Table of Contents


Absences & Tardiness



Birthday Parties


Bus Transportation Rules of Conduct

Bus Transportation Discipline Policy


Cafeteria Rules

Cellular Telephones

Child Find

Code of Conduct



Discipline Rules/ Code of Conduct

Discipline Consequences


Dress Code


Emergency Cards

Evacuation Procedures


Field Trips

Fire Drills

First Week of School

Forgotten Items


General School Rules

Grading Policy


Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

Health and the Nurse

Homework and Study Guidelines

Homework when absent


Inclement Weather Procedures


Internet Use Policy

Intervention and Referral Services (IR&S)


Lunch Procedures


Music, Art, Library and Computers


Parent/ Teacher Conferences

Physical Education

Playground Rules

Pre-K Students- entry into the building


Recess Milk and Snack Time

Report Cards


School Closing

Student/ Family Information

Student Rights

Supervision Before and After School

Supportive Instructional Services



Time Schedule for school times and lunch times


Valuables at School

Visitors in the Building/ Building Security

Volunteer Services




Grade Level Teachers

Mrs. Juarez Pre-K

Mrs. Cassano Pre-K

Mrs. Duggan Pre-K

Mrs. Moyer K

Mrs. Christensen K

Mrs. Lang K

Mrs. Musarra K/1st

Mrs. Titmas 1st

Mrs. Ricciardi 1st

Miss Micchelli 1st

Mrs. Marano 2nd

Miss Marshall 2nd

Mrs. Hrdina 2nd

Mrs. Erickson 1st/2nd

Mrs. Kahn 3rd

Mrs. Ballard 3rd

Mrs. Supino 3rd

Miss Bogda 3rd

Miss Hampp 3rd

Mrs. Craig 4th

Mrs. Romanyshyn 4th

Miss Brehm 4th

Mrs. Pinnock 4th

Mr. Bogner 4th

Mrs. Aiello ICR

Mrs. Shallcross ICR

Mrs. LeBlond ICR

Special Area Teachers

Miss Murray Art


Miss Riley Computer/G&T

Mrs. Cassidy AAP

Miss Cunningham AAP

Mrs. Santangelo AAP

Mr. Malanga Vocal Music

Mrs. Deczynski Instrumental

Ms. Gallanter Speech

Ms. Kaufman Speech

Ms. Shanley Speech

Ms. Victor Speech

Ms. Elzahaby ESL

Ms. Lisanti Phy. Ed.

Miss Flisler Phy. Ed.

Mrs. Moynihan Librarian

Mrs. Timiraos Media Clerk


Mrs. Lamar Nurse

Mrs. Birstler Guidance

Mrs. Wojcik Secretary

Mrs. Moreira Secretary

Mrs. Warren Principal


Absences and Tardiness:

Always report your child’s absence daily. Call the nurse (Mrs. Lamar) at 851-6488 prior to school starting or between the hours of 9:05 and 9:45am. Only Parents/Guardians may call the nurse’s answering machine to report absence.

Any child not in the classroom by the late bell will be considered tardy. The late bell for grades 3rd and 4th is 8:50am. The late bell for grades Kindergarten to 2nd is 9:05am. Students who arrive late must report to the Main Office for a late slip.

Children who are late/absent more than five times in a marking period will receive a letter concerning the lateness or absences, which is kept on file. Cumulative days over 15 can result in retention. Disciplinary actions can be given for tardiness. This can include a morning or after school detention.

We strongly urge you not to take your child out of school early as it interferes with the instructional program and can adversely affect your child’s academic progress. If you must pick up your child before 3:05 dismissal, please send a note to your child’s teacher stating the dismissal time and the reason for leaving early. If you have forgotten to send a note, please call the school to let the office staff know. Please also inform us if your child is a bus student so that your child is removed from the attendance sheet for the bus on the day you will be picking your child up early.

