Performance Evaluation: 2007-2008
District Bookkeeper: ______
Job Goal: To provide efficient operation of the central office accounting systems, be of support to the Superintendent and Board of Education, and maintain accurate accounts to insure the proper maintenance and operation of the District fiscal operation.
Rating Explanation
U = Unsatisfactory
N = Needs improvement
S = Satisfactory
E = Excellent
U N S E Maintain an accurate, complete, and systematic set of records of all financial transactions of the District.
U N S E Serve as the Board Treasurer and record the minutes of all Board meetings.
U N S E Prepare financial statements, income statements, and cost reports to reflect the financial condition of the District.
U N S E Trace errors and record adjustments to correct changes or credits posted to incorrect accounts.
U N S E Compute and record cash receipt summaries.
U N S E Maintain the District lunch account.
U N S E Reconcile accounts with bank statements and verify bank balances with statements.
U N S E Prepare payroll and all related reports and records.
U N S E Pays all bills of the District.
U N S E Deposit all monies of the District.
U N S E Maintain personnel absence and leave files.
U N S E Figure timecards of all non-certified personnel weekly.
U N S E Prepare annual lunch reports.
U N S E Prepare expenditure reports for all state and federal grants.
U N S E Prepare the annual TRS report.
U N S E Prepare the monthly and annual treasurer’s report publication.
U N S E Prepare the annual budget report.
U N S E Work with the Superintendent in preparing various budgets and reports.
U N S E Any and all other duties as assigned and deemed worthy by the Superintendent.
U N S E Promotes high standards of safety and good housekeeping methods in all work-related areas.
U N S E Assists the Superintendent as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent.
Superintendent’s comments:
District Bookkeeper comments:
I have reviewed this evaluation. I have a copy thereof.
Employee Date
I have discussed this evaluation with the employee whose signature is above.
Signature of Supervisor Date