CRIJ 103 – Introduction to Law and Justice
Unit 1 Study Guide
Chapters 1-4
1. Max Weber argued that
2. Culture is
3. Beliefs are
4. Hammurabi was known for
5. Aristotle was a famous philosopher
6. Thomas Hobbes
7. John Locke felt
8. The idea that what we perceive with our senses are imperfect and transitory copies of eternal realities comes from the thinking of
9. Which theorist thought the social contract necessary because life in the state of
nature is “nasty, brutal, and short”?
10. Which of the following is not a social institution identified by sociologists?
11. The early sociological luminaries such as Marx, Durkheim, and Weber were all steeped in what other discipline?
12. Language is
13. Without language
14. All Western legal systems fall into which of the below categories?
15. Which of the below theorists was most concerned with social solidarity?
16. According to Aristotle, justice consists of
17. Determining the proper punishment for a convicted offender is known as
18. Sentencing guidelines attempt to
19. The punitive system under which a Finnish billionaire was fined $216,000 for speeding is the
20. The evolutionary version of natural law proposes that humans are biologically
21. The fallacy of confusing what is with what ought to be is known as
22. The early equity courts were called
23. The idea of equity is closest to the idea of
24. A crime that is inherently evil is known as
25. The rule of _____ has been called the most important legal principle in the world.
26. The concept of the rule of law appears to have originated with
27. The system of procedures holding the government to the rule of law is best articulated by
the concept of
28. All the below documents except ______ are ancestors of the U.S. Bill of Rights.
29. The U.S. legal system has been characterized as following the ________model, whereas Canada’s has been characterized as following the ________model.
30. Which court case discussed in this chapter best exemplifies the excesses of the crime
control model?
31. Laws are created by
32. The first written legal code was the
33. Common law is
34. The first document creating a U.S. government was called the
35. The Constitution is primarily concerned with setting forth the
36. The three individual rights contained in the Constitution are concerned with
37. The Fourth Amendment prohibits what types of searches and seizures?
38. The Fifth Amendment includes which of the following?
39. The Thirteenth Amendment was intended to
40. The equal protection clause
41. Eminent domain is part of the
42. Which of the below classifications is not a suspect or quasi-suspect classification?
43. In terms of incorporating the Bill of Rights, the position maintaining that non-
44. A Supreme Court ruling can be overturned by a
45. A criminal protection not yet incorporated from the Bill of Rights is
46. Courts provide several functions, including
47. A court's jurisdiction is conferred by
48. Subject matter jurisdiction involves
49. Appellate jurisdiction is the
50. The duties of the judicial branch are located in which article of the Constitution?
51. Federal district court judges are appointed for
52. The largest court of appeals circuit is the
53. The rule of four refers to
54. State courts of limited jurisdiction deal with
55. The main purpose of the preliminary hearing is to
56. The process of questioning prospective jury members is referred to as the
57. An example of an indirect appeal is
58. The main purpose of arraignment is for
59. In a criminal trial, the prosecution rebuttal comes directly after the
60. What is the main purpose of a grand jury?