY be 1 page (8 ½ x 11)
c. Complete these sentences:
i. A captain always…
ii. A captain never…
iii. A captain is the first person…
iv. A captain is not…
v. A captain’s attitude is always…
vi. A captain thinks…
d. Goals: 5 personal goals & 5 team goals
e. Pep Rally Plans: your plan should include all details of the pep rally: theme, opener ideas/choreography, song, costume, formations, games, crowd involvement, etc.
f. Team bonding activity: your idea should include details about the event and how you will use it to bring everyone together.
g. Interview Questions: your responses to the pool of questions the interviewers will be taking questions from during the panel interview.
i. What position (captain/co-captain) would you like to hold and why? Why are you the best candidate for this position?
ii. What did you contribute to the team this year?
iii. What talents and ideas do you have to offer Guyer Cheer?
iv. What are three qualities that you think a Captain/Co-Captain should possess?
v. What is your greatest positive attribute?
vi. Should you make Captain/Co-Captain, what are your weakest points that you want to improve upon? How will you go about this?
vii. List your top picks for Captain/Co-Captain. Who should be captain? Why?
viii. What changes would you like to see next year? How do you plan to implement those changes?
ix. List 3 areas that you feel need to be addressed with Coach Hamilton and possibly changed?
x. List 3 new ideas that you might propose to Coach Hamilton and the team.
xi. Is it more important for a captain/co-captain to have leadership OR cheer ability? Why do you think as you do?
xii. In your own words, what is a leader?
xiii. Describe what you think the Captain/Co-Captain’s role is to the team.
xiv. Describe the difference between the captain and the co-captain.
xv. How would you feel if you were not selected as a captain/co-captain? Will you stay a positive and supportive team member?
xvi. Explain how you would handle being a Captain/Co-Captain in front of your friends. How would being a captain/co-captain change your relationship with your friends?
xvii. How would you approach handling stress and the responsibilities of being a captain/co-captain?
xviii. With what tone and/or attitude would you accept criticism from the team simply because you are executing your captain/co-captain duties?
xix. How would you approach Coach Hamilton if you knew the entire team disagreed with her decision?
xx. How would you handle the situation of a team member breaking a major rule…an incident that you saw first-hand?
xxi. What are the biggest complaints of the team and how would you help resolve them?
xxii. What has been your favorite experience so far this year?
xxiii. Think about team drama. Do you have any suggestions as to how we might deal with it differently or more positively?
xxiv. Gossip. Explain what it is and what is can do to a team. Also, talk about yourself. Do you gossip? What about? Why?
h. Section with signed: Guyer Varsity Cheer Captain/Co-Captain Contract Agreement and Captain/Co-Captain Permission Form
*Answers should be unique and clear, and it needs to be honest and ideas/beliefs that you intend on following throughout the year! Put thought & effort in to your portfolio, but do NOT spend a lot of money!! It needs to be neat and organized, but not necessarily crafty. You can make your Captain Portfolio cute & colorful, but you do not have to.*
Portfolios will be judged anonymously by Denton ISD Staff Members.
3. You will participate in an interview with a panel of teachers/administrators from the district on Tuesday, April 24th. You may not know everyone that is interviewing you. The panel may not know much about cheerleading, but have expertise in other areas. Keep this in mind when making your binder and answering their questions. Interview dress should be professional, no jeans.
The following are important dates for Captain/Co-Captain Tryouts:
Monday, April 4th by 4:10pm –Application Submitted to declare intent
Monday, April 18th by 4:10pm—Submit Completed Notebooks
Wednesday, April 20th by 4:10pm—Teacher Evaluation Forms due back to Hamilton
Friday, April 22nd at 3:30pm—Scheduled Panel Interview
TBD—Summer Varsity Captain/Co-Captain Practices: Choreographing Openers, Planning Pep Rallies, Scheduling Team Bonding Activities, etc.
