Curriculum Vitae
Name:Galal Ahmed Saleh ELGHARABLY
Citizenship: Egyptian
Mailing Address:Department of Soils and Water, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut 71526, Egypt Tel; +20 100 955 9757 (Mobile) +20 88 241 2524 (Office) Fax: +20 88 208384
E-mail: and/or
Language: English (fluent), Arabic (native)
Academic Field: Agriculture Major: Soil & Water Sciences Minor: Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition
Scientific Interests: Organic farming, nutrient cycling and management in problem soils, soil contamination and environmental soil science and plant nutrition
- PhD. Soil Science (1972). Faculty of Agriculture, AssiutUniversity, Assiut, Egypt
- M.Sc.Soil Science (1968). Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut Universtiy, Assiut, Egypt
- B.Sc. Agriculture (1964), Faculty of Agriculture, CairoUniversity, Cairo, Egypt
Professional positions
- Professor in Soil and Water Sciences, (1981 – Present), Department of Soil and Water, Faculty of Agriculture, AssiutUniversity, Assiut, Egypt
- Head of Department of Soil and Water Sciences (2000-2003), Faculty of Agriculture, AssiutUniversity.
- Expert in Plant Nutrition, (1987-1990), Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
- Associate Professor (1976-1981), Department of Soil and Water, Faculty of Agriculture, AssiutUniversity, Assiut, Egypt
- Lecturer Assistant (1972-1976), Department of Soil and Water, Faculty of Agriculture, AssiutUniversity, Assiut, Egypt
- Demonstrator (1964-1972), Department of Soil and Water, Faculty of Agriculture, AssiutUniversity, Assiut, Egypt
Scientific awards
- Postdoctoral Scholarship through DAAD (1985), Institute of Plant Nutrition, University of Justus-Liegig-Giessen, FederalRepublic of Germany
- Postdoctoral Scholarship through DAAD (1982), Institute of Plant Nutrition, University of Berlin, FederalRepublic of Germany
- Postdoctoral Scholarship (Jun 1979 - Dec 1980), Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, MichiganStateUniversity, East Lansing, USA
- Postdoctoral Fellowship through GTZ (1977-1978), Institute of Plant Nutrition, University of Munich, FederalRepublic of Germany
National activities
- Member and Vice-Chairman of Egyptian professorial qualifying committee of soil and water sciences (2001-2004)
- Head of Department of Soil and Water, Faculty of Agriculture, AssiutUniversity, Assiut (2000-2002)
- Academic supervision to postgraduate students for the M.Sc. and PhD degrees since 1972
- Teaching courses in soil and water sciences to undergraduate and postgraduate students since 1972
- Agricultural Advisor for cabinet of Egyptian Army (1998-1999), project of production of vegetables using improved irrigation systems and advanced techniques of plant nutrition in greenhouses (1000 houses) in desert lands.
- Technical Consultant in tenders for projects of establishment of irrigation systems in desert lands, Faculty of Agriculture, AssiutUniversity, Assiut.
- Trainer in agricultural extension programmes for Agricultural Businessmen Association in Assiut.
National and international research projects and conferences
- 2011. Better Management of Land and Water Resources in The New Valley Governorate. Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Ministry of international Cooperation, 1,060,000 EGP (Principal Investigator).
- 2011. Soil lab for analyses and technical consultation, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University. Ministry of higher Education and Research - Higher Education Institutes Labs Certification/Accreditation Project, 1,400,000 EGP (Principal Investigator).
- 2011. Heavy Metals: Pollution and Remediation in Soils of Assiut, Egypt. Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) - Basic and Applied Research Grants, 949,690 EGP (Principal Investigator).
- 2011. Establishment of desert farming center at Assiut University, Assiut Governorate. Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Ministry of international Cooperation, 1,770,000 EGP (Principal Investigator).
- Sep 2001 – Sep 2002. Project on Reclamation of 5000 ha of TOUSHKEY desert soils in Egypt, Department of Soil & Water, AssiutUniversity, Assiut, Egypt.
