NLCC Policy Letters to Owners:

Page 1: Noise Complaints

Page 2: Overdue NLCC Association Dues

Page 3: Garage Ownership Reminder

NLCC Policy Letter 2009-01

Noise Complaints

The Board has adopted Quiet Hours from 11 PM until 9 AM, and the Board requests that all owners and their guests abide by these times.

We have also adopted the following policy to handle noise complaints.

1. First complaint: Warning letter from the board

2. Second and subsequent complaints within one year of first complaint: $100 fine

It is expected that anyone with a complaint will first try to resolve the noise problem by making a request to the occupant making the noise. This policy is for people who do not respond to these requests.

Noise complaints other than the first complaint need to be verified by a board member, Randy Voss, or the police. This noise policy will include all owners including Frankies.

This policy was adopted by NLCC Board on March 21, 2009

NLCC Policy Letter 2009-02

Overdue NLCC Association Dues

The NLCC Board has adopted the following policy for dealing with delinquent Association dues:

1. Dues are determined by the NLCC Board of Directors on an annual basis and may be paid in two semi-annual increments. The dues should be paid in the months of January and July. Any special assessments shall be due no later than the following January or July time frame.

2. Owners that make late payments shall be charged 1.5% interest per month.

3. A lien will be placed on an owner’s property if they are over three months delinquent in paying dues. A $500.00 administrative fee will be charge to any owner who has a lien placed on their property.

4. Three months after a Lien has been placed upon the property, the owner will be notified that Foreclosure procedures will be initiated upon their property for delinquent dues. The condo owner will be responsible for all costs associated with the foreclosure proceedings.

5. If there is a dispute about the dues owed on a property, the condo owner must send an appeal to the NLCC Board of Directors in writing. The Board will discuss the appeal and make a ruling.

6. The Board can make exceptions to the above policy if warranted. If owners are facing financial or other difficulties it is important that they inform the Board of their problems. Hopefully a mutually beneficial solution can be worked out.

These policies were adopted in total by the NLCC Board on October 10, 2008. Previous elements of these policies have been approved at prior board meetings.

Garage Ownership Reminder

Article XXIV, 24.02 page 55

A garage may be sold or leased to only unit owners.