Scoring System for Captain/Co-Captain Tryouts
Each candidate will be judged by the following criteria:
1. Teacher Evaluation (20%)
2. Captain Portfolio (20%)
3. Panel Interview (20%)
4. Tryout Score (20%)
5. Coaches Evaluation (20%)
Selection of Captain/Co-Captain will be based on the above criteria.
The number of Captain/Co-Captains selected will be based on team size and scores. There will be only one captain. The captain must be a senior for the upcoming school year and must make the 2016-2017 varsity squad. The varsity team captain and co-captain must have one year of GHS Varsity Cheerleading Experience. Placement of Captains or Co-Captains will be determined by the candidate’s scores. The results of the tryout will be posted on the Guyer High School Cheerleading Website once all criteria have been scored.
Guyer Varsity Cheer Captain/Co-Captain Contract
I have a copy of the GHS Cheerleading Constitution, and understand the responsibilities and privileges of being a Guyer Varsity Captain/Co-Captain. I will abide by these rules and regulations and set an example for all team members so that they will also follow the GHS Cheerleading Constitution.
I will cooperate fully and encourage team members to cooperate fully with the coaches, faculty, school administration, and all persons and organizations concerned to promote school spirit and good sportsmanship. I will at all times, whether at school or away from school, conduct myself in a manner that best represents the students and faculty at Guyer High School.
I realize the extra time and energy involved in being a Varsity Captain/Co-Captain and I will always remain loyal and dedicated to the best interest of our organization, even if I do not always agree. I will remain positive and spirited throughout the year and encourage the team members to act the same way.
If I do not make an captain/co-captain position for the upcoming year, I will remain on the team as a positive team member and support the coaches and captain/co-captains efforts and leadership at all times.
I commit myself to the following statements and situations:
1. As a Captain/Co-Captain, I understand that I will participate 100% in everything this organization is involved with. This includes summer camps, summer practices, football season, and any and all scheduled calendar events.
2. I will exemplify the ideal Cheerleader at all times in and out of uniform by setting an example for all Cheerleaders to follow and be proud of.
3. I will be lady like and courteous at all times.
4. I will fulfill all responsibilities and duties assigned to me as a Captain/Co-Captain in a timely fashion.
5. I will fulfill any job assigned to me by the coach(s), even if I feel it is better suited for another Captain/Co-Captain or team member.
6. I will abide by every rule in the GHS Cheerleading constitution.
7. I will not lie to the coaches.
8. I will never withhold any vital information from the coaches; this includes information in regard to teammates, sub varsity, or other Captain/Co-Captains.
9. I will uphold all private information with my fellow Captain/Co-Captains as well as the coaches. This includes speaking with other parents or teammates in regards to Captain/Co-Captain and/or team business.
10. I will never be seen anywhere cursing, smoking, drinking, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol at any time. Nor will any thing inappropriate be posted to any form of Social Media, any inappropriate web content will result in possible demotion from Captain/Co-Captain responsibilities.
11. I will enforce the constitution equally with my fellow Captain/Co-Captain.
12. I will do my fair share of work and fulfill my share of responsibilities without complaining. (i.e. helping with choreography, cleaning up after practice, taking care of music, etc.)
13. I will display mutual respect to my coaches, Captain/Co-Captain, and team.
14. I will always support the coaches, even if I do not agree with them. I will not talk negatively about them, roll my eyes, or be disrespectful at any time in cheer or out of cheer.
15. I will be loyal to the other Captain/Co-Captain and coaches.
16. I will never speak against a decision made by the Captain/Co-Captain, team, or coaches.
17. I will speak only positively about the team and individual members.
18. I will motivate instead of complain.
19. I will accept the coaches’ decisions to demote me if I break all or a portion of this contract.
20. I will keep my grades up and maintain a 75 average in all classes. I will attend tutorials when possible at times when absolutely necessary.
21. I will work 100% in practice and performance. I will not argue with the other Captain/Co-Captain or become a problem. I will not have a bad attitude.