- Feb 1999 – Sep 1999. Project on Reclamation of 2000 ha of TOUSHKEY desert soils in Egypt, Department of Soil & Water, AssiutUniversity, Assiut, Egypt.
- Jan 1998 – Jan 1999. Project on Ground Water Resource, Management and Land Use Evaluation in Wadi Elassiuti, Assiut, Department of Soils & Water, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
- Mar 1997 – Feb1998. Project on Protected Agriculture under Greenhouse System, Egyptian Army, Agricultural Team, Assiut, Egypt.
- Mar 1998 – Apr 1999. Project on Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation in the New Valley, Department of Soil & Water, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
- Oct 1997 – Oct 1999. Project on Utilization of Sugar Industrial Wastes for Fertilization of Wheat and Maize, Department of Soil & Water, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
- 1992 – 1996. Project on Management of Natural Resources (Soil & Water) in Upper and South Egypt funded by the Egyptian-American fund through the Ministry of Higher Education in Egypt.
- Jan 1992 – Jan 1994. Project on Utilization of Sewage Waste Water in Agricultural Production-Upper Egypt. NARP-American-Egyptian Support.
- Mar 1992 – Mar 1996. Project on Optimization of Sugarcane Productivity Through Modern Irrigation Systems and Balanced Fertilization, Department of Soils & Water, AssiutUniversity, Assiut, Egypt.
- Jan 1991 – Jan 1994. Project on Use of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria and Foliar Fertilization to Increase Yields of Grain Sorghum and Maize in Upper Egypt. NARP-Egyptian-American Collaboration.
- Jun 1984 – Dec 1987. Project on Optimization of the Productivity of Problem Soils Through the Use of Varieties Tolerant to Nutrient Deficiencies and Salinity or Water Stress. American-Egyptian Joint Project.
- Jun 1982 – Dec 1986. Project on Studies on the Constraints to Successful Nodulation of Soybean and Lentil. EMCIP-Egyptian-American Support.
- Aprl 1976 – Nov 1987. Project on Problems of Trace Elements in Plant Nutrition in Egypt. GTZ-German-Egyptian Support.
- Series of seminars within project activities (1986-1991) with a scope on soil fertility and plant nutrition at a number of American universities (i.e. Maryland, Michigan, Iowa).
- Published papers in conferences (12 international and 84 national) in Egypt, Germany, USA and Sultanate of Oman.
- Training programs for extension personnel in the field of soil fertility and plant nutrition since 1976.
- Member and an editor in Egyptian Society of Soil Science since 1972.
- Elgharably A., Abdel Mageed, A. and G. Elgharably (2015) Pb and Cd accumulation in wheat as affected by addition of P-rich organic and inorganic amendments in a wastewater irrigated soil (In progress).
- Elgharably A., Youssef, M. and G. Elgharably (2014) Heavy metals uptake by different crops grown in soils irrigated with sewage wastewater in Assiut: case study Egyptian Journal of Soil Science (In press).
- Elgharably A., Abdel Mageed, A. and G. Elgharably (2014) Status of heavy metals in soils of Assiut as affected by the long-term use of sewage water in crop irrigation: case study. Egyptian Journal of Soil Science (In press).
- Badawy, F.; G. El-Gharably; M.A. Gameh; H. Ragheb and M.A. El-Desoky.1997. Azospirillum inoculation of cereal crops in Upper Egypt. Egyptian J Microbial.32:17-40.
- Ghoneim, M.F. ;H.M. Ragheb; G.A. El-Gharably and Hala Hassanein. 1997. Growth of corn and faba bean plants in Cd-contaminated soils. Assiut J.Agric.Sci.28;174-187.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; H.M. Ragheb ; G.A. El-Gharably and Hala G. Hassanein.1997. Growth of corn and faba bean plants in different soils as influenced by Ni addition and its residual effects. Proc. First Conf.of Agric. Sci. of Assiut.1:377-390.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; G.A. El-Gharably and H.G. Hassanein. 1996. Optimization of sugar cane productivity through the use of modern irrigation methods and balanced intercomplementary fertilization. First Int. Symposium in Sugar & Intigrated Industries, Present and Future, Luxor, Egypt.
