May 9, 2017
Present: Ellen Daugherty, Phil Fry, Brad Hall, Ginny Melver, Dave Stobbs, Jon Hauerwas.
Excused: Dan Shaughnessy
The meeting opened with prayer by Dave Stobbs at 7 PM.
Minutes of the April 11, 2017 meeting were approved with the correction of the date of the next meeting.
The agenda was approved.
Financial reports were e-mailed. It was noted that the charge by Koslowski was paid this year because the work was done in 2017 due to the weather delay in 2016 but that it was budgeted for and approved in 2016.
For the Record:
- Phil Fry was welcomed to the committee.
- Motion for Christensen recital was approved by session.
- Motion for funds to buy supplies to repair the fountain was approved by session.
- Dan was thanked in absentia for repairing the Fountain in the Celtic Garden. The fund for repair came from an anonymous donor of $1000 and the Celtic Garden Fund will be charged for $200.
- Sanctuary floor improvements are postponed until next year.
- Recycling – the bin in the parking lot is now to be emptied every other week with the church receiving a monetary return.
Issues in Progress:
- A stone bench in the Celtic Garden which is deteriorating is to be replaced with a bench donated by the Spindler family. The bench will be placed in the shed until it can be installed properly. Jeremiah is the point person with Dave helping him.
- The church insurance company is recommending that we increase the coverage of the contents of the church. It was suggested that it be increased from 10% to 15% this year since it was not an item in our budget. It will be increased in increments in the future. Ginny will handle this.
- Cement work for Rockynol parking lot apron was approved last Oct but the motion was not taken to session for approval. Money will come from the parking lot fund unless Rockynol will absorb the cost, which is $9500, as part of their renovation agreement. Brad moved that we request Perrin to do the repair and that we bill Ohio Living. Motion passed.
- Security, cameras, fire and smoke detectors – This is a work in progress and we are still obtaining bids
Personnel committee joined us to discuss possible solution to the problems experienced that effect both personnel and properties. A check list of custodian jobs for each shift is in progress.
New Business:
- Contracts – Most are due for evaluation and renewal in the next few months.
- A request was made to borrow some long tables for a few days. The issue of people borrowing items without asking was brought up. Handling of this matter was tabled until the next meeting.
Fix it list:
- Cement pad near kitchen door – Roger will talk to Perrin Asphalt.
- Narthex step repair – mortar between slabs has deteriorated again. Other areas in need of repair will be identified so this will be tabled until the next meeting.
- Men’s bathroom stall door will be repaired by Dave.
- Rubber step pad near rear stairway is to be checked by Dave.
- Sweep/hose down of boiler room will be assigned to Jeremiah.
- Obtaining a sturdy step/platform is needed to get to the flat roof. Roger will talk to Bruce Barnes.
- Baseboards in the hallway outside the offices may be Jeremiah
- Paper towel holder in new men’s bathroom will be checked and repaired by Dave.
- A set of instruction on the proper switch setting of the CE entry power door will be completed by Roger.
- Handrails by CE door need to be cleared of snow and rain on Sunday morning by the custodian. Wet rails hamper the handicapped.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Next meeting is scheduled for June 13, 2017 at 7 PM
Ellen Daugherty