This is just about the coolest thing you
Can do for your kids.
Get them into a Premier Performing
Arts Dance class.
They’ll get the moves and gain the confidence
To express themselves in the styles they see and love
In music videos and movies. Its where they can be
Themselves, and be better for it.
Energetic, fun and educational, its also totally cool!
Lets Dance
Dance Classes can give your child some
fantastic benefits!
¨ Improves Physical Health - increases their flexibility, range of motion, physical strength and stamina.
¨ Social Benefits - they’ll learn how to work in a team and meet new friends
¨ Healthy Minds – dance will keep their minds busy and can ignite their creativity! Children will need to use their imagination to formulate ideas, characters and role play through dancing.
¨ Improved self-esteem – your child will begin to feel more positive and more confident.
And this is where they can do it
The Buttsbury Junior School
Performing Arts – Streetdance
Start Date: Tuesday 12th Janurary
Time: 3:15 – 4:15
Cost: £37.00
End Date: Tuesday 22nd March 2015
Here’s How to Book!
To book please Visit