- El-Gharably, G.A. 1994. Utilization of waste water for Agricultural production in Upper Egypt. Final Report, ATUT project, Cairo, Egypt.
- Badawy, Farida H.: G.A. El-Gharably and M.Abedl Razek. 1994. Use of N-fixing Bacteria and foliar fertilization to increase yields of grain sorghum and maize in Upper Egypt. Final Report., NARP project, Cairo, Egypt.
- El-Gharably, G.A. 1993. Utilization of waste waters for Agricultural production in Upper Egypt. First Annual Report, ATUT project, Cairo, Egypt.
- El-Gharably, G.A. and Farida H. Badawy. 1993. Use of N-fixing bacteria and foliar fertilization to increase yields of grain sorghum and maize in Upper Egypt. Third Annual Report., NARP project, Cairo, Egypt.
- Badawy, Farida H. and G.A. El-Gharably. 1992 Use of N-fixing bacteria and foliar fertilization to increase yields of grain sorgum and maize in Upper Egypt. Second Annual Report, NARP project, Cairo, Egypt.
- El-Gharably, G.A. 1989. Micronutrients status in Oman soils. International Symposium of Agriculture and Fisheries Development in Oman. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; H.G. Hassanein and G.A. El-Gharably. 1987. Optimization of the productivity of problem soils through the use of varieties tolerant to nutrient deficiencies, salinity or water stress, Final Report, Supreme Councel of Universties, Cairo, Egypt.
- Ghoneim,M.F. ; H.G.Hassanein and G.A.El-Gharably. 1986. Optimization of the productivity of problem soils through the use of varieties tolerant to nutrient deficiencies, salinity or water stress. Second Annual Report, Supreme Councel of Universities, Cairo, Egypt.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; H.G. Hassanein and G.A. El-Gharably. 1985. Optimization of the productivity of problem soils through the use of varieties tolerant of nutrient deficiencies, salinity or water stress. First Annual Report, Supreme Council of Universities, Cairo, Egypt.
- El-Gharably, G. A. and Farida H. Badawy. 1985. Studies on the constraints to successful nodulation of Soybean and Lentils in Assiut and Menya Governorates. Final Report, EMCIP project, Cairo, Egypt. 15- El-Gharably, G. A. and W. Bussler. 1985. Critical levels of boron in cotton plants.Z. Pflanzenernacht, Bodenk. 148: 681-688.
- El-Gharably,G.A.; A.E.Nassar and M.AbdElrazek. 1984. Iron nutrition of squash cultivars under two levels of applied P. Ain Shams Annual., volume 30.
- El-Gharably,G.A.; M.H.Nafady; M.AbdElRazek and A.A. El-Lakany.1984. Studies on sunflower crop under some different levels of soil moisture, salinity and P fertilization in Assiut Governoraye. Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 15:317-327.
- Badawy, Farida and G.A. El-Gharably. 1984. Studies on the constrains to successful nodulation of soybean and lentils in Assiut and Menya Governorates. Second Annual Report, EMCIP project, Cairo, Egypt.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; G.A.El-Gharably; M.AbdElRazek and Hamdia M. El-Rewainy.1984. Effect of soil moisture on K uptake and growth of alfalfa and maize plants. Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 15:3-13.
- AbdElRazek,M.; G.A.El-Gharably and M.A.Zedan. 1984. Growth and nutrient composition of cowpea plants as affected by sulfur additions to two soils of different texture. Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 15:279-286.
- AbdElRazek, M.; G.A. El-Gharably and M.A. Zedan.1984. Response of cowpea and corn plants to applied boron. Assiut J. Agric>Sci. 269-278.
- El-Gibaly, M.H.; M.AbdElRazek; G.A. El-Gharably and M.A. Zedan. 1984. Sulfur content of some Egyptian soils. Assiut J.Agric. Sci.15:287-297.
