Name: ______Pd.: _____ Date: ______
Ch 11 Blood Analysis Matching Vocabulary Quiz
Match the following blood spatter terms with the definitions below. Not all of the words will be used.
a. / angle of impact / m. / parent dropb. / back spatter / n. / passive drop (bleeding)
c. / BSA / o. / point of convergence
d. / cast-off pattern / p. / point of origin
e. / directionality / q. / satellite spatter
f. / expirated blood / r. / spine
g. / flight path / s. / swipe pattern
h. / flow pattern / t. / target
i. / high velocity impact / u. / transfer or contact pattern
j. / impact site / v. / void
k. / low velocity impact / w. / wipe pattern
l. / medium velocity impact
____ 1. path of a blood drop as it moves through space
____ 2. the original blood droplet that casts off a wave or satellite
____ 3. common area in a three-dimensional space to which the trajectories of several blood drops can be retraced
____ 4. the acute angle formed between the direction of a blood drop and the plane of the surface it strikes
____ 5. transfer of blood from a moving source onto an unstained surface
____ 6. bloodstain formed by the force of gravity acting alone
____ 7. pattern created when blood is released or thrown from a moving blood-bearing object
____ 8. spatter that produces the largest blood droplets
____ 9. spatter that produces the smallest blood droplets
____ 10. bloodstain pattern created when an object moves through an existing stain, removing it or changing its appearance
____ 11. forensic science field that deals with the properties of blood the patterns produced under different conditions
____ 12. an absence of stains in an otherwise continuous bloodstain pattern
____ 13. blood that is blown out of the nose, mouth, or a wound as a result of air pressure
____ 14. pointed or elongated stains that radiate from the central area of a bloodstain
____ 15. the point where force meets a blood source
____ 16. surface onto which blood is deposited
____ 17. blood directed back toward the source of energy or force that caused the spatter
____ 18. common area on a two-dimensional surface over which the directionality of several blood drops can be retraced
____ 19. a change in the shape and direction of a blood stain due to the influence of gravity or movement of the object
____ 20. small droplets of blood distributed around a drop or pool of blood as a result of the blood hitting a surface