Families should not plan vacations for times that school is in session. If an unplanned event arises, which means you need to take your child out of school for a period of three or more days, a letter needs to be sent to school with the date of the absences and the reason. For long-term absences, teachers cannot send home a packet of work since many of the concepts are taught and reviewed daily. While your child is absent, it is encouraged that your child keeps a journal of their daily activities as well as take pictures of the sights they may see. For example visits to a capital city, currency from a country or information of historical sites. By keeping a journal and collecting information, your children will be able to share the information when they return to school.


Battle Hill School requires that its students attend school regularly in accordance with the laws of the state. A high value is placed on students’ attendance because regular school attendance is a primary factor in a student’s academic and social development. Frequent absences of students from the regular school learning experiences disrupt the continuity of the instructional process. Students who miss school frequently experience difficulty in achieving the maximum benefits of schooling.


Code of Conduct for Attendance:

A) Students shall attend school daily.

B) Parents will ensure that their child attends school on time.

C) Parents will notify the school in the morning of absences by telephone or written notice. If such notice is not received, the school will make every attempt to contact the parents on the day of the absence.

D) A student must present a doctor’s excuse upon return to school from an absence of three consecutive days or more.

E) The principal/ designee may also require additional verification from the parent or guardian, such as a physician’s note or court subpoena, to substantiate the reason for the absence.

F) Students absent from school for any reason are responsible for the completion of assignments missed while absent.

Absences for field trips, school related activities, disabling illness, recovery from an accident, court order, quarantine, death in family, and religious observances approved by the Commissioner of Education are exempt, provided that appropriate documentation is received and approved. No student excused for a religious holiday shall be deprived of an award or eligibility to compete for an award or the opportunity to make up a test given on the religious holiday.

A warning notice will be given to the parent or guardian of any student, who has been absent more than five days in any one marking period, including any absence attributed to disciplinary suspensions.

All portions of this attendance procedure apply to special education students unless the I.E.P specifically states otherwise.

Birthday Parties:

Please give your child’s teacher at least 24 hours notice when requesting a date to send in goodies to celebrate his/her birthday and check with teacher as to dates for your child’s party so as not to interfere with other planned activities.

Please keep the party simple as snack time is approximately 20 minutes long. Some suggestions to send in are: munchkins, donuts, or cupcakes and napkins. Please do not send in cakes that need cutting or ice cream (no refrigeration is available). Please adhere to any stipulations in the classroom due to peanut or other allergens.

Balloons cannot be brought into classrooms due to our fire extinguishing system.

If sending in “Goodie Bag’s”, please check with your child’s teacher so no classmate is left out.


If sending in invitations for birthday parties outside of school, invitations may be given out in the classroom if all students in the class are invited. If only a

selected group of students are being invited, invitations have to be given out at another time other then during school hours.

Please check with your child’s teacher as to dates for your child’s party so as not to interfere with other planned activities. Also, please give at least 24 hours notice before.


Battle Hill School has a breakfast program which has two sessions between 8:00am and 9:00am. For students in grades 3rd and 4th, they will be provided the opportunity to eat starting at 8:00 until 8:30am. Students in grades kindergarten to 2nd, will be provided the opportunity to eat breakfast during the time of 8:30am to 9:00am. By abiding to these times, students will have an opportunity to eat breakfast return to the morning line up and be prepared to meet their teachers for the morning procedures.

Bus Transportation Rules of Conduct:

In order to insure a maximum degree of safety and comfort to students involved in student transportation, each student is expected to adhere to the following rules of conduct:

· Abide by the rules governing accepted and polite conduct.

· Observe property rights by not defacing the property surrounding the bus stop.

· Do not crowd or push at the bus stop.

· Board the bus in single file, go immediately to a seat, and sit down.

· Fasten your seat belt.

· Remain seated at all times while the bus is in motion.

· Keep the aisles clear at all times.

· Talk in conversational tones; be quiet to hear instructions or announcements.

· Treat the bus as if it is your property; do not damage any part of it.

· Obey all of the rules and follow the directions of the bus aide, bus stop aide, and bus driver.

· Answer politely and accurately when questioned.

· Do not talk back when reprimanded.

· Do not talk to the driver while the bus is in motion unless there is an emergency.