- AbdElRazek, M.A.; M.F.Ghoneim; G.A.El-Gharably and K. Abd Ellah. 1984.Micronutrient status in soils of Egypt. 4. Manganese. Assiut J.Agric.Sci.15:51-60.
- AbdElRazek,M.A. ; M.F.Ghoneim; G.A. El-Gharably and K.Abd Ellah.1984. Micronutrient status in soils of Upper Egypt. 3. Iron. Assiut J.Agric.Sci.15:39-50.
- Ghoneim,M.F.; M. AbdElRazek; G.A.El-Gharably and K.Abd Ellah. 1984. Micronutrient status in soils of Upper Egypt. 2. Copper.Assiut J.Agric.Sci.15:27-37.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; M. AbdElRazek; G.A.El-Gharably and K.Abd Ellah. 1984. Micronutrient status in soils of Upper Egypt. 1.Zinc.Assiut J.Agric.Sci.15:15-26.
- Badawy, Farida H. and G.A.El-Gharably. 1983. Studies on the constrains to successful nodulation of Soybean and Lentils in Assiut and Menya Governorates.First Annual Report, EMCIP project, Cairo, Egypt.
- El-Gharably, G.A. and A, Nassar. 1983. Iron nutrition in Squash cultivars under two levels of P. Second International symposium.Iron Nutrition and Interaction in Plants. Logan, Utah, USA.
- El-Gharably,G.A.; M.F. Ghoneim and H.G.Hassanein. 1983. Leaf analysis of orange trees as influenced by NPK soil application and Fe,Mn and Zn foliar fertilization in Assiut, Egypt. Egyptian J. Bot. 26:163-177.
- Hassanein, G.H.; M.F.Ghoneim and G.A.El-Gharably. 1983. Yield and nutrient contents of potato plants as affected by soil and foliar applied nutrients in different textured soils. Egypt.J. Bot. 26: 155-162.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; H.G. Hassanein and G.A.El-Gharably. 1983. Effect of soil and foliar applied nutrients on yield and concentrations of certain nutrients in leaves of Balady orange. Egypt. J. Bot. 26: 179-186.
- El-Gibaly,M.H.; G.A.El-Gharably; M.A.Gameh and M.K.Rushdi. 1981. Growth, yield components and nutrient of barley under different irrigation systems. Assiut J. Agric.Sci. 12:175-184.
- El-Gharably, G.A.; M.AbdElRazek and A.Kishk.1980. Response of snapbean to application of P and Fe in calcareous soil. Assiut J.Agric.Sci. 11:187-196.
- El-Gharably, G.A. and B.D. Knezek. 1980. Nutrient uptake and mobility within cotton plants in relation to zinc. Assiut J.Agric.Sci. 11:213-227.
- El-Gharably,G.A. and B.D.Knezek. 1980. Critical levels of zinc in cotton plants. ASA, CSSA and SSSA annual Meeting, Detroit, USA, Abstract p.166.
- Kishik,M.A.; M. AbdElRazek and G.A.El-Gharably. 1980. Status of certain micronutrients in some selected soils from Middle and Upper Egypt. Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 11:197-206.
- Kishik, M.A.; M.AbdElRazek and G.A.El-Gharably. 1980. Relative contribution of particle size fractions to the soil content of inorganic mixed gels. Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 11:167-175.
- El-Gharably, G.A. and A.Firgany. 1980. Zinc-Phosphorus relationship in corn plant. Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 11:207-219.
- El-Gharably, G.A. and A. Firgany. 1980. Iron, Mn and Cu content and mobility in corn in relation to P and Zn application. Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 11:135-147,
- El-Gharably,G.A.;M. AbdElRazek and A. Kishk. 1980. Magnesium-Potassium interaction in relation to application of K, Mg, Ca and P by corn. Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 11:149-165.
- El-Gibaly,M.H.; G.A. El-Gharably; M.AbdElRazek and A.M.El-Hadidy. 1979. Studies on certain chemical components of Assiut soils as affected by the High Dam construction. Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 10:103-120.
