The goal of this program is to create meaningful research experiences for residents in the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine at BIDMC. This program will allow residents to participate in a formal research program with a mentor during their residency and/or develop their already established skills. They will be guided toward an appropriate mentor, whether within or outside the Department, and assisted in the development of a proposal. The allocated time and resources will be periodically reviewed to identify barriers to success and facilitate the achievement of the final goal.
This is a 2-part application process (Part 1, Research Strategy and Part 2, Mentor letter). Please strictly adhere to the format below in order to be considered for this program.
Part 1: Research Strategy (2 pages)
Applicant Name:
Proposed Project Title:
Primary Mentor Name: Secondary MentorName (if applicable):
Please state if this is an original project proposed by the resident or if the resident is joining a previously established project.
Original Project Proposal Previously Established Project
Please indicate the number of research months requested: months
Do you have a preference for when you would receive this elective time? (ex. Spring 2017)
What is the current state of the project?
Conception and Design(Includes obtaining IRB approval)
No data has been collected
Ongoing data collection
Completed Data Collection / Data Analysis
Manuscript Preparations
Please state three goals to be achieved by the end of this project.
Project Plan
AimsClearly state the broad, long-term objective and then the 1-3 specific aims (immediate goals or questions to be answered) of this project
BackgroundConcisely state the relevant background and motivation for this project.
MethodsClearly state how you plan to achieve the stated specific aims. If relevant, include an estimate of sample size and/or availability of research subjects or data for the study.
Data AnalysisClearly state the proposed data analysis, including expected results.
ReferencesPlease cite any pertinent references.
Part 2: Mentor Letter
Please include a mentor letter including assessment of the candidate and their project. Please also describe your plan for supervision including research project environment and availability of key resources, as well as your commitment to guide the resident toward future clinical research.
Is it feasible for the candidate to achieve their proposed goals?YesNo
If no, please describe why:
Please indicate and describe any expected productivity:
Is the resident a candidate for the Department of Medicine Introduction to Clinical Research Program? Yes No
By signing the line below, the candidateand mentor agree to the submission of the candidate’s application to be considered for the Anesthesia Resident Research Program.
Applicant SignatureDate
Anesthesia Resident Research Program | Application version July 2015 / 1