· Do not distract the driver through misbehavior.

· Do not eat or drink anything on the bus.


· Do not operate any equipment on the bus. If you wish to open a window, ask the bus aide or driver for permission.

· Keep arms, hands, and other parts of the body inside the bus.

· Do not throw or propel in any way objects while on or out of the bus.

· Remain seated until the bus has come to a complete stop.

· Exit the bus in single file and move away from the side of the bus.

· Fighting, profanity, and getting up out of a seat are forbidden on the bus

· Radios/tape recorders and live animals are not permitted on the school bus.

· No bulky orders such as fundraisers are allowed. Also, no balloons or objects, which would be a safety hazard, are permitted on the bus.

· Parents/ guardians/ authorized adults must be present at the bus stop to receive and supervise students in grades Pre-K to 2nd as they exit the bus.

If you are going to cross in front of the bus after you get off, do the following:

1. Exit the bus promptly.

2. Walk with the aide ahead of the bus on the sidewalk or shoulder of the road until you can clearly see the bottom of the windshield and the steering wheel and STOP.

3. When the driver has checked to make sure no cars are coming, the driver will motion YOU to cross in front of the bus.

4. For your safety, look both ways to see that there are no cars coming.

5. Walk quickly across the street; don’t stop; don’t turn back; don’t run; and when you get to the other side, get on the sidewalk or, the shoulder of the road on streets with no sidewalks.

If you plan to have your child not use the bus on a given day to go home, please be advised that the school must have a written note in advance. Except in emergencies, we expect to be notified at least one day in advance in writing; be aware without appropriate verification, the child will be placed on the bus. If you want to take your child at dismissal time or prior to dismissal, you must report to the office so the office can verify that the child is leaving with an appropriate adult. It is never appropriate for a bus student to meet an adult outside of the school. Attendance is taken every time the children line up for the bus to go home and every child must be accounted for before the bus leaves the school.

Students in violation of any of the preceding rules are subject to suspension from the school transportation or from school for a period of time to be determined by the building principal.


Bus Transportation Discipline Policy:

First Offense- When a student has been reported by a bus driver, aide, or another student for misconduct at a bus stop or on the school bus and his/ her actions have endangered the safety of others, the principal shall investigate to determine the accuracy of the charges. If the student has, in fact, violated any of the Rules of Conduct for Student Transportation, the principal shall have a conference with the student. A letter advising the parent of this incident shall be sent by the principal.

Second Offense- When the same student has been reported for a second infraction, the principal shall verify the charges as in the case of the first offense. If the student has, through his/ her misbehavior endangered the safety of others, or did not comply with any of the rules mentioned, the principal shall request a parent conference at the earliest possible date. The Rules of Conduct should be reviewed with the parents at this meeting as they relate to their child’s behavior, and reference made to the possible consequences of any further misbehavior.

Third Offense- When the same student has been reported for the third time and the steps of verification and endangerment have been established by the principal, he/ she may notify the parents that the student will be suspended from school transportation for a period of up to five days. If the principal does, in fact, suspend the student from

transportation, the principal should further advise the parent that they are responsible for providing transportation during the suspension period, and the student’s absence from school during the suspension period will be considered truancy unless the absence is due to some medical reason which can be supported by a doctor’s letter, or some other justifiable reason. In any event, absence during transportation suspension will cause the suspension period to be extended for the number of days of such absence. The student’s name, route number, and suspension dates should be sent to the transportation department as soon as the principal has made this determination.

Fourth Offense- The procedures for this offense and subsequent offenses shall be handled in the same manner as a third offense, except that the suspension period may be from ten days to twenty days.

New Jersey Statue 18A: 25 – Authority over students, a teacher or other person in authority over such student shall hold every student accountable for disorderly conduct in school and during recess and on the playgrounds of the school and on


the way to and from school. The driver shall be in full charge of the school bus at all times and shall be responsible for order. The driver shall never exclude a student from the bus. If unable to manage any student, he/ she shall report the unmanageable student to the principal of the school, which the student attends.