Officers and Directors 2015-2016
Father GeorgeThayilkuzhithottu Chaplain
Bill Chrostowski Grand Knight 715.830.9371
Randy DeMars Deputy Grand Knight 715.832.1639
Mark Aebly Financial Secretary 715.874.5574
Bob Kortes Recorder 715.836.9248
Jerry Whalen Treasurer & Council Director 715.834.1981
Dallas Short Chancellor 715.828.3836
John DeLestry Advocate 715.835.1992
Mike Sheehan Inside Guard 715.338.9470
Scott Stagliano Outside Guard 715.214.4334
James Stachura Field Agent 920.609.8615
Fran Koppa Bowling Secretary 715.835.8915
Kevin Friederichs 3 Yr. Trustee 715.215.0815
Bob Sieben 2 Yr. Trustee 715.829.3657
Tim Carroll 1 Yr. Trustee 715.834.5954
Knights of Columbus
John F. Kennedy Council #1257
P.O. Box 923
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Meetings & Socials at K of C Hall 2708 Thomas Drive Eau Claire, WI
Youth Report. There were 107 posters entered for the K of C Christmas poster contest this year. There were no posters for grade 1. Grade 2 winners of 50 entries: 1st place Dominic Santine, 2nd place Haven McAnarney, 3rd place Brayln Siverling. Grade 3 winners of 45 entries: 1st place Ella Hendricksoon, 2nd place Addison Siverling, 3rd place Zachary Guo. Grade 4 winners of 12 entries: 1st place Vanessa Ebert, 2nd place Jacey Behrens, 3rd place Calesta Danielson. The first place posters have been sent on for further contest competition. Thank you schools and kids for your interest and great participation.
The K of C Pro-Life essay contest also had tremendous participation this year with 150 entries. Here is the list of winners for 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th grade for the 2015 Culture of Life Essay. 7th grade winners: 1st Kevin Byrne (St. James) 2nd Payton Kostka (St. Olaf's) 3rd Rachel Szepieniec (Immaculate Conception) 8th grade winners: 1st Noelle Pawlski (St. James) 2nd Maggie Andrews (Immaculate Conception) 3rd Brent Martin (Immaculate Conception). 9th grade winners: 1st Gabrielle Semerand (St. Mary's) 2nd Heidi Szwierczynski (Immaculate Conception) 3rd Adam Pernsteine (St. Mary's.) 10th grade winners: 1st Celine Sabbagh Immaculate Conception) 2nd Lorren Postl (St. Olaf's) 3rd (Taryn Alexander (St. Mary's).
The annual K of C Free Throw contest is scheduled for Saturday January 23rd at Immaculate conception School gym. The Gym will be open at 9:00 a.m. and the local council competition will start at 9:30 a.m. with the District competition to follow. It is hoped that all events will be completed before noon. This competition is open for both girls and boys ages 9-14. Members if you have children that might be interested bring them over to the competition. The Free Throw information will be going to the schools after the first of the year. All kids ages 9-14 are eligible to participate.
Warm Christmas greetings were delivered by Santa and his 10 elves to the residents of the Bolton Refuge House on December 15. Special thanks to Jerry Whalen who delivered the dinner and to Judy Teske who purchased a new Santa suit for us and to all who participated. I strongly encourage all Knights and their families to participate in this annual charitable giving event in the future. It truly is one of the great inspirational activities that we as K of C deliver and warms the heart of all involved.
Two motions will be voted on at our January 12 business meeting. We have a motion made to donate two $500 scholarships for a total of $1,000 to Regis Catholic Schools Students again this year. We also have a motion to donate two $600 RSVP donations for a total of $1,200 in support two local seminarians. (RSVP Program is a program to support Seminarians in which the Supreme Council will reimburse councils $100 for every donation to a seminarian over $500) In accordance with our council bylaws we need to publish donations over $500 before we can vote on them.
Financial Secretary - The holiday season slowed raffle and dues returns. Please send yours in now!! For those that get their dues notices through email and haven't seen yours yet, check you spam folder, your notice might have been put there. Also, if you know any local seminarians in need of assistance please contact me, Mark Aebly 715.874.5574
"LIFESAVER FUNDRAISER JANUARY 16 & 17, 2016. January 22 marks the 43rd anniversary of Roe v Wade, which legalized abortions in the United States for any reason throughout pregnancy. The result has been the death of well over 58 million unborn children. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE- volunteer your time at your parish the weekend of January 16 & 17. We need Knights to be present at all masses, and at all entrances to your church. We ask you to be at these locations about 10 minutes before mass starts, and for about 10 minutes after mass is over. Please call your parish coordinator to volunteer for this event....surprise them, give them a call, don't wait for them to call you! We need your help for this fundraiser to be successful - this is an event where a minimal time commitment can result in major benefits! Parish Coordinators are: IC: Dallas Short 715 835 4651 & Bill Chrostowski 715 830 9371 St James: Tom Kempen 715 832 8088 St Olaf:Scott Stagliano 715 214 4334 St Pats/Sacred Heart:Mike Sheehan 715 338 9470 & Bob Kortes 715 836 9248 or 715 876 2285. Donations from this event will enable us to address a variety of life issues, including abortion. We need YOU to make this a successful campaign! Thank you for your help! May God bless you for your efforts. Bill Hawn - Prolife Coordinator.
Thank you to Jerry and Bonnie Olson for once again hosting a very well attended Tom & Jerry Party in their beautiful home on Dec 29.
Our December Knight of the Month is Tom Kempen. Tom does a wonderful job at keeping our council hall looking great as well as serving as Parish Captain for St James Parish for Tootsie Roll Drive, Life Saver Drive, Keep Christ in Christmas Sales and just about anything else we need. Thank you for all that you do Tom!
Bolton House KC Crew 2015
Tuesday January 12 will be our regular business meeting at 7pm at the Kennedy Hall.
Weekend of January 16 & 17 will be our annual LifeSavers for Life collection at the local parishes. Please contact a parish captain if you are able to help.
Saturday January 23 will be the annual KC Free Throw Contest at Immaculate Conception gym. The local competition will begin at 9:30 am with the district competition to follow.
Tuesday January 26 will be a normal 4th Tuesday Pot Luck Dinner at the hall. Knights and their families are welcome, just bring a dish to pass. Social hour begins at 5:30 pm with dinner starting at 6:30.
Sunday January 31 we will have a 5th Sunday Corporate Communion at St James 10 am mass. Knights and their families are encouraged to attend and please sit together at the mass.
Friday February 5 will be First Friday Mass 7 am at Immaculate Conception.
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