Health Promotion Coordinators Call ThursdayJuly 9, 2015 9:00-10:30AM

Please join me in the following Adobe Connect Meeting.

Meeting Name: Health Promotion Coordinators Call – 7/9/15

Invited By: Sarah Cowen (she will show as host for this meeting)

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Conference Call Access Information (listen-only mode)

USA Toll-Free: 1-877-820-7831 Participant Code: 456798


  1. Healthy Aging Summit
  1. Volunteer scholarships
  2. Booths promoting activities with aging units
  3. Pre-Conference Learning Forum
  1. Medicare Improvement with Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) Counselors:

Coordination with Health Promotion Coordinators – Phoebe Hefko

Phoebe Hefko

Legal Services Developer / State Health Insurance Assistance

Program (SHIP) Director/Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Phoebe Hefko provided an overview of the MIPPA project that provided funds in the designated counties identified in the map below. One of the focuses of the grant is to promote evidence based health promotion programs as a Medicare Part D benefit. While the counties that received a MIPPA grant have targeted funds to work on the activities, Phoebe shared that all county ADRC’s have Elder Benefit Specialists or Disability Benefit Specialists that should also be doing this work as well.

Counties that have a MIPPA Coordinator have been encouraged to connect with Aging Unit health Promotion Coordinators. The Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources has a dedicated MIPPA webpage. Health Promotion Coordinators were encouraged to go to for additional information.

To view PowerPoint presentation- double click on the image above

  1. Leader Training Planning for 2016 – Jill Renken

Health Promotion Coordinators have been encouraged to fill out a survey monkey to indicate interest in 2016 leader training opportunities and that WIHA will be presenting 2016 leader training calendar in November 2015

  1. Aging Unit Directors Orientation – Jill Renken

Jill discussed orientation that is being provided to New Aging Unit Directors regarding Title IIID evidence based health promotion activities and basic elements to successful EBHPP. Jill and Anne are also providing guidance to new health promotion coordinators as needed.

  1. WIHA Updates – Betsy Abramson and Karen Denu
  1. Leader Lists – Karen Denu

Karen indicated most of the updates have been incorporated. Health Promotion Coordinators have been great responding to requests to update leader lists from local areas. Karen reminded everyone to use the link available on the bottom of each program’s main page on the WIHA website to submit leader changes as they occur. We really want to assure that the information for each leader is current so that WIHA is able to stay in touch.

LEADER CONTACT INFORMATION CHANGES:Please use this form to update WIHA on any change in contact information.

  1. Leader Trainings in 2015 – Karen Denu-

Karen provided openings to date for upcoming leader trainings

  1. Workshops in 2015 – Betsy Abramson

Updated list provided

  1. Data Collection – Karen and Betsy

Karen and Betsy shared updates for the Stepping On Westat system that will be in place till September 30th. The WIHA websites have the current data collection procedure listed for each program.

e.Health Care Referral Projects

Jill provided an update for the healthcare partnership projects underway with a variety of counties directed at enhancing referrals and elevating projects to the level that experience increase in direct referrals into workshops. She informed everyone about the ½ day pre- Healthy Aging Summit event focused on health care business acumen projects that WIHA is spearheading with the AAA’s.

  1. AAA updates (GWAAR, Milwaukee, Dane) Updates-

Jill Renken, Jennifer Lefeber and Ashley Hillman

Jill reported that aging units are preparing their 2016-2018 3-year plans. Guidance has been provided to aging unit directors regarding the ACL/AoA Title IIID change mandating that all Title IIID Health Promotion dollars will be spent on highest evidence-based level activities as of October 1, 2016. For more information on the changes please visit

Administration on Aging/Administration for Community Living:

Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services (Title IIID)

  1. Frequently-Asked Questions –Anne and Jill

(If you have questions that you wish to ask, please submit in advance to Anne Hvizdak and we will respond to your questions. Participants will also be able to ask questions via the chat function on the adobe connect webinar.)

Announcement: Falls Prevention Initiative Call – July 9 at 1:30. Please contact Rebecca Turpin in interested in being part of the bi-monthly call. Rebecca (Becky) Turpin, MA

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Anne Hvizdak, Public Health Educator

Statewide Coordinator Evidence Based Health Promotion Programs

Office on Aging/Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Madison, WI 53703

/608-266-3111 (O)