Thank you for your interest in administering the TSI Assessment for the CBC TSI Bootcamp during the Saturday sessions.
(1) Please make sure that your computer lab meets the requirements for TSI Assessment administration:
– click on System Requirements – bottom right of screen – to make sure that the computers that you will be using have the proper plug-ins installed and the correct browser.
Please have your IT personnel check this and also turn off the pop-up blockers on the computers you will use.
A note about high school testing equipment:
Any laptop or similar device issued to a high school student where the student can take the machine home for personal use CANNOT be used for TSI Assessment testing.
(2) Then review the Proctor Form -
The proctor form explains the responsibility that the CBC TSI Bootcamp staff will be taking on if they agree to administer the TSI Assessment.
The CBC TSI Bootcamp is responsible for making sure that the TSI fee is transferred to the Testing Account. Also the CBC TSI Bootcamp personnel need to make sure that the TSI Bootcamp participants submit the TSI Assessment online Contract
It is highly recommended that the examinee does inter-active study using –
Please contact Sandra Mendez at a couple of days in advance of testing to request the list of Eligible TSI Examinees.
(3) The students will also need to fill out the CBC application form before they take the TSI Assessment - . A CBC ID# will be created as soon as the examinee submits this form. Then an e-mail will be sent to the individual with their CBC ID#. This may sometimes take a day to process.
The examinees will use their CBC ID# when they take the exam and it asks for a student ID#.
(4) After CBC TSI Bootcamp personnel submit the Proctor Form, I will create a username and password so that they can access the Accuplacer Platform for the TSI Assessment.
Then I will e-mail a copy of the TSI Assessment administration manual to each proctor.
(5) A list of eligible examinees will be sent to the approved proctor. If a student does not fill out and submit their TSI Assessment contract – then they are not eligible to test. The proctor is responsible for making sure that they administer the TSI Assessment only to CBC approved eligible examinees.
New – 2/13/15- TSI Proctor Check-list form – to review before each administration and then complete and submit at completion of each session
E-mailed on 2/13/15 to all proctors at that time:
Dear CBC Approved TSI Proctors:
I've created a check list form that you will need to fill out and submit each time you administer the TSI Assessment for Coastal Bend College at your school.
If you have other high school or program personnel that you would like to be approved to be a proctor - please have them fill out the TSI Proctor Form -
It takes two (2) to five (5) business days before an individual will be e-mailed a username/password and TSI Administration Manual.
Roberta Kreis
Testing Coordinator – Coastal Bend College
If you have any other questions, please contact me at the number below.
Roberta Kreis
Testing Coordinator
Coastal Bend College
3800 Charco Road
Beeville, Texas 78102
Phone: (361) 354-2244
Make sure that the computers you use for the TSI Assessment have the pop-up blockers turned OFF and the computers meet the system requirements.
First go to – click on System Requirements.
If the computer meets the requirements, then you can administer the exam on the computer.
Put two clean sheets of paper, sharpened pencil, and earplugs by each computer.
Do not release Login information to examinees – proctor will need to enter the information.
Ask Testing Coordinator [Roberta Kreis – for username and password after you’ve submitted the “Coastal Bend College - Off-Site TSI Assessment Proctor Form” -
(Confidential Information – keep this in a secure location)
Username: Password: Then click login
Best Practice TIP: It’s easier to type in your username and password in the username field – and then cut and paste the password into the password field – just to make sure that you type the password correctly. If you do this, just make sure that you delete any spaces after the username – otherwise, you’ll get an error.
If you type in your account information incorrectly 5 times – it will lock the account and you’ll need to call Roberta Kreis – Testing Coordinator at (361) 354-2244 (during the work week – not weekends) to reset the account and be given a new password.
You’ll see the “What’s New” Screen – you can X this out.
You’ll then see the Welcome to Accuplacer TSI Bootcamp Site screen – click on the Administer Test Tab
Then click on Administer New Test Session
Click on the branching profile down arrow – and select 01 – CBC TSI Bootcamp - Math Only 2016 , 02 – CBC TSI Bootcamp - Reading Only- 2016 , or 03 – CBC TSI Bootcamp - Writing Only 2016.
