DECEMBER 3, 2014, WGC Executive Board and Membership Meeting Minutes

Westwood Gun Club


E Board activities: general discussion of activities, a preliminary schedule of 2015 events was discussed; E-Board will hold a meeting January 21, 2015 at 6:00 PM at the club house to discuss the schedule and work items for the next year.


The meeting began at 8 PM, at the clubhouse. Thanks to the 13members who were at the meeting.

A.SECRETARY’S REPORT. Minutes of theNovember2014 meeting were read and accepted.

B.TREASURER’S REPORT. Report forNovember 2014was readand accepted

  1. General Income was about $1,002.00. Renewal income $19, 590.00 from 141 members.
  2. Expenses about $2,375.14.
  3. Bank checking accountbalance $62,304.71.
  4. Fidelity account balance $31,100.87. No change.
  5. Assets value $23,650.00.
  6. Month-end value $117,055.58.


1.New metal targets were purchased and some have been installed.

2.Suggestions for new events were discussed to get more participation.

3.Club turkey shoot was a success with many birds being awarded!

4.New security cameras and equipment will be discussed in January.


1.141 members have renewed. 186 have not renewed so far.

2. Renewals are due January 1, 2015.

3.Access locks to the Club will be changed January 1, 2015.

4.Renewals NOT received by March 1, 2015 will go on a waiting list for 2016.

5.Anyone interested in shooting at Addieville, steak and clays, contact John Ledbetter.

6.John Ledbetter is replacing old rusted chairs with new plastic ones.

7.We will order another case of ammo for the Garand match. We have one full case remaining.

8.Route 109 trap shoot will be at Fin Fur & Feather this year, about April, Randall Miller will coordinate. Must use steel shot at this range.

9.Question was asked about a Club sponsored hunter safety course. State runs hunter safety courses, so Club cannot. Must get on their waiting list to attend a course.


  1. Need to be more attentive to cease fire procedures and rifle/pistol/trap range coordination between shooting positions. Make sure everyone knows when the line is going safe or hot. Pay particular attention to signal lights, flag at pistol area and ORANGE cone and flag at trap area as it is NOT safe to handle firearms when these are displayed.
  2. Pay attention to where and what you are shooting at and those around you. As always, Be Safe.
  3. New metal targets are being installed. More are coming.


  1. Renewals have been sent out. Renewals are DUE JANUARY1, 2015. Members NOT submitting their renewalbefore the deadline of March 1, 2015, will be placed on an inactive list and may apply for renewal in 2016. They will NOT be able to use the Club facilities until they renew in 2016 as position become available. New member applications were posted on the web-site and 35 were received. The application form has been removed from the website and NO more applications are being taken. New member orientations will be held in April.


  1. Next E Board meeting will be Wednesday, January 7, 2015, at 7:00 PM.
  2. Next general membership meeting will be Wednesday, January 7, 2015, at 8:00 PM.
  3. Special E- Board meeting will be held Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 6:00 PM at the Club House..
  4. After February, check website and bulletin board for 2015 schedule and changes if necessary.

Meeting was adjourned at about 8:30PM.

Mike Angieri

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