- El-Gharably, G.A.; H.G.Hassanein and M.AbdElRazek. 1979. Response of cotton to soil and foliar application of N and P. Ain Shams Fac.Agric.Res.1198:1-11.
- Hassanein,G.H.; G.A. El-Gharably and M.F.Ghoneim. 1979. Response of citrus trees in Assiut soil and foliar fertilization with N, P, K and or certain micronutrients. Proc.Second Workshop on Micronutrients and Plant Nutrition in Mediterranean Region, Marriut, Egypt, pp.225-232.
- Ghoneim,M.F.; H.G.Hassanein and G.A. El-Gharably. 1979. Diagnosis of the nutrient status of citrus orchards in Assiut-Egypt. Second Workshop on Micronutrients and Plant Nutrition in Mediterranean Region. Mariut, Egypt,pp.209- 232.
- Ghoneim,M.F.; G.A.El-Gharably and M.K. Rushdi. 1978. Variation in the base saturation percentage of soil as related to the nutrient of different plants. 1- Cotton. Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 6:213-225.
- Rushdi, M.K. and G.A. El-Gharably. 1978. Properties of some virgin sandy soils as affected by changes in irrigation water and leveling. Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 8:111-129.
- Hassanein,G.H.; G.A.El-Gharably and M.AbdElRazek. 1977. Effects of wells, drains and Nile waters on soil and plant composition in Assiut. In.the Symposium of the Effects of the High Dam on Soil Fertility and Water Quality in Egypt. Assiut,Egyp.2:30-38.
- El-Gibaly,M.H.; G.A.El-Gharably; M.H.Nafady and A.M.El-Hadidy. 1977. Studies on cetain chemical components of Assiut soils as affected by the High Dam construction. In. the Symposium of the effects of the High dam on Soil Fertility and Water Quality in Egypt.Assiut,Egypt, 2:1-11.
- El-Gharably,G.A.; M.H.El-Gibaly; M.H.Nafady and A.M.El-Hadidy. 1977. Fertility level of Assiut soils as affected by High Dam construction. 11- Iron,Mn, O.M.%, and pH. Assiut Univ.Bull. 1:109-125.
- El-Gharably,G.A.; M.H.El-Gibaly; M.H.Nafady and A.H.El-Hadidy. Fertility level of Assiut soils as affected by High Dam construction. 1- Nitrogen, P and K. Assiut Univ.Bull.1:151-166.
- El-Gharably,G.A.and M.K.Rushdi. 1975. Phosphorus-Zinc interaction in cotton nutrition. Assiut.J.Agric.Sci.6:160-170.
- El-Gharably and M.K.Rushdi.1974.Absorption and translocation of foliar applied P32 in sugar cane.Assiut J.Agric.Sci.5:245-253.
- Elgharably, G.A. 2009. Soil and water pollution and remediation in Assiut area. Soil and Water Dept., Faculty of Agric., Univ. of Assiut, Egypt.
- Elgharably, G.A. 2008. Extractability of heavy metals in polluted soils at Assiut. The 2nd Scientific Conference of Young Scientists. Faculty of Agric. Univ. of Assiut, Egypt.
- Elgharably, G.A. 2007. Heavy metals distribution in Assiut soils as affected by air and water pollution. University of Assiut, Assiut, Egypt.
- Elgharably, G.A. 2007. Distribution of heavy metals in Assiut soils: Case study. QassimUniversity, Saudia Arabia.
- Elgharably, G.A. 2006. Sources of pollution in soils of Upper Egypt. Soil and Water Dep., Faculty of Agric., Univ. of Assiut, Assiut, Egypt.
- Elgharably, G.A. 2004. Compost quality: standards and guidelines. Soil and Water Dept., Faculty of Agric., Univ. of Assiut, Assiut, Egypt.
- Elgharably, G.A. 2003. Organic Agriculture and Soil Fertility. Soil and Water Dept., Faculty of Agric., Univ. of Assiut, Assiut, Egypt.
- Elgharably, G.A. 2002. Grow organic. Faculty of Agric., Univ. of Assiut, Assiut, Egypt.
