September 20, 2007Regular MeetingBoard of Education
Carol Hamm602 Farrish
PresidentMadison, Il. 62060
A regular meeting of the Board of Education of Madison Community Unit School District #12 of MadisonCounty, Madison, Illinois was held at the former Board of Education Office, 1707 4thStreet,Madison, Illinois in said District on the twentieth
day of September 2007 at6:00 P.M.
Members present:Carol Hamm, Steve Skoklo, James Gardner, Jr.,
James Newsome, Joseph Garcia, Sonja Vauters,
Celena Browley
Members absent:None
Also present:Dr. Sandra Schroeder, Toni Cromer, Rob Miller,
Bobbie Dallas, Evelyn Kelly, Tracy Ross, Robert Lenhardt,
Valeska Hill, Terrien Fennoy, Willard Owens,
Jennifer Root, Robert Diabers, Jim Laing
.Roll call: Newsome, aye; Hamm, aye; Gardner, aye; Garcia, aye; Skoklo, aye;
Vauters, aye; Browley, aye. 7 ayes. 0 absent.
Public Input
Jim Laing presented the architect report.
Dr. Bob Daibers addressed the board regarding the process for entering into an
Intergovernmental agreement with the VeniceSchool District.
Union President, Bobbie Dallas stated that the union had nothing to discuss at this time.
Routine Matters
It was moved bySkoklo, seconded by Gardnerthat the Board of Education approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 16, 2007;
Roll call: Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Newsome, aye; Skoklo, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
It as moved by Newsome, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education approve the minutes of the special meeting held August 30, 2007;
Roll call: Newsome, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Garcia, aye; Gardner, aye;
Hamm, aye; Browley, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Newsome seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education approve the
bill list/payroll in the amount of $1,436,680.48;
Roll call: Gardner, aye; Vauters, aye; Skoklo, aye; Garcia, aye; Browley, aye; Newsome, aye; Hamm, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved byNewsome, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education approve the Treasurer’s Report;
Roll call: Hamm, aye; Garcia, aye; Newsome, aye; Browley, aye; Skoklo, aye; Gardner, aye; Vauters, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
Policy and Procedure
It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Newsome that the Board of Education
Approves the District Improvement Plan;
Roll call: Garcia, aye; Gardner, aye; Browley, aye; Hamm, aye; Vauters, aye;
Skoklo, aye; Newsome, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
That the Board of Education table the motion to approve the Long Accelerated Elementary Restructuring Plan;
Roll call: All ayes.
That the Board of Education table the motion to approve the Madison Accelerated High School Corrective Action Plan;
Roll call: All ayes.
It was moved by Newsome, seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education approves the Vendor list for food service purchases that generate revenue in the excess of $1000.00 in a year;
Roll call: Newsome, aye; Browley, aye; Vauters, aye; Skoklo, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Gardner, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Newsome, seconded by Hamm that the Board of Education approves the motion to contract with Gatekeeper Incorporated to provide services for the administration of the district 403b Plans;
Roll call: Vauters, aye; Gardner, aye; Garcia, aye; Browley, aye; Skoklo, aye; Hamm, aye; Newsome, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Newsome that the Board of Education approves the motion for the electrical bid for electrical upgrades at MadisonAcceleratedMiddle School through the E2T2 grant;
Roll call: Browley, aye; Hamm, aye; Skoklo, aye; Gardner, aye; Newsome, aye; Vauters, aye; Garcia, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Garcia that the Board of Education approves the employment of Sue Skoklo to the position of Administrative Assistant/Secretary to the Board of Education, at a salary of $28,000.00 per year with 6 months probation;
Roll call: Garcia, aye; Newsome, nay; Gardner, aye; Vauters, aye; Skoklo, present; Hamm, aye; Browley, aye. 5 ayes. 1 nay. 1 present. Motion carried.
It was moved by Newsome, seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education approves the employment of Cornell Cox to the position of High School Assistant Boy’s Basketball Coach effective the 2007 – 2008 basketball season;
Roll call: Browley, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Hamm, aye; Garcia, aye; Newsome, aye; Gardner, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Browley, seconded by Newsome that the Board of Education approves the employment of Shantavia Berry to the position of High School Cheerleading Sponsor effective the 2007 -2008 season;
Roll call: Skoklo, aye; Garcia, present; Newsome, aye; Browley, aye; Gardner, aye; Hamm, aye; Vauters, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Newsome, seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education approves the request for FMLA leave for Amanda Warma beginning tentatively October 17, 2007 and ending tentatively November 28, 2007;
Roll call: Vauters, aye; Garcia, aye; Browley, aye; Gardner, aye; Hamm, aye; Newsome, aye; Skoklo, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
That the Board of Education accepts the resignation and/or dismissal of certified employee due to lack of certification;
Roll call: No action taken
It was moved by Newsome, seconded by Gardner that the Board of Education approves the 2007 – 2008 budget;
Roll call: Newsome, aye; Hamm, aye; Browley, aye; Skoklo, aye; Gardner, aye; Vauters, aye; Garcia, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Newsome, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education goes into executive session at 7:44 p.m.;
Roll call: Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Newsome, aye; Browley, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Gardner, aye. 7 Ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Newsome that the Board of Education return to regular session at 8:06 p.m.;
Roll call: Browley, aye; Hamm, aye; Skoklo, aye; Gardner, aye; Newsome, aye; Vauters, aye; Garcia, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Newsome, seconded by Hamm that the Board of Education adjourn the meeting at 8:11 p.m.;
Roll call: Garcia, aye; Newsome, aye; Gardner, aye; Vauters, aye; Skoklo, aye; Hamm, aye; Browley, aye. 7 ayes. Motion carried.
. DATE:______
President, Carol Hamm
Secretary, Sonja Vauters