SQA Post Results Services

What are Post Results Services?

Post-results services can be used where a centre has concerns about a candidate’s certificated result.

Shortly after the results are published the Head Teacher and SQA Coordinator will meet with Heads of Department to discuss individual cases where it is believed that an error may have occurred with either the marking or totalling of the marks in the external assessment. This is most likely to have been signalled by a significant difference between the centre’s estimated grade, and their final certificated result.

At this point the centre can request a clerical check or a marking review.

A clerical check is simply a check that:

  • all parts of the candidate’s assessment have been marked, and
  • the marks given for each answer have been totalled correctly.

As the majority of subjects are marked, and the marks totalled, electronically this renders a clerical check pointless in these cases.

A marking review is a check that:

  • all parts of the candidate’s assessment have been marked
  • the marking is in line with the national standard
  • the marks given for each answer have been totalled correctly, and
  • the correct result has been entered on the SQA’s results software.

The final decision as to whether a clerical check or marking review is requested lies with the Head Teacher of the centre. Requests will not be accepted by SQA from parents/carers. Candidates, however, must have given permission for a clerical check or marking review to be undertaken by SQA; and they must also be aware that, as a result of a clerical check or marking review, their grade can go up or down.

A Post Results request form will be available from the School Office (copy attached). This should be completed and returned immediately for Priority Marking Reviews (i.e. Reviews affecting University or College entrance). All other Post Results requests should be submitted by Friday 19 August.

Post Results

I am dissatisfied with my SQA final grade and wish the school to consider a referral to the Post Results Service on my behalf.

[Please provide detail of which subject/grade you are dissatisfied with in the box below]

I understand that, if a referral to the Post Results Service is made on my behalf, my awarded grade may go up or down.

Signature of Candidate:

Signature of Parent/Carer:


Please take this completed form to the school office for the attention of the head teacher or campus principal of your school no later than 10 working days before the published deadline for Post Results Service. Please note that it is at the discretion of the head teacher or campus principal whether a referral to the Post Results Service is made.