CT Standard 6 – Presentation Software - PowerPoint

Value: 50 points for mastering standard CT6

How you will learn PowerPoint:

View the video tutorials

PowerPoint Smart-Art

PowerPoint Auto-Timing

Hands-on: Carefully read the instructions below as you create your presentations. Follow the hints in blue if you don’t know how to do something.

Instruction: Your teacher or another student will instruct with mini-lessons periodically. Let your teacher know if you are stuck.

Peer Instruction: You may be asked to teach others about PowerPoint.

Presentation Software Assignments


For each assignment, open Powerpoint and start with a blank presentation, and use auto-layout to design the short presentations, as directed. How to hints are given in blue. Don’t try to do just the bare minimum…we want to see your creative side!

PowerPoint #1: Topic: “All About Me”

Design a 5-slide presentation describing who you are and what you are about. Set it up as follows: a title slide, 3 general info slides, and a conclusion (summary) slide. You must include the following features:

Pictures (3 or 4)= find images on the internet cut / paste them into slides

Text boxes (whatever it takes) = insert, text box, drag it onto your slide

 Bulleted list (maybe list your favorites) = type text, highlight, bullets button

WordArt(anything creative) = Insert, wordart.

PowerPoint #2 Topic: A “Global” issue. (If you had a magic ticket that could solve any oneproblem on this earth what would you spend it on?)

Research from the internet and design a 9 slide presentation on your chosen topic. Setup it up as follows:

1 intro slide

4 supporting slides (data, stats, charts, graphs, technical info., etc..)

2 opinion slides,

1 conclusion slide (summarize what the data shows)

1 references slide (title and url of at least 3 websites used in research)

IncludeALL features from assignment #1, PLUS the following features:

Diagram (SmartArt)(choose something relevant to your topic.) = ClickInsert, SmartArt

Table = (fill with data or statistics from your research) = Click Insert, table

Custom background or color scheme = Design Tab, Themes and Colors

Transitions = Transitions, pick your transitions

Special effects = Animation, Custom Animation

Auto time the presentation = Slideshow, rehearse timing

Url links = (make links to websites on your references)=Insert, hyperlink, Edit Text to Display

How you will get signed off?

To demonstrate your mastery:

1) – Prepare the two presentations.

2) – Be sure both presentations have metALL grading criteria given. Print the presentation checklist.

3) – Be prepared to assist others with this standard and to be tested if asked.

4) – Open both presentations and see the teacher for evaluation.