22. I will not be part of an outside activity that interferes with High School Cheerleading team, scheduled calendar events or practice dates/times.
23. I understand that I am a leader for my team but the coaches will make all decisions. I will support the coach at all times. I will accept her decisions and not expect an explanation.
24. I understand that for any reason, should I develop a physical condition that will not enable me to perform at the best level of technique; the coaches may suggest that I seek outside physical activity or assistance to reestablish that performance level that is equal to the rest of the team. Due to my safety and well being, the coaches may not allow me to perform until the situation has been remedied.
25. I will follow all policies in the Denton ISD Student Code of Conduct.
26. I understand that being a Captain/Co-Captain is an honor and a privilege, not a right. I am thankful to be selected and will be grateful throughout the year I serve in this position. I will be grateful throughout the year as I serve the team.
Probation: Captain/Co-Captain will be put on probation if they do not uphold the responsibilities of the position. If a captain/co-captain cannot meet the expectations after one probationary period, they will be removed from the leadership position and another Captain/Co-Captain may be assigned by the coach.
Specific Captain/Co-captain Responsibilities:
1. Enroll as Teacher Aide with Head coach (Varsity only).
2. Commitment to being at ALL activities assigned.
3. Arrive EARLY to all activities! A captain should be the first one to arrive and the last one to leave.
4. Willingness to create choreography, formations, and pep rally routines as needed.
5. Fill out weekly planning sheet and turn in to coach.
6. Under coach’s supervision, lead practice as based on weekly plan sheet.
7. Call cheers/chants during game.
8. Get squad stretched and warmed up for events. Make sure everyone is ready and on time.
9. Responsible for taking attendance at all activities.
10. Organize all equipment to be taken to games.
11. Make sure the squad is productive and on task. This includes keeping everyone quiet, attentive, productive, and focused.
12. Communicate to teammates about upcoming times and events.
13. Encourage and initiate: a hard work ethic, a good attitude, responsibility, etc.
14. Be the liaison between the squad and the coach.
15. Keep the coach updated on problems, complaints, concerns, uncooperative behaviors, squad problems, and ideas of squad members.
16. Coordinate pep rally planning with coaches.
17. Do additional work the coach asks of you as situations arise.
Guyer Varsity Captain/Co-Captain Contract Agreement
I have read and understand the Guyer Varsity Cheerleading Captain/Co-Captain contract. I understand that this contract is not to be taken lightly. I will abide by the guidelines stated within to be the best captain/co-captain that I can.
_____________________________________________ ___________________
Candidate Signature Date
_____________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
I am aware that my child is trying out for Captain/Co-Captain of the Guyer Varsity Cheerleading Squad. I recognize and accept all responsibilities, financial and otherwise, that come with my child’s choice and she has my permission to tryout.
_____________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Captain/Co-Captain Permission Form
My child, _______________________________________, has permission to tryout for Varsity Cheer Captain/Co-Captain at Guyer High School for the 2016-2017 school year. We have read all information in the tryout packet and will assist in every way to see that the rules are upheld. If my child is selected as a Captain/Co-Captain, I understand that each Captain/Co-Captain is financially responsible for the additional costs, that maybe necessary, throughout the year and that once items are ordered, money cannot be refunded. I also understand that the school, team, and coaches assume no responsibility for any accident or injury that might occur at the school, during an event or away from school grounds. In the event that the family physician cannot be contacted, the school officials are authorized to take whatever action is deemed necessary for the health of my child. I will not hold the district, school, coaches, or administration responsible if my child does not make a Captain/Co-Captain position.
_____________________________________________ ___________________
Candidate Signature Date
_____________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
The final decisions will be made by Coach Hamilton. She will use the accumulation of scores for Teacher Evaluations, Captain Portfolio, Panel Interview, Tryout Score, and Coaches Evaluation.
GHS Cheerleading Captain Application