- Elgharably, G.A. 2002. Utilization of sewage waste waters for woody trees production. InformationPressCenter, Assiut, Egypt.
- Elgharably, G.A. 2001. Utilization of sewage waste waters for Agricultural production in Upper Egypt. InformationPressCenter, Assiut, Egypt.
- Elgharably, G.A. 2001. Methods for cleaning up soil contamination with heavy metals. Faculty of Agric., Univ. of Assiut, Assiut, Egypt.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; G.A. El-Gharably and M. Abd ElRazek 1991. Micronutrients status in soils of Upper Egypt. IowaStateUniversity, Agronomy Department, July 1991.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; G.A. El-Gharably; H.G. Hassnein and W. Hofner. 1991. Differential tolerance and response of Egyptian sorghum varieties to Iron. The 6th International Symposium Iron Nutrition and Interaction in Plants. Logan, Utah, July 1991.
- Elgharably, G.A. 1989. Micronutrient status in Oman. International Symposium on Agricultural Development in Oman. Muscat, Oman.
- Elgharably, G.A. and F.M. Badawy. 1987. Response of lentil and soybean growth, nodulation and yield to fertilization with trace elements under local conditions of Upper Egypt. The 4th International symposium Iron nutrition and interaction in plants. Albuqerque, New Mexico, USA, July 1987.
- Elgharably, G.A. and A.E. Nassar. 1983. Iron nutrition in Squash cultivars under two levels of phosphorus. 2nd international symposium. Iron nutrition and interactions in Plant. Logan, Utah, August, 1983.
- Elgharably, G.A. and B.D. Knezek. 1981. Influence of boron, phosphorus and soil moisture upon growth and nutrient composition of cotton plants. Annual meeting of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Atlanata, Georgia, USA, Nov. 1981.
- El-Gibaly, M.H.; G.A. El-Gharably, M.K. Rushdi and M. Gameh. 1981. Growth, yield components and nutrient content of barley under different irrigation systems an electrical conductivity and extractable nutrient levels in a calcareous sand soil irrigated with iron and phosphorus supplemented water and cropped with barley and cowpea. International symposium on remote sensing of environment. Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arber, Michigan, USA, Nov. 1981.
- Elgharably, G.A. and M. Abd El-Razek. 1981. Responses of snapbean to applications of phosphorus and iron in calcareous soil. International symposium – Iron nutrition and interactions in plants. BrighamYoungUniversity, Provo, Utah, USA, August 1981.
- Elgharably, G.A. and B.D. Knezek. 1980. Critical levels of zinc in cotton plants. Annual Meeting of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Detroit, USA, Dec. 1980.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; G.A. El-Gharably and H.G. Hassanein. 1979. Diagnosis of the nutrient status of citrus orchards in Assiut-Egypt. Second workshop of micronutrients and plant nutrition. Mariut, Egypt, June 1979.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; H.G. hassanein and G.A. El-Gharably. 1979. Response of citrus trees in Assiut to soil and foliar fertilization with N, P, K and certain micronturients. Second workshop of micronutrients and plant nutrition, Mariut, Egypt, June 1979.
- Elgharably, G.A.; M.M. El-Gibaly; M.H. Nafady and E. El-Hadidy. 1977. Soil texture, bulk density and permeability of Assiut soils as affected by the high dam construction. The scientific symposium on effects of the high dam on soil fertility and water quality in Egypt. Assiut, Egypt, April 1977.
- Elgharably, G.A.; M.M. El-Gibaly; M.H. Nafady and E. El-Hadidy. 1977. Fertility level of Assiut soils as affected by the High Dam. I: Nitrogen, P and K. The scientific symposium on effects of the high dam on soil fertility and water quality in Egypt. Assiut, Egypt, April, 1977.
- Ghoneim, M.F.; G.A. El-Gharably and M.H. El-Gibaly. 1975. The exucation of certain nutrients from snapbean roots under variable moisture and nutrient levels in the soil. Silver Jubilee of the Egyptian Society of Soil Science, Cairo, Egypt, March 1975.