Empires of Asia Activities
Objective: Students will investigate how China and Japan developed after the fall of the Han
Dynasty with a shared culture. Students will use a learning menu to explore the
China and Japan.
Essential Questions: How has China changed after the Han Dynasty? How did
the Japanese blend borrowed customs and native tradition to create a
unique culture?
Standards: 6.2A.8.4.b, Compare and contrast the Japanese and European systems of feudalism and the effectiveness of each in promoting social, economic, and political order.
6.2B.8.4.a, Explain how geography influenced the development of the political, economic, and cultural centers of each empire and well as the empires relationships with other parts of the world.
6.2B.8.4.f, Explain how the geographies of China and Japan influenced their development and their relationship with one another.
6.2D.8.4.g, Analyze the immediate and long-term impact on China and Europe of the open exchange between Europe and the Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty.
06-08.RH.01, Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
06-08.RH.03, Identify key steps in a text's description of a process related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes law, how interest rates are raised or lowered).
06-08.RH.10, By end of grade 8, read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
07.W.01.B, Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
Directions: You have two summative grades within this unit. Part One allows you the option ofchoosing different tasks within the menu to guide your learning without repeating the same task. Part Two every student must complete. Completion of each part will require that studentshave a total of 100 points. It is due on December
8th. You will be responsible for keeping a neat, organized notebook or Google Docs of your progress.
Part One Section Review = 40 points
Test Review = 60 points total =100 points
Critical Thinking Sec. Assessment Question: Students can answer thecritical thinkingsection assessment question for a section. Chapter 14.1-Identifying Cause and Effect of Empress Wu Page 412 What effect did her “Iron Fist” have on China?
Chapter 14.4 Compare & Contrast Page 430 # 4
Chapter 15.3-Summarizing- samurai pg. 459 #6
Interactive Notebook:Choose 5-7 concepts from yournotes and to the left of the margin in your notebook draw apictureorsymbol that represents the key terms, people,and/or events that you chose.
Double Journal: complete a “Double Journal” citing twopieces of text that supports the Big Idea with anexplanation of the text in your own words in the secondcolumn on the T-chart.
Timeline: Choose 5-7 concepts from your notes and includein a timeline with a picture or symbol that represents thekey terms, people, and/or events that you chose.
Review for test Options: You must choose one that will include the study guide questions for the entire unit! (60 pts)
Flash Cards: Flash cards can be created using the key terms and people within the chapter. One side should only have the keyterm and on the other the textbook definition, a paraphraseddefinition and a visual representation of the key term.
Crossword Puzzle: Create a crossword puzzle using thevocabulary words from the chapter guide. Make sure to make ananswer key as well.
Part TwoReligion Bulletin = 25 points
Mural of Agricultural Advances= 25 points
Advertisement of Inventions= 25 points
Samurai or Japanese Poem= 25 points
----TOTAL----=100 points
Chapter Project Options: (100 pts)Section Options: Must complete eachsection!(25pts each)You must complete Religion Bulletin,Chinese inventions, agriculture mural for China, and the Samurai or Poem for Japan. / Information can be found in textbook or the following websites
Religion Bulletin –Compare and contrast the two major religious beliefs, Buddhism and Confucianism. Use the bar code to go to prescribed websites or use the copies from the sites and refer to the grading guide.
Exemplary / Score
Content / Completely and clearly sites at least 5 facts about each philosophy including who began them and how they affected China and Japan / 25
Artwork / 4-6 Highly appealing artwork that coordinates with the subject and is neat / 10
Presentation / Clearly presents assignment to class/peer without notes and makes eye contact / 5
Mechanics / All grammar and spelling are correct / 5
Create Mural of Agricultural Advances – A mural of how the advancements in technology aided the Song Dynasty Must be colorful with a written description/captions explaining advancements.
Exemplary / Score
Content / Mural includes terrace landscape, dragon backbone pump, ox and plow / 15
Artwork / Exceptional creativity in the description of required elements / 20
Presentation / Clearly presents assignment to class/peer without notes and makes eye contact / 5
/ google images of terrace farming in china, dragon backbone pump, ...
An Advertisement of Inventions –Research on of the many inventions of China and give us some facts and how it is helpful to our lives today. Use guideline to help you, but it must be colorful with a drawing of the invention.
Exemplary / Score
Content / Project includes all information relevant to the invention you chose in an organized, creative and historically accurate manner / 20
Artwork / Exceptional creativity in the description of required elements for your advertisement / 15
Presentation / Clearly presents assignment to class/peer without notes and makes eye contact / 5
Mechanics / All grammar and spelling are correct / 5
Samurai – you may draw a picture of a samurai and write at least 5 facts about samurai on a base and make your samurai stand or you may choose to make a samurai helmet with facts on a base as well. You may use the links to go to the website or use the hard copy as a guideline. Again base must have facts about the life of a Samurai
Exemplary / Score
Content / Project includes all information relevant to a samurai in an organized, creative and historically accurate manner / 15
Artwork / Exceptional creativity of required elements for your samurai helmet or figure / 20
Presentation / Clearly presents assignment to class/peer without notes and makes eye contact / 5
Japanese Poem- must be based on nature and spirits. Poem needs to be 3 to 4 lines and reflect Japanese culture. Must have correct punctuation and spelling and include a drawing.
Exemplary / Score
Content / Poem follows haiku or tanka syllable pattern. Format is very attractive and easy to read. Must include vivid imagery. / 20
Artwork / Artwork enhances the poem / 10
Presentation / Clearly presents assignment to class/peer without notes and makes eye contact / 5
Mechanics / All grammar and spelling are correct / 5
Enjoy your travel through the Empires of Asia. If you have any questions along your journey please do not hesitate to ask for assistance. Remember you must take responsibility for your work and stay on task. Your adventure will end on Tuesday, December 8th.