For a responsible consumption, test yourself.
Self-assessment proposed by the medical service.
An excessive consumption of alcohol can have, as you may know it, an echo on your health and repercussions on your personal and professional life. So, we invite you to review your consumption.
This test (*) is personal and looks only you. It is essential to answer at best every question.
In this test, when we speak about standard glass, it means:
-a glass of wine: 10 cl
-a glass of beer: 20 cl
-a glass of whisky, pastis, vodka: 3 cl
-a glass of champagne: 10 cl
1) How often do you have a drink containing some alcohol?
Never...... 0
Once a month at least...... 1
Two to four times a month...... 2
Two to three times a week...... 3
Four or more times a week...... 4
2) How many standard glasses do you drink during a common day?
One or two...... 0
Three or four...... 1
Five - six...... 2
Seven - nine...... 3
Ten or more...... 4
3) During a special occasion, how many times do you drink six standards glasses of alcohol or more?
Never...... 0
Less of once a month...... 1
Once a month...... 2
Once a week...... 3
Every day or almost...... 4
4) During the last year, how often did you observe that you were not able to stop drinking once you started?
Never...... 0
Less than monthly...... 1
Once a month...... 2
Once a week...... 3
Everyday or almost...... 4
5) During the last year, because you were drunk, how many times have you not been able to do what you were supposed to do?
Never...... 0
Less of once a month...... 1
Once a month...... 2
Once a week...... 3
Everyday or almost...... 4
(*) Test developed by the Pr. John Saunders.
6) In the past year, how many times, after a period of big consumption, you had to drink some alcohol from early morning to work normally?
Never...... 0
Less of once a month...... 1
Once a month...... 2
Once a week...... 3
Everyday or almost...... 4
7) In the past year, how many times you had a sense of guilt or regret after having drunk?
Never...... 0
Less of once a month...... 1
Once a month...... 2
Once a week...... 3
Everyday or almost...... 4
8) In the past year, how many times have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had drunk?
Never...... 0
Less of once a month...... 1
Once a month...... 2
Once a week...... 3
Everyday or almost...... 4
9) Have you injure yourself or did you injure someone because you had drunk?
No...... 0
Yes, but not last year...... 2
Yes, during the last year...... 4
10) Has a relative, a friend, a doctor or other healthcare professional worried about your alcohol consumption and advised you to decrease?
No...... 0
Yes, but not last year...... 2
Yes, during the last year...... 4
If your total overtakes 6, your alcohol consumption is most probably in excess. We suggest you to speak about it to a doctor.