The students must complete the diagnostic areas in each area. Only if a student is retesting in an area may the proctor close the session and then print the report. If you have questions about this – call the Testing Coordinator – Roberta Kreis – (361) 354-2244.
- then click administer test. Do not select any of the other modules. [ 01- 03 CBC TSI Bootcamp - 2016 only are allowed.]
You are responsible for the following information being sent to the Coastal Bend College Testing Department:
Before you start administering the exam, make sure that you have the following information from each student: (1) Proof that the student has submitted the online CBC TSI Assessment Contract for Bootcamp Form - you’ll receive a list of Eligible TSI Examinees from CBC Testing Specialist. If a student’s name is not on the list – you are not allowed to administer the TSI Assessment to that student. (2) Copy of the individual’s Photo ID – [this may be a High School ID Card, Texas Driver’s License, Texas ID card, Passport , copy of picture with name to the side of the picture from a school year book]. (3) The examinee needs to know their CBC ID# or social security number if they will not be attending Coastal Bend College. If they will be attending CBC – they may go to the following website after 1/12/2015 to fill out the CBC Application - The individual will receive a CBC ID# right away. This will be sent to their e-mail.
The examinee must sign-in on theCBC TSI Assessment Sign-in Sheet– they must print and sign their name before they are seated at a computer.
You – the TSI Bootcamp proctor will fill in whether this is the first time for the examinee to test/ Receipt # if the student paid the TSI fee/ and that you verified the student’s ID when they signed in.
This sign-in sheet must be scanned and e-mailed to at the completion of the exam. And the TSI Proctor Check List Formmust be filled out and submitted by the TSI Proctor after each exam session.
[If you receive a list of approved TSI Assessment Examinees from Coastal Bend College - Testing Department - then you will just need to send the TSI Assessment Sign-In Sheet Coastal Bend College's Testing Department.
At the completion of the exam, you must make sure that the following items are sent to the Coastal Bend College – Testing Department.
CBC TSI Assessment Sign-in Sheet/ click on sign-in sheet to print copy] noting the date, location of where the exam was administered, who administered the exam, if the examinee is a first-time tester or retesting, receipt number if applicable, and a check mark stating that you verified Photo ID before administering the exam - to the CBC Testing Center.
Follow the directions on the
Script – say the following:
“The exam that you are taking today is a college placement exam. Please take your time on this exam. Your score will tell our advisors whether you are ready for a college-level course or if you need a preparation class to get you ready for college-level courses. Do not rush – this exam is not timed. Some people may take only an hour to test, while others may take up to nine hours to complete the exam. We want you to do your best, so please take your time.
Please check and make sure that you do not have any personal items at your seating area. This includes: purses, books, bags, back-packs, cell phones, electronics, etc….
If you have any personal items – please bring your items to the designated area and make sure that all electronics are turned off and not on vibrate.
Thank you!
All exams need to be completed by the end of the session so that we don’t have to worry about any scores being lost when the main system has updates run over the weekend.
You have scratch paper, pencils, and earplugs to the side of your computer to use during the exam. At the completion of the exam, I will pick up all scratch paper and shred it. You are not allowed to take the scratch paper with you.
When you start the exam, you can only move forward with the multiple-choice questions and cannot skip a question and then go back to it later on.
For the math portion of the exam, you may only use the calculator icon that will pop up on certain questions. Not all questions will allow you to use the calculator function. At that time, you will use the scratch paper to figure your problems. You are not allowed to use the Internet calculator – only the calculator icon that pops up during the exam.
If at any time during the exam your computer freezes or goes blank, immediately raise your hand and remain seated and I’ll come over and help you.
Let’s start.
After you’ve read the Privacy Policy page, click Accept.
You will now see the Student Instructions pop-up page. This reminds you that anything that has a red asterisks to the side of a field means you must type something in that field. Close the pop-up page and now you will need to enter your Student ID – this can be your CBC ID# or social security number. Type one number after the next – no spaces or dashes between numbers. Then confirm the number you typed. Now type your last name and select your date of birth by clicking on the down arrows.
