
Meeting Date: May 4, 2007

Meeting Location: Amberjacks Restaurant, South Padre Island, Texas

·  Meeting called to order by Jerry Mohn at 12:50.

·  Introduction by Robert Pinkerton, Mayor of South Padre Island

Þ  Town is contributing $5,000 to ASBPA conference in October 2007

·  Minutes from February 16, 2007 meeting accepted and approved as written.

·  Report of Treasurer (by Jerry Mohn for Larry Wise)

Þ  $3,025 currently in bank account

Þ  There are currently seven corporate sponsors

·  Report of Membership Committee (by Jerry Mohn for Cameron Perry)

Þ  Briefly discussed possibility of having a Texas Chapter booth to solicit new members at the upcoming ASBPA conference in Galveston

·  Report of Technical Committee (Marisa Weber)

Þ  Subcommittee meeting was held April 18th

Þ  Discussed soliciting technical speakers from industry and academia for brief presentations at Chapter meetings (already have 2 or 3 potential speakers for next meeting)

Þ  Current topics, news, and technical issues continue to be posted on Chapter Web page

Þ  Discussed ways to contribute to upcoming ASBPA conference (incl. moderators, AV support) and reminded all that abstracts for presentations are due May 31.

Þ  Dan Heilman gave brief presentation on beach erosion and nourishment history at South Padre Island

·  Report of Education / Communication Committee (Jerry Mohn for Larry Wise)

Þ  Discussed Web site (www.texasasbpa.org):

-  Subscribe to Yahoo email list for TSBPA notices and/or technical discussion

-  Advertising

-  Basic technical information

-  Members are encouraged to contribute (send information to Larry Wise)

·  Report of Legislative Committee (Jerry Mohn for John Lee and Sidney McClendon)

Þ  Washington

-  Support for ASBPA national agenda

-  Obtained 21 resolutions from various communities

-  Visited Texas legislators, gave them resolutions

Þ  Austin

-  Texas Chapter supports Michael Jackson’s bill 1473 in opposition of 2960 (2960 would increase Windstorm insurance rates)

-  Texas Chapter supports house bill 1602 to close loophole on personal injury lawsuits in Texas related to Jones Act (specifically injuries on dredges); will help reduce excessive dredging costs by ensuring that lawsuits are filed in coastal counties instead of injured party’s home county.

·  Report from TGLO (Lorrie Council)

Þ  Jody Henneke is new Deputy Commissioner for Coastal Resources

Þ  CIAP update: money for 2007 and 2008 are now known, $48,500,000 total ($31.5 mil state, $17 mil counties). Scope / extent of county projects are being revised to reflect less money available than originally anticipated. MMS will manage all grants for all states and is overburdened with large number of small projects; will likely prefer larger projects next cycle.

Þ  CEPRA update: Hurricanes disrupted plans for many of the Cycle 4 projects, shifted priorities, resulted in “bigger picture” projects (such as sand search investigations in Galveston and South Padre Island)

Þ  Legislation: pursuing dedicated funding for CEPRA (HB 2487, 2819); goal is $20 mil for next biennium

Þ  Project Goal Summaries for next cycle are due July 1, 2007.

Þ  “Take your Legislator to the Beach Week” is May 28 through June 3; Town of SPI has invited Congressman Ortiz, encourage others to follow suit

·  ASBPA National Conference

Þ  October 21-24 at Galveston Convention Center

Þ  Association of Coastal Engineers will hold conference immediately following ASBPA conference at same venue

Þ  Expect up to 500 attendees

Þ  Register online at ASBPA.org

Þ  Jerry Mohn and John Lee are co-chairs

Þ  Sally Davenport is developing panels for program committee, wants 22% policy papers

Þ  Opportunity to unite Texas coast; have invited PACE from Louisiana

·  Coastal Cities Update

Þ  Debate / issues surrounding seaweed management and beach maintenance practices continue in Port Aransas and Corpus Christi

Þ  CEPRA project along Corpus Christi Ship Channel is ongoing and includes shoreline protection at Port Aransas Nature Preserve and jetties at Piper Channel

Þ  Willacy County Navigation District / Port Mansfield are dredging Mansfield Channel with leased dredge (they plan on buying the dredge)

Þ  Rockport planning large erosion response and beach access project to be funded with CIAP; may include improvements to Rockport Harbor

Þ  Town of South Padre Island recent held successful ecotourism summit

Þ  Cameron County highlighted successful wetlands restoration and dust control project at Bahia Grande; involved over 65 partners and restore over 10,000 acres

·  Quarterly meetings will continue. Next meeting tentatively schedule for August 4th in Jefferson County (Lamar State College) to be sponsored by Leap and Apollo Environmental. Following meeting will be at ASBPA conference in Galveston.

·  Meeting adjourned at approximately 3:40 p.m.

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