Then you will fill out a more detailed student information page with address – then you will see a Welcome to TSI Assessment page. The next page will remind you that you can’t skip questions. And you have to confirm after each question, before you go to the next question. Then you will click on Start Test.
Now you will fill out some survey questions.
The first question asks if you were told about the (1) importance of the exam (2) sample questions (3) course options (4) resources. If you answer no to this first question – the exam will stop and you can’t test. You must answer YES for the first question. When you filled out the CBC TSI Contract online form – you agreed to the Pre-Assessment Activity which consisted of the areas I just spoke about.
Then you will fill out 14 survey questions. After the survey questions, the exam will start.
There will be 20 – 30 college placement questions for each subject. Ifyou are not at a college level in the subject – then you will have additional diagnostic questions, approximately 20to 100 more questions. This is based upon your level in the subject. Please take your time. There is no time limit on the exam. A calculator will pop up on some questions for the math – but not all. This calculator function is embedded in the exam. You are not allowed to use a hand-held calculator or the internet calculator. You could be testing from 1 – 3 hours per section– based upon each individual.
You are allowed to use blank paper and sharpened pencils that we’ve provided – which must be shredded at the end of the exam. After you complete the exam – You will need to raise your hand and then I’ll print the score report and pick up your scratch paper to shred before you leave.
Remember – no personal items – including cell phones are allowed at your seating area while you test. Make sure that your personal items are left in the designated area and your electronics are totally turned off – do not leave them on vibrate.”
Have the examinees read the privacy policy page and then fill out the Student Information page. They will use their CBC ID# for student ID field. They type that in twice and then their last name, and select the month/ day / and year of their birth. If they don’t know their CBC ID# - they may use their social security number.
Then they will fill out a more detailed student information page with address – then they will see a Welcome to TSI Assessment page. The next page will remind them that they can’t skip questions. And they have to confirm after each question, before they go to the next question. Then they will click on Start Test. This will then have them fill out some survey questions.
The first question asks if they were told about the (1) importance of the exam (2) sample questions (3) course options (4) resources. If they answer no to this first question – the exam will stop and they can’t test. So tell them to answer YES for the first question.
Then they will fill out 14 survey questions. After the survey questions, the exam will start.
There will be 20 – 30 college placement questions for each subject – if they are not at a college level in the subject – then they will have additional diagnostic questions – 20 – 100 more questions. Based upon their level in the subject. Tell the examinee to take their time. There is no time limit on the exam. A calculator will pop up on some questions for the math – but not all. They are not allowed to use a hand-held calculator or the internet calculator. They could be testing from 1 – 3 hours per section – based upon each individual.
They are allowed to use blank paper and sharpened pencils from us for the scratch paper – which must be shredded at the end of the exam. Then after they complete the exam – They need to raise their hand and then you’ll print the score report and pick up their scratch paper to shred before they leave.
If a student does not have time to finish the exam in one day or the session needs to break for lunch so proctor and examinees can eat – click on the Save and finish test link on the upper right corner of the screen. You’ll then be directed to type in the password [This is the same password you used to login.] Do so, then submit and then you can close the program. For Saturday testing – make sure that the examinee finishes the exam by Saturday afternoon. The nation-wide Accuplacer/TSI updates are done during Saturday evening and Sunday mornings.
The student’s information will be saved – unless Accuplacer does a major Maintenance update over a weekend. But I will send out e-mails to the proctors if that is supposed to happen. Try to have the examinee finish within a week if at all possible.
How to continue testing a student after you’ve saved the exam.
Login as usual, then click on the Administer Test tab
Click on the second link – Manage Test Sessions
Click – Perform Search
Find the examinee’s name and then click the Action button to resume the exam -on the right side of the screen by the examinee’s name.
Never click on invalidate exam– this will delete the student’s work totally from the Accuplacer system.
The examinee will then click – Begin test – and they will continue with their exam.
You’ll then go into the Reports area -
After you’ve completed the Proctor form – you will be given the username and password for the reports login
Click on Reports tab
Click on Individual Reports
Select query – General Report –Or you can create your own query and name it based upon the filters you want.
Enter date range
Then click Submit
All reports for the day or date range will appear
Find the correct person and